Mr Kingston's Roommate|50

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Leila's POV
Crash and Burn

Blake's eyes flickered open and shut rapidly. He appeared as if he were fighting to stay awake, but I could see unconsciousness trying to slip in. If he closed his eyes, he could die, I can't let him die, not today, not when we haven't spent the rest of our life together. 

I peered down at my leg, realizing that blood poured from it rapidly, I didn't realize it until now, the adrenaline now kicking through my body seized the pain that rendered me motionless only seconds ago. My body screamed out for me to stay still, to not overwork myself, but if I don't get Blake out of this car I'll never forgive myself. 

I crawled over the broken windshield, ignoring the pressure that shot through my hand as glass punctured deep into my flesh. Blake dangled from his car seat, his face contoured into a deep shade of red as blood flooded it and I wasted no time fishing for his seat belt. I needed to catch him so that he wouldn't crash into the ceiling and hurt himself even more. 

"Hold on, B-Blake." I muttered to myself as a soft click erupted in my ears. The seat belt loosened around his waist and he dropped down onto me immediately, sending me crashing back down onto the broken windshield. I cried out at the sound of something snapping and peered down at my leg which I now assumed was broken. 

Ignoring it momentarily, I pushed Blake off of me gently and crawled to his side. At the sight of his face, I couldn't help the sob that broke through my lips, threatening to cocoon us in my agony. My hands fumbled with his face as I lightly tapped his cheek, begging for him to open his eyes but he wouldn't move, he couldn't move. "Please, o-open your eyes, Blake. . .please."

I could feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath my bloodied hands and the unnoticeable flickering of his eyes. Then I tore my gaze away from his face and to the large shard of glass protruding from his chest, blood pooling around it like flies to a swamp. I can't keep the glass in, if I do there's a possibility it'll kill him faster than anything else.

But if I move it. . .

No, I can't think like that.

I have to save him now.


I wrapped my hand around the fabric of my dress and ripped it off with all my might. A good portion came off and I laid it beside me before cradling Blake's head in my hand, "I-I'm so sorry, Baby, b-but this is gonna hurt.  . . forgive me, Blake." Without a moment of hesitation, I enclosed my palm around the glass and ripped it out of his chest. 

The piece of cloth which I had ripped from my dress came around his back and chest and I tightened it in order to stop the flow of blood. He didn't make a sound, at least not one I could hear. If I don't get him to a hospital he could die, I can't lose any more people in my life. 

I ripped another piece of my dress off and used it to press down onto his wound as my eyes snapped around the tottled car. The door behind me was barely hanging on for dear life. I lifted a leg and slammed it against the door in hopes that it would open. The fumes that rose up around us along with the smell of gasoline began to suffocate me.

If I didn't get out of here in time the car could blow up. At that thought, I slammed my leg against the door repeatedly until it finally gave in and flew off its hinges. I grabbed Blake by the arms carefully, using my other hand to press down onto his wound as I dragged him out of the car. My body screamed for me to rest, to just give up but I wasn't.

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