Chapter 22

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The sound of Beach house by the chain smokers plays through my speaker as I finish my makeup with winged eyeliner. Standing in the mirror I'm wearing a short light blue floral dress with a pair of black ankle boots. 

I begin to dance around my room when I'm suddenly pinned against the wall. "Miss me Karlie?" Chris' voice purrs in my ear causing my body to tense up at the sound. "Get off me." I snap shoving him back as I move towards the door quickly. "You look so hot though." he says with a sickening smile. "Get out of I will call the cops." I tell him as I look across the room to see my phone by him on the desk, Fuck. 

He begins walking closer, think Lynn. I can't grab the phone without getting close to him, or I could run. Chris is halfway across the room when I bolt out the door, in heels might I add. "Where are you going Karlie?" he calls as I slip in the hardwood floor in the hall. My head hits the wall on the way down to the floor. I should have known he was going to pay bail, with a groan I lightly touch my forehead noticing blood. 

He knew I'd run and poured oil on the floor, Chris walks into the hall towards me as I try to get up but slip again. My body starts crawling toward the front door only to be grabbed by my ankle and dragged back. "Get AWAY FROM ME" I yell as I kick him in the face managing to get up and run to the kitchen. 

I'm tackled to the floor as Chris sits on top of me pinning my arms and legs down. "Going somewhere Karlie?" he whispers as he uses only one hand to keep my hands pinned as I feel his hand on my thigh. "GET OFF OF ME STOP" I scream thrashing trying to get out of his grip, His fist collides with my mouth. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth, "SHUT UP." he growls back as I spit in his face earning another jab to the face. 

"Ugghh" I groan in pain, "This is going to be fun," he smirks as his hand travels further up my thigh. "STOP PLEASE STOP" I yell as tears begin to fall from my eyes, "Not again please stop," I say through sobs as Chris punches me in the face again knocking me out completely. 

Steve's POV 

As I pull up to Lynn's house I park next to her new Lamborghini, I just hope she'll let me drive her car to dinner. I kill the engine and make my way up the path to the house, as I approach the door it's opened a crack. "Lynn?" I call into the dark house as I knock on the front door, I pause waiting for a response, but don't get one. My right-hand reaches to my hip removing my gun from the holster as I push the door open walking inside. 

Clicking on the flashlight on my gun I begin to clear the house making my way down the hall noticing the abnormal shine on the floor, kneeling down I touch the floor getting some sort of oil. I stand up again and proceed to check Lynn's room which is clear before making my way to the kitchen at the end of the hall. 

As I walk in I notice Lynn on the floor with blood coming from her mouth and nose, I put my gun back in the holster kneeling down checking for a pulse. She's still breathing, pulling out my phone I dial for an ambulance. Why is it always Lynn that ends up in the hospital? I sigh calling Danny, He answers on the third ring. "the date can't being that bad already." Danny answers, "Danny, you need to meet me at the hospital. It's Lynn." I tell him. "What happened?" he asks as his tone does a 180. "I got to her place and the door was open and she was unconscious in the kitchen," I tell him. "I'll meet you at the hospital," he replies as I hang up. 

Lynn's POV

The sound of beeing is what wakes me up, with a groan I open my eye to see Steve sitting there. I try and push myself up in a sitting position only to be stopped by Steve. "Just take it easy." He says sitting next to me holding my hand. "If you didn't wanna go to dinner you could've just called." he jokes making me crack a smile. "Lynn?" Danny's voice is heard before he enters the room. "Are you okay? What happened?" my brother asks looking from Steve to me.

I go to reply when Dr. Chase walks in the room shortly after Danny, the same doctor I had after I was hit by the car in New Jersey. "Doctor Chase, your a little far from home," I say looking at him. "I could say the same for you Lynn, also we need to stop meeting under these circumstances," he says walking over. "Trust me this wasn't my idea, can I ask for a favour?" I ask bitting my lip I can tell Danny and Steve have a lot of questions and after everything that I'm not going to be able to dodge. "It depends," he replies, "Can you run an S.A.E.K test on me please," I ask closing my eyes. What bothers me the most is I don't know if he did or didn't do anything. 

"Yeah I can arrange for one," he replies giving me a sad look before leaving. "So um I have a couple questions starting off with how you knew that doctor?" Danny asks. I look at Danny, "He's treated me a couple times after Chris sent me to the ER and he treated me after I was hit by the car in New Jersey." I reply. Danny nods, "What's and S.A.E.K test?" Steve asks. "It's a Sexual assault evidence kit test," I reply looking away. "What happened?" Steve asks as I explain what I remember before I was knocked out. 

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