Chapter 6 - °°Not the only one?°°

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[Y/N] Pov

The lesson was over and the paths of the four of us parted ways. Before we left, we exchanged the numbers and yeah.
I quickly got my music stuff out. I closed my locker and almost ran against a wolf. He was ... very tall. I looked up at him, he noticed that I looked to him and turns to me. "Hi." he said. "Oh, hi." I answered. "You are tall."
"Yes, I'm pretty tall for my age." he said, scratching the back of his head. "Really?" I asked. He nods. I'm [Y / N] It's not rude to imagine, Sorry. " I said, wading to his answer. "I'm Boris, to meet you." he said smiling.

We talked a bit until a demon and a hangover came to us

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We talked a bit until a demon and a hangover came to us. "Hey Boris." said the cat. "Hi Felix." I looked at the demon and the tomcat until the demon asked me for my name. "[Y / N]." I answered. "What a nice name, [Y / N] That's Felix and I'm Bendy, it looks like you've met my little brother." said the demon smiling.

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Little brother?! I took turns looking at Bendy and Bois

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Little brother?! I took turns looking at Bendy and Bois. "Oh." I mumbled softly. We talked a bit until we had to class. And as chance says. We're four in the same class.
We went together to the music room and looked for places.

I did not expect it to go so well. I thought everything would go wrong and everyone hates me, but I do not like that! I'm so happy! How it has [B / N]? Hm .. I ask him about school, or he comes to meet me.

It was halfway through the lesson when Bendy suddenly ran out of the classroom. Boris after him. As confused as I was, the others looked after them. I looked briefly at the teacher and ran after the two cartoon brothers. I saw ink on the floor and my eyes widened. // Does any one of those also have Ink Illness? // I thought and followed the trail of ink that became more and more.

I stood in front of the boys toilet door. I did not go in, I waited beside. I sat on the floor and hoped nothing bad.

After a few minutes, both boys came out and I jumped up. Both were scared and looked at me. "We just had to invade the bathroom." Bendy said nervously and half-smiled. "You're lying. There are ink marks on the floor that lead to this place." I said. "Do you have the Illnes?" I asked him simply. Bendy sighed and Boris looked at him. "Yes I have ... But do not tell anyone ..." he said. "You are not the only one, I have the illness too." she said. "What? People can get them too?" Boris asked me confused. I nodded.

Then we did not go back to the classroom and talked until it rang. We said goodbye because we had different courses now. At least I have lunch. I got the books and waited. I did not know where lunch was, so I hoped somebody would take me along. The midday lesson is there to catch up with certain courses if you were ill for a while or came in the middle of the school year. I walked down the corridor and found [B / N].
We both went to classroom 56.

When we arrived there we found other students. Among them was Mangle and Russia. The two talked. The room was a physics room, so there were four seats at a table. [B / N] sat down to a person with a cup as head and I sat down next to Mangle. "Hi Mangle, Hi Russia." I said and both greet me back. "What are you doing here?" I asked out of curiosity. "I was not there for a week because I had a little accident, but now everything is fine." Mangle said smiling and brought her Sahen out and this to work. "And you Russia?" I asked further. "Well, I skipped French lessons for a while." he said, rolling his eyes. "Это не нужно ..." he mumbled. (That is unnecessary...)"Нет, это необходимо. Некоторые говорят не по-английски, а по-французски." I said smiling. (No, it is necessary, some can not speak English, but French.)
He looked at me when I answered him in Russian. "You are not the only one who can speak Russian." I chuckled.

We were given work material and we started to work on it. Sometimes Mangle, Russia and I talked and helped each other.



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