Chapter 8

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When I wake up the bed is empty, I stretch yawning before getting up and throwing on some underwear and my silk housecoat before walking into the living room. "Unbelievable" I scoff as I walk down the hall and into the kitchen to find Steve cooking. My anger fades and a smile forms of my face as I lean in the doorway watching him cook in only his cargo pants. He turns around looking at me, "Morning" He says turning back to the stove. The kitchen smells like bacon causing my stomach to growl in hunger. 

I haven't eaten bacon in years since it's greasy and would put 5 lbs on me easily. I walk over to him placing kisses on his back as he cooks "Morning" I reply with a smile as he turns to me leaning in placing his lips on mine. My eye close as I kiss him back until the doorbell rings. I break the kiss and head out of the kitchen at the end of the hall and into the living room where the front door is. 

I open the door to see Danny standing there. He looks me up and down before smirking, "Busy night?" he asks, "What's up Danno?" I ask him. "I cannot accept the money you put aside for Grace Also how did it even get in the account?" he asks. "I called Rachal and asked her." I reply, Danny sighs as he looks me up and down, "Is he still here?" Danny asks pushing past me and into the house. "Sure come right in" I reply as Danny starts walking down the hall and into the kitchen where Steve is. 

I cover my face, great. "Here it comes Steve" I say bracing myself for Danny losing his shit. "Here comes what?" Steve asks, "This is where Danny lectures me tries to scare you off and than threatens you if you don't back off his baby sister. Look Danno can we skip that part?" I ask him. Danny walks over to Steve punching him in the mouth, "Yeah, we can skip that part." Danny replies shaking his hand. 

"Okay I guess I deserved that." Steve says touching his lip to show blood. "Steve and I met in the navy stationed in Iraq over 5 years ago" I tell Danny. "So when were you gonna tell me?" Danny asks frustrated. "Tell you what Daniel I had sex with your boss before and after you met him." I snap at Danny. "Wow thank you for that" Danny says, "Whoa, who said this was only sex?" Steve asks now crossing his arms. I take a deep breath, and release it. "Wait you guys haven't even talked about what's going on? Great." Danny says turning his back on Steve as he shakes his head before decking Steve again. 

"Okay Daniel enough, if you wanna punch someone punch me." I tell him, "Lynn would you like to grab dinner with me tonight?" Steve asks stepping closer to me. "I'd love to but I'm gonna need a rein check unless." I paused looking at Steve. "Unless what?" Danny asks, "I have an extra ticket to nationals would you like to come?" I ask. "Lymm that's crazy we can't just up and- Sure" Steve says cutting Danny. 

"Steve you can't just leave we have a job." Danny says, "You can hold down the fort for a week Danno" Steve says walking over to him. "At least your not saying good bye in a letter this time" Danny says as I head to my room. "Are you going to eat?" Steve asks and my eyes fall to the food on the table. I feel so nauseous right now I can't eat even if I wanted to. "Honestly I don't eat in the morning cause I'm usually nauseous. Thank you for cooking breakfast." I say as I walk out of the kitchen and down the hall and back into my room. 

Footsteps follow me into my room as I pull my suitcase out of the closet and change into black skinny jeans and a white top with a pair of black doc martens to finish off the look. "Can you try and eat a little?" Steve asks and I shake my head no as I look at him in the mirror in front of me. "Lynn you only eating a small bowl of salad isn't enough to sustain on" Steve adds as he walks over to me. "okay when the nausa passes I'll eat" I reply as I grab my suitcase rolling it past him to the front door. 

"When do we leave?" Steve asks following me, "We need to be at the gate in 3 hours and we have to meet the group at the studio in a half hour to board the bus." I tell him as his phone rings, well there go our plans. "Hey don't give me that look, I'm gonna take this call and then we'll head to my house so I can pack okay?" he asks stepping closer, I give a small nod. "Hello, McGarrett" he says answering the call his poker face on. "Yeah, okay. we'll be right there" he says and hangs up. 

"I'll meet you guys at the gate," he says as I hand him the ticket, he leans down and presses his lips against mine before placing kisses down my neck causing a small giggle to lease my mouth. Steve stops looking into my eyes, "Was that a giggle?" he asks me with a smirk. I can feel my face heating up. "I thought it was cute," he says, causing me to smile at him genuinely smile "Go, catch the bad guy." I tell him as I walk towards the front door grabbing the keys off the table. 

"Daniel I'm leaving" I yell as I drag the suitcase out the door and down the steps to the car. Danny and Steve come out of the house as I throw the suitcase in the trunk. Danny pulls me into a hug, "We'll talk when we get back about whatever this is," Danny says referring to her and Steve.  I nod slowly after releasing Danny from the hug, Steve opens the car door for me as I climb in I put the window down. Steve closes the door looking at me, "I'll meet you at the gate okay?" He says leaning in and kissing me. After we he breaks the kiss I drive towards the studio as the radio plays softly in the background. 

I arrive at the studio just as the bus we're taking to the airport pulls up. I park my Mustang in its normal spot before walking over to the bus. "Hey I'm Lynn" I say to the driver as I hold out my hand. "Chris" he replies shaking my hand. Chris was older with white hair but very friendly. We stand there talking while we wait for the dance crew to show up.  Turns out Chris lived was born and raised here and served 5 years in the US military. 

We need to be at the gate by 5 and it's 3:30, "When I call your name I want you to board the bus" I say standing in front of what feels like my family. I've been dancing with these people for years, I begin going down the list, everyone accounted for as Chris and I board the bus and head towards Honolulu Airport. 

20 minutes later we pull up at the airport. I manage to keep everyone together getting them to the gate the only person missing is Steve. I pull out my phone and open my messages app sending Steve a message 'Hey, the plane leaves in 20 minutes' 'Where are you?' I lock my phone and set it back in my pocket as I sit down and wait. 

"Ladies and gentleman this is the last call for flight L654 To LAX" The flight attendant calls as I walk towards the gate putting the team on the plane 10 minutes ago. I take one last look around for the tall dark haired, hazel-blue eyed man in cargo pants. I can't wait forever, I tell myself as I hand the attendant my ticket before she waves me through with a smile closing the door behind me. 

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