Chapter 18

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I'm driven to the police station in the back of a separate cruizer than Chris. Great Danny is gonna flip especially since they asked me about Chris earlier and I blew them off. We pull into HPD and Chris and I are pulled out of the car both of us handcuffed. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT KARLIE" he yells fighting the officers as I'm guided into the building passing Steve and Danny on the way in. 

"Wait hold up, what's going on?" Steve asks spotting me instantly. "IF YOU TELL THEM ANYTHING KARLIE YOU"LL PAY" Chris yells as I avoid eye contact with Steve. "I can sign for them," he says as the officer hands him a clipboard Danny takes me from the officer and Steve takes Chris. 

Danny leads me into Steve's office uncuffing me. "Sit" he says as he walks around the desk to his seat. My face only now beginning to ache in pain from the recent blows. Looking down my dress has blood on it.  The door opens and closes as I stay focused on looking at the floor, "What the hell happened?" Steve asks. "I'm sure there are already videos on the internet to answer that," I reply. "Lynn now is not a time for smart ass remarks," Danny snaps, I stay quiet avoiding eye contact. 

"Okay, what happened to your face?" Steve asks another question getting the same response, silence. "Okay, I did try to do this the nice way." Steve says opening a file on his desk. My file, I sit there zoning out. 

"Why can't you just let me go?" I cry as Chris kicks me in the ribs before kneeling down beside me. "Because you belong to me Karlie." he whispers in my ear. 

"LYNN!" Someone yells waving a hand in front of me causing me to flinch back. I look up to see Danny and Steve with horrified looks. "I wasn't going to hit you Lynn." Danny says with pain in his voice. "He hit you didn't he? He had to be the one in control or he's lash out on you. Yell at you all the time blame you for his mistakes" Steve says "Stop" I say softly trying not to cry. "The LA PD places a restraining order for you because he got drunk and came home and when you tried to put him to bed he smashed the bottle and tried to kill you with- STOP" I snap standing up as anger fills me. "Do I need to continue?" Steve asks, I cover my mouth trying not to sob. I look back at Steve, "Fuck You" I say softly as I walk towards the door only to be stopped by Danny. 

"Lynn your not running away from this anymore it gets dealt with here and now." Steve says standing up. "Have a seat." he says, anger surges through me as I turn and punch the brick wall. I turn back to the guys and sigh. "Taylor won the best video of the year and as we were going down to accept the award Chris came out of nowhere and decked me started just nailing me in the face until he was dragged off me." I reply. "It wasn't provoked?" Steve asks causing me to look at him with a what the fuck look. "No, I stay as far away from him as possible after what happened I never want to see him again," I reply as I begin to pace. 

"After what happened?" Danny asks I shake my head no staying silent. "Lynn we can't do anything if you don't give us anything to go on," Steve says. I scoff, "You won't be able to do anything anyways! This is Chris Brown Rihanna tried to do something after and nothing. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT BECAUSE HE HAS MONEY" I snap clenching my now aching fist. 

"We will do something but we can't if you don't talk to us. You have my word we will do something" Steve says. I pause looking away before sighing. "Okay." I say looking up at Steve, "How's you meet?" he asks causing me to shift uncomfortably, "I was working at a club in Jersey and he stopped by when he was on tour after a show." I reply. "What caused you to walk away?" Steve asks. 

I take a deep breath in letting a shaky breath out as tears fill my eyes. "I left the night that report was written, but what it left out was the first responders that got to the scene..." I can't even say it, "He forced himself on me." I whisper not able to look at either of them, they're both quiet. "I'm so sorry that happened to you." Steve says, "The females in my family don't have the best luck I guess." I reply. Steve gets up and heads for the door, along with Danny. 

Steve's POV 

Angry doesn't even describe how mad I am about all this. Danny hasn't said a word as I make my way to the interrogation room walking in. Chris is sat cuffed to the metal chair in the room, Danny walks in and nails him in the face with a solid right hook, "You can't do that! I'd like to report this officer." he says looking at me. I nail him in the face after shaking my hand, "I'd like my lawyer." he says with a smirk. "You think beating up women is okay?" Danny asks, "I don't know what your talking about." he replies smiling. 

With one movement I kick his chair knocking him to the floor. Chris lands face first considering he's handcuffed. "You think this is funny? You do realize that girl you beat up tonight is my little sister." Danny says. Chris has a shit eating grin on his face, "Why are you smiling your facing 10 years maximum jail time right now." I tell him. He laughs, "I have a very good lawyer the charges won't stick. I will admit I had fun with her." he taunts. 

I pick the chair off the floor only to nail this bastard in the gut, "THAt IS MY GIRLFRIEND YOUR TALKING ABOUT YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT." I yell getting in his face. "She used to cry for you in her sleep every night after I'd beat her so bad she'd lay on the floor just crying Steve help," He says as Danny pulls me out of the room.

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