Chapter 11

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Steve sighs shaking his head, "Why didn't you tell me you were still getting messages?" he asks. "Because I already changed my number and got a new phone they got my number again," I reply. "Okay that still doesn't explain why you wouldn't tell me or Danny." he says, "Because I don't want to bother you plus I thought we solved the case," I reply. "Okay so I'm assuming you went to the hospital to check birth records around June of 1990?" he asks looking at me. "I have a friend looking, so turns out I was dropped on the doorstep of a church and when I went to get look at the file it wasn't there," I reply. 

Steve gives me a weird look, "Either the church sucks at keeping records or someone is trying to keep you hidden, the question is why?" he asks, "I don't know but I really don't think this hit and run was a coincidence." I add. "A hit and run?" Steve asks wide-eyed, "I could look into more if you'd like to see what comes up in the HPD database?" he offers. "That'd be great" I reply as Steve puts his arm around me pressing his lips to mine softly. 

Our lips moving in sync until Steve brushes my ribs with his arm causing me to pull away wincing in pain. "I'm sorry," he says standing up, "No it's okay," I reply. "Where are the painkillers? the doctor did prescribe some right?" he asks as he walks over to my suitcase. "Yeah, but I haven't gotten it filled yet," I reply as my phone rings. 

'Unknown number' I press answer holding the phone to my ear, "Hello this is Lynn" I answer. "Hey Lynn it's Doctor Chase, how are you feeling?" his thick accent asks through the phone. "Like I was road kill, Jersey style" I reply causing him to let out a laugh. "Minus the killing yeah, you were in rough shape when they wheeled you in the ER," he says. "I still feel it." I reply, "Have you started the medication I gave you?" he asks. "I just got back to Hawaii, I've been a little busy," I reply. 

"Lynn how are you not on the floor crying in pain?" he asks, "With effort, I appreciate checking up on me but I don't think you called to ask me how the painkillers are working Doctor," I reply glancing at Steve whose watching my every word. "Oh Yeah, So I look into hospital records here and across New Jersey and I haven't found anything," he says. "What are the chances of a home birth in that time?" I ask him. "In the 1990s home birthing was very popular, sorry I couldn't help you out more," he says. "No, it's okay. Thank you" I say, "Your welcome, um listen the next time you're in Jersey you should give me a call maybe go grab dinner?" he asks. 

I look at Steve, "Um, look. I'm flattered honestly, but I'm kinda into someone else right now." I tell him as I hang up. "Only kinda into someone else?" Steve asks with a grin on his face, "I could be talking about Kono for all you know" I reply returning the smirk. "Sure" he replies as his phone rings. 

"Hey this is McGarrett" he answers, "Yeah, no need. She's home. Yeah. See you soon Danno" Steve says putting the phone back in his pocket, "Danny's coming." I ask more as a statement rather than, "Yeah, he's been freaking out since you stopped replying to us." he says. "Can we get the painkillers first?" I ask partly joking as Steve lets out a chuckle. "I'd save them until after," Steve replies with that Steve McGarrett grin that makes my heart race a little faster. 

It didn't take Danny long to get here or for the famous Danny Williams lecture. "Okay, I'm done yelling," Danny says after I stayed silent for 10 minutes while he just grilled me. "You sure?" I ask as the pain intensifies causing me to wince. "Stop being a smart ass for one minute, are you okay?" Danny asks. "Yeah I just need to go pick up painkillers" I reply, "So what's the damage?" he asks referring to my physical state. "Fractured ankle, broken wrist and 2 broken ribs that are going to be the death of me," I reply. "So what exactly caused that and who and more importantly who am I hurting for doing this to you?" Danny asks. "Danno It was a hit and run, I didn't even see the car coming," I reply looking down. 

"I still find the timing of this weird along with the fact the hospital has no record of your birth across New Jersey," Steve says, "Wait why are you looking for your birth records?" Danny asks looking at me. "Because I was adopted, Danny," I replied looking at him as he begins to laugh. "You know I was only kidding when I told you that," Danny says with a laugh. "You might have been joking as kids but it's true," I reply. 

After we fill Danny in he agrees that things seem odd the timing of the hit and run and the lack of my birth records. Nothing makes sense but the only thing that does is I was hidden for a reason. "What are you thinking about?" Steve asks running his finger up my arm sending chills through my body. "Someone was trying to hide me, that much is clear." I say, "Okay but why?" Steve asks. "To protect me." I reply, "But why would a baby need protection?" Danny asks. "Because the parents are the target," Steve says sitting up. 

"Target? Okay, you are both perfect for each other. Your delusional and paranoid" he says being Danny. "Is it a requirement for SEAL school?" he asks, "Can I ask you something? How are Steve and I having the same paranoid delusion? it's inconceivable" I reply. Steve looks at me, "Princess Bride? Nice" he says catching my reference to the classic movie. 

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