Chapter 10

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I Walk up the steps to a massive stone church, I walk up to the door and walk inside. To think that this is where I was left at under a year old. "Hi there can I help you?" an older man asks as he approaches me. "Hi I'm Lynn and I was left here as a baby, I'm looking for my parents," I tell him. His face goes from cheery to serious, "I'm father John and Yeah, how long ago was that?" he asks. "It would have been in June of 1990," I reply, "Those files would be in the basement filing cabinet, follow me." he says as he leads us to a stairwell. 

As we make our way down the stair I begin to get chills, the basement is all cement as we walk over to a room full of filing cabinets. John walks over to a filing cabinet opening a drawer labelled '90. I stand back as he goes through the files, "That's weird" he says pausing. "What?" I ask stepping closer, "The file isn't here" he says. "Are you sure?" I ask, he steps aside to allow me to see for myself. I look through the files and as father John said my file is missing the only question is why? "thank you for your time" I tell him as I head upstairs and outside pulling out a pack of smokes from my beige cargo pants.

 I put one in my mouth lighting it as I head back towards my hotel. Who would steal my file? I find myself asking. 'Someone who clearly didn't want word to get out about me'  I take a drag as I walk across the crosswalk of an intersection when a loud horn sounds and everything goes black. 

I wake up in the hospital as a doctor is putting a cast on, "Ms William's I'm Dr. Chase, how are you feeling?" a guy with blonde hair and an Australian accent? asks. "I'm okay, what happened?" I ask him, "You were hit in a hit and run, you fractured your left ankle so we're gonna put you in an air boot. you have 2 broken ribs and you broke your left arm." he says. "Wow. clearly not my day." I reply. 

"I'll prescribe something for the pain," he says, I shake my head no. "Trust me to love in a couple hours without the painkillers you'll want the prescription," he says as he writes down the prescription and hands it to me. "You're free to go," he says taking out my IV, I give him a small smile before pausing "Dr. Chase I have a question?" I ask him, he turns to me raising an eyebrow. "Do you know if the hospital has my birth certificate here?" I ask him. "I can look and get back to you, do you have a number I can reach you at?" he asks. I nod taking his pen and prescription pad and putting a cross through the official side before flipping it over to write down my phone number. I hand both back to him as he hands me my clothes leaving the room and closing the door giving some privacy while I change. 

After I change I head to the nurse's station where I pay off the hospital bills. I hobble out of the hospital on crutches as I hail a cab heading back to my hotel. Danny is going to lose it, not to mention me having crutches and an arm cast in a sling makes things hard to function normally. It only takes me 2 hours to get all my stuff together, check out of the hotel, get through airport security to get to my gate. 

The wait is only 20 minutes before we're allowed to start boarding the plane, I struggle to bring my carry on with me but nobody offers to help at all; Thanks. I finally get to my seat and sit down in the aisle. the flight feels like forever as the painkillers Dr.Chase prescribed begin to wear off leaving my entire body in a sharp aching pain that is consistent. 

The plane finally lands in Honolulu and I grab my carry-on dragging it off the plane with me while I go through customs, baggage claim and security. I struggle to drag everything to a cab but somehow did it as I head home finally. My ribs ache the worst from moving and sitting up, I'm just thankful of all the SEAL training or I'd probably be crying in pain right now. 

The cab pulls up to the house and I notice a black Chevy truck in the driveway. "Thank you" I tell the driver tipping him as I stand at the base of the stairs trying to think of how the fuck I'm going to get my stuff inside. I begin trying to drag the suitcase, "Whoa slow down" a familiar voice calls from the top of the Stairs. Looking up Steve standing there with a look on his face as I begin trying to make my way to meet him. "Let me help you" Steve says walking over and picking me up and carrying me up the steps before setting me down. He walks down the 5 steps and grabs my suit cases as I hobble into my house. 

"How'd you get into my house?" I ask him, "What the hell happened to you?" Steve asks as I sit down on the couch trying not to cause more pain. "I got hit by a car" I reply looking up at him, "Where have you been? You just leave Danny a message saying you have something to take care of." Steve says clearly worried. I sigh, "I went to New Jersey." I say pausing. "To find my biological parents." I say finishing my sentence. 

Steve gives me a weird look as I pull out my phone and show him the messages. "The messages didn't stop so I call my mom and asked her." I say looking away again, "You were adopted?" he asks. I nod in response, "Does Danny know?" he asks. "No" I reply looking at him again. 

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