Chapter 16

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I sit on the beach starring off at the waves washing up on shore before being pulled back out to sea allowing a new wave to wash up along the shore in its place. The sand is warm already for 8 in the morning as I sit on the beach smoking a cigarette. 

I take a long drag holding the smoke for a moment before watching the smoke roll out of my mouth as I exhale. The grey smoke dancing in the sunlight, "I haven't seen you smoke since we were in Iraq" Steve's voice sounds from behind me as I take another drag, holding in the smoke again before releasing it. "Can you really blame me after today?" I ask as he sits down next to me. "No, I don't blame you. Just don't get too held up on what could've been and focus on what did happen." Steve says as I look at him. 

I chew the inside of my cheek again before nodding in agreement. "What makes me mad is the fact he got away with doing this." I reply, "We'll catch him, Lynn." Steve says. "you mean you and Five-0 will catch him." I reply correcting him as I continue to watch the waves crash on shore; something about it relaxes me. "No, I meant we," Steve says causing me to look back at him in confusion. He reached into a pocket in his cargo pants pulling out a gold badge. He places it in my hand, 'FIVE 0' my fingers brush over the letters. "Steve I don't know about this what about Danny and us?" I ask. "Danny's fine with it, it was his idea since you quit modelling and what about us?" he asks. 

"Steve, isn't it going to be a bit weird us sleeping together and working together?" I replied looking at him. "I'm sure we can make it work Lynn," he replies, I shake my head no. "I can't Steve," I say looking at him. "I'm not in the right mindset to be carrying a badge and gun right now," I tell him as I look back at the waves. "The job is here whenever you're ready," he says as I feel his gaze on me. 

He's concerned about me, after what I said to Danny after I left I don't blame them and I don't regret what I said. "It's so hard to look back at the years of modelling and knowing that I'm the reason one of the worlds greatest models is dead," I tell him as the waves rhythmically roll on shore before being pulled back out to sea. "I used to have poster's of her in my room, I always wanted to make it big like her," I reply smiling at the memory of my room.  I look up at Steve, "I just need to find a way to channel everything and just cope." I reply. He nods, "That sounds like a good idea." he says. 

Steve's phone rings, "We'll get through this Lynn together, Wo Fat will be brought to justice for his crimes." he tells me as he pulls his phone out of a pocket from his green cargo pants. "McGarrett," Steve says answering his phone as my new phone rings as well. 'T Swift' Steve looks at me as I look at the screen. Do I answer it? "Hey," I say answering the phone getting up walking a few feet away so I don't interrupt Steve's work call. "Hey, we haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?" Taylor asks through the phone. 

"Yeah, it's been a while. I'm okay, how are you?" I ask her, "I'm good did you watch the Grammy's?" she asks. Shit that was last night? "No, I missed it. I'm so sorry Tay" I tell her. "It's okay, that's not why I'm calling. I'm calling to tell you Chris is looking for you." she says, "I thought he was on tour in Europe with Drake?" I reply. "Well he's back and he's back to drinking. Just be careful." She tells me. "Thank you for telling me," I reply as I hang up turning to see Steve. "Everything okay?" he asks as I nod, " We caught a case, you sure you don't wanna come?" he asks. "No thank you, go do your thing," I reply with a fake smile, "Okay" he replies leaning down and kissing me softly before heading up the beach to his truck. 

"Chris Chris stop!" I scream as he pressing the broken bottle against my throat. Tears stream down my face. "STOP PLEASE CHris" I scream, I'm tossed across the kitchen. "Shut up" he hisses as he raises his hand. I close my eyes as my cheek stings from the impact. 

I walk up the beach heading towards my house, he doesn't know where I am It'll be okay. I try to reassure myself. The past is just that in the past, I take a deep breath as I make my way up the path to my house. Grabbing the keys out of my pocket, I push the key into the door twisting it until the lock clicks. I turn the handle opening the door, the house is the same as I left it. I close the door behind me as I head down the hall to my room. Sitting down at the wooden desk I pull out my bong, grinder and filter before I pack a bowl inhaling the smoke. After a few seconds, I release the smoke into the filter purifying the air. 

My body lays back completely relaxed from the weed I just smoked. I throw on the radio as I stare at the wall. After half an hour I look around before crawling into bed and falling asleep instantly. 

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