Chapter 7

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It's been a couple weeks since everything happened on Taylor's yacht. I quit modelling and sold my house in Malibu and the estate. I drive towards HPD listening to the radio bobbing my head to the beat. The drive isn't long, I walk into the Five-0 head quarters and take the stairs up to the second floor walking through a pair of glass doors where Steve is standing with Chin. 

They both look up when they see me, "Hey little williams" Steve says with a smile as I walk over. "Hey." I reply with a smile, "How have you been?" he asks. I shrug, "Okay considering everything that happened." I reply. Steve nods looking at me, "So your leaving modelling?" he asks. I stand there for a moment when Chin pulls up numerous articles on the TV's. "Yeah, Have you seen Danny?" I ask changing the subject. 

"Why'd you change the subject?" he asks, "Because there's not much to say, I quit modelling. Have you seen Danny?" I ask again, "You were a supermodel for 5 years why quit? I don't understand" Steve says. "I'll just call him" I say pulling out my phone as my brother walks in, "Lynn, what a surprise," Danny says walking over and pulling me into a hug. "How are you?" I ask him, "Not great, The hotel I'm staying in wants the room for an event their holding in the hotel and I haven't found a place yet" Danny says with a sigh. 

I smile at him, "why are you smiling?" Danny asks. "yeah, why are you smiling?" Steve asks as I pull a key out of my pocket and hand it to Danny. "Why are you giving me a key?" he asks, I roll my eyes. "I sold my beach house and the estate and bought you a house 2 bedroom 2 bathroom and it's away from the ocean." I reply as Danny's mouth drops. 

"No" he says trying to give me the key back, "To bad the house is already in your name and I've already hired movers to move you in." I reply. "Lynn you didn't have to do that" Danny says pulling me into a hug. "Is now a good time to add that I added to Graces post-secondary fund?" I ask. "You are crazy" Danny says, "You can't take money with you when you go so might as well enjoy it." I say with a smile. 

"So you left your stuff at my place, I can drop it off if you'd like?" Steve offers, "I'll text you the address" I reply as I walk towards the door, "I remember where you live" He replies. "I moved" I reply as I push open the doors and head outside to my car. I climb in and head home, the drive is only 20 minutes from the Five-0 HQ. 

I pull into the driveway and kill the engine, I send Steve the address as I climb out of the car and walk up the steps to the front door. I kick off my Birkenstocks and walk into the house and turn down the hall walking into my room still mostly in boxes since I moved in less than a week ago. I throw on my dance playlist and begin to unpack my room.  The walls were painted white and I got navy blue and white sheets for the room. I change into a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and a black lace bra with lace hanging down to about my belly button. I change my pants again into my old navy pants and boots and head across the hall to the dance studio. 

I plug my phone into the overhead speakers and begin working on the choreography for Naughty girl by Beyonce for the competition coming up. The group doing this choreography are 18+. I count the steps per move, as I lose myself in the music trying to be as sexy as possible. After the song ends I go to grab some water from the kitchen when I see Steve standing in the door way with a smirk on his face. 

"You know just because your a cop doesn't make breaking and entering any less legal for you" I tell him as I walk past him and head to the kitchen grabbing a glass. I turn the tap to cold and fill the cup halfway before chugging it all back. I set the glass in the sink, "So what made you quit modelling for good?" Steve asks again. I cross my arms, "Lieutenant Thomas Mattew" I say watching his reaction. 

He looks surprised, "You remember." he says. I shake my head, "You just confirmed my theory" I reply. "Why didn't you just tell me?" I ask punching his shoulder playfully as I crack a smile. A brief moment flashes in my head of us sleeping together on the ship since Steve was higher in command. I look away hoping he wouldn't catch me blushing, how could I forget commander Steve McGarrett. He chuckles, "I'm a little hurt you don't remember the mornings we spent together followed by a great night." he says smirking. 

"Yeah, I guess when Tom died I repressed all of it. sorry " I reply softly, Steve steps forwards placing his hand on my cheek looking down at me with his hazel blue eyes. I close my eyes at the touch, "It's okay" he says. I open my eyes meeting his gaze again. I slowly place my right hand on his waist my hand slowly moves to his groin when he grabs both my wrists stopping me. "Lynn we can't," he says and I step back instantly. 

I shrug, "Okay." I reply as I walk back towards my room trying to fight the tears in my eyes. "Lynn" Steve calls behind me but I ignore his calls and walk into my room. He follows me into the room, "Fuck it" he says as he walks over to me smashing his lips against mine. He breaks the kiss places kisses down my neck finding my sweet spot making me moan slightly as his hands brush my back unclasping my bra with one hand.

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