Chapter 23

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"You know you have really bad taste in men," Danny says looking at from the chair next to my bed. "Connor was an abusive scum bag and Chris is an abusive rapist," Danny adds looking at me. "We accept the love we think we deserve," I reply looking at him, he scoffs. "You know you deserve better than dirtbags like that Lynn," he tells me. I look at him smiling, "I know, that's why I left both of them. They're also part of the reason why I came out here." I say looking at my brother. "What's the other reason?" he asks, "The other reason is that I was scared and being close to you makes me feel safer," I reply looking down. 

Danny hugs me, "I'll always keep you safe Lynn, even from yourself if I have to." he says as he kisses my head similar to what he does to Grace before letting me go. "Danny?" I ask as he sits down looking up at me listening. "What do you think of Steve?" I ask earning a laugh, "Well he's my partner and he's crazy and controlling at times why?" he asks.  "Because I think I like him Danno," I reply. 

"I know you do, you get this glow when he walks in the room. To be quite honest it makes me sick." he jokes making me laugh. "Honestly, he's a great guy Lynn and I have no issues with you guys dating" Danny adds. I run my hands through my hair, "I know that look, what's on your mind?" he asks. "I just don't wanna get hurt again. Especially by him, we fought together overseas and- You don't want to lose him as a friend if things go bad." Danny says finishing my thought. 

I nod meeting his eyes, "Look if he hurts you I'll kick his ass." Danny says making me laugh as Doctor chase walks into the room, "Mr. Williams is it okay if I talk to your sister alone?" he asks Danny. I shake my head, "It's okay He can stay." I say as Steve walks in the room. "Are you sure?" he asks, I nod. "So I ran the S.A.E.K test as you requested and it came back positive," he says "We can run the DNA- That's alright thank you," I reply. 

"Can we take the test as evidence please," Steve asks as Doctor Chase give him the results before leaving the room.  I just sit there looking at the wall. I'm pulled into someone's arms, judging by the cologne it's Danny. "We'll get through this Lynn," he tells me holding me for a few seconds. Anger boils in me, I'm done I'm going to throw fists. 

Danny lets go and I rip the IV out of my arm before Steve or Danny can stop me. "What the Hell are you doing?" Danny asks as I stand up and go to grab my clothes only to see them in Steve's hands. "I'm going to talk to Chris," I reply casually as I reach for my clothing only to have him move them further from me. "Yeah because that's a great idea, Lynn." Danny retorts as I clench my fist so hard my nails break the skin on my palms. 

I turn to send my brother a glare when I see him before I can even think I'm running towards him tackling Chris to the floor as my fist continuously hits his face until I'm pulled off him. "WHY CAN'T YOU LET ME GO!" I scream as I thrash trying to get out of their hold, but their grip is to tight and I eventually stop and just start to sob. 

"Come on," Steve's voice says softly as he leads me back to the room. "Nice jabs," Steve whispers in my ear as my sobs turn to soft cries. I stay hugging Steve, "Where'd you learn to punch like that?" Danny asks after I let go of Steve. I wipe my eyes noticing my hands bleeding, "A soldier back in Iraq helped me perfect the technique." I reply as Steve smirks, "Glad you use the skills I taught you for good." he replies with a smirk. 

"YOU ARE MINE KARLIE! I OWN YOU" Chris yells from the hall, I start back for the door only to have Steve grab my arm stopping in the doorway to my hospital room. He smirks, "You can own the law suit I'm sending you, have a great day scumbag." I say with a smile as I close the door to the room. My smile drops the minute the door clicks shut as I lean with my head against the door. 

"Lynn?" Danny says from behind me as I punch the door as hard as I can. "Okay, take it easy," Steve says trying to meet my eyes. "He's trying to get a rise out of you Lynn," Steve says. I huff, "well it's working." I reply meeting his gaze. "Don't give him the satifaction, we will get through this," he says pressing his forehead to mine as I gaze into his eyes. Butterflies fill stomach as I look into his eyes, apart of me knowing he's right. Danny wouldn't lead me astray either, "Mahalo." I say softly. 

Steve smiles as he leads me back to the bed, as I lay down just as Doctor. Chase walks in closing the door. "What the bloody hell is going on?" he asks in a thick Aussie accent. "I lost my temper and punched the door, I mean it had it coming if you ask me," I reply as Doctor Chase walks over lifting my right arm to examine the damage. 

I take my hand back smiling, "I'm good." I reply only to have him tilt his head at me the way he used too when I used to lie to him about how I ended up in the hospital and he knew they were lies. With a sigh I lift my hand letting him look at it, "I think you fractured your hand." he replies looking at me. "So that man in the hall you had nothing to do with why he has a broken nose?" he asks looking at me. 

I scoff, "He is not a man he lost that title a very long time ago, and you know that." I reply looking into his eyes. "I stood up for myself" I reply, "You have a mean punch, Ms. Williams," he says making me smile. "Yeah, I learned from the best," I reply looking over to Steve who's on the phone. Steve glances at me smirking in my direction, "He's really lucky," Doctor Chase says looking from me to Steve with a small smile as he finishes bandaging my hand. "I'll file your discharge papers," he says getting up and walking out of the room. 

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