Part 31: Now You're in Deep

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Once Bree shifted back to human, she was able to put pressure on her arm and go find shelter.

 Her injuries hurt worse now after she shifted and she limped for about half a mile until she found a run-down gas station. Luckily she didn't run into any of the dead because she wasn't sure that she would have been able to handle them with the shape she was in.

Once she made it to the safety of the gas station, she barred the door and collapsed on the ground. She could feel herself getting weaker and weaker from the loss of blood and she knew she was going to have to dig this bullet out soon or else she wasn't going to heal. She pulled herself to a sitting position and scooted to the nearest wall to prop herself up and slowly began to climb to her feet.

Right away she began to look for supplies to perform a make-shift surgery on herself. She gathered a few bottles of water, completely downing the first bottle until the plastic crumpled in on itself. She found towels, aspirin (which she took two of), a bottle of Grey Goose and a plastic spoon. Going into the back break room, Bree felt like she struck gold when she found a first aid kit. 

She was ready.

She grabbed the bottle of Grey Goose and poured it all over her arm, hissing from the pain. She held the bottle up over her shoulder and did the same. The blood and alcohol mixed together, creating a watery red substance that dripped on the floor. Right away she wrapped it in a towel and gently put as much pressure as she could stand, wiping away the blood to get a better look.

The bullet was in there pretty deep and she knew it was going to be challenging to get out on her own. In the past, every time her or her pack members got hurt, they always brought their wounds to Jeremy who would skillfully patch them up.

 A long time ago, before he met Bree, he had taken some classes to be a doctor so he knew what he was doing and wasn't afraid to do what needed to be done, unlike her in this moment. 

The memory made her miss him for the first time since she split.

Bree took a deep breath and with shaky hands she grabbed the spoon. 

"Here goes nothing" She said and began to dig in her arm for the bullet. 

She cried out from the pain she was inflicting on herself and tears ran down her face. She was trying to be quick to get it over and done with and in doing so, it was actually taking her longer because her movements were sloppy.

The corners of her vision were blackening and she was beginning to see stars from the amount pain she was in. This was the first time she ever had to do anything like this to herself and she wished she paid more attention to Jeremy when he would operate on them instead of shying away.

Finally she felt the hardness of the bullet and was able to lodge the tip on the spoon under it and pull it to the surface. Once she got it out, she threw it across the room and more blood erupted out of her arm. She cursed under her breath and grabbed the towel to put pressure on it. Removing the towel she drenched her arm in a bottle of water and re-positioned the towel, using her free hand to open up some gauze and a bandage.

It took a while but using her teeth and her one hand, she was able to wrap the gauze around it with mild pressure. The blood began to soak through the bandage but it was going to have to do for now, she used what little skills she had to the full extent and there was nothing more she could do for herself. Hopefully her ability to heal quickly would kick in now the bullet was gone and she would be fine.

After that ordeal, she was exhausted but still had to tend to wound on her shoulder and back leg. She poured a little booze on both, dabbed them with a towel, and slapped a bandage and some gauze on it, not caring for them as much as she did her arm. They were only flesh wounds and she was confident that they would heal in no time. They had already stopped bleeding.

This Animal I Have Become (A Negan/Bitten Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now