Making The Team

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     "Take your mark. *Beep*"

     I heard the announcer then the beep. I have to make the Olympic Swim Team. I had worked too hard to not make the Olympic team. My ways have changed drastically throughout the past 4 years; I had focus & passion & I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't make it. Keep going I guess.. I hit the wall, well more like punched it but I finished. After I surfaced the water, my head turned as fast as it could towards the board. I qualified! My heart was racing, it was beating so fast.

*2 months later*

     "Welcome to the Olympic Swim Team. I'm coach Bowman. Obviously, you guys are the best or else you would not be here. All of you better be dedicated to this sport. We'll train hard but we'll lighten up when we near the olympics. It'll be hell but It'll be fun at the same time. Get settled in your rooms; pick your partners, go."

     I was so nervous.. I knew nobody there. If I knew the person, it was from watching them in awe. The veterans we're obviously comfortable with each other but there were only a few newbies. I was looking around when I felt a tap on my shoulder..

     "Hey, I'm Emma! You looked just as out of place & nervous as I probably do so I assumed you were new to the team too. Since we have to share a room with people we pick & we're both new do you mind if we bunk?"

     She seemed really nice. She was all smiles even in a situation like this. I think we could be awesome friends as time goes on.

     "Thank God you came up to me! I would've stood here forever until a coach asked if I was ok, phew. No problem, I'll bunk with you. You seem cool. My name's Morgan DeLeon, by the way."

        "Well, I've said it but I'm Emma; Emma Randall."

      She and I settled into a cozy little room. To our left was Rebecca Soni & Ariana Kukors, Dana Vollmer & Elizabeth Beisel & to our right was Allison Shmitt & Missy Franklin, Katie Ledecky & Kathleen Hershey. We were both in shock to be so surrounded by people we admired and looked up to. Across the hall was Ryan Lochte & Michael Phelps (yeah, he came out of retirement missing swimming), Brendan Hansen and Jason Lezak (they're coaches now), Tyler Clary & Ricki Berens, & one pair I was really excited about was Nathan Adrian & Matt Grevers.

       I was in love with the mens side of the swim team. I looked up to a lot of them and only a few girls. One person in particular, I was like in love with. It was a silly girl crush but I still have it. I haven't seen him at the camp yet but I knew he was here. Emma left me to go eat because she warmed up to the others so quickly so she had people to dine with. I stayed back to get ready a little longer. I was all gross from the trip here. When I was finally done, I walked into the hall with my head down looking at my phone and locking the door. I turned around and BAM I run into a brick wall. It took me forever to find the person's face so I could look them in the face & apologize.. He was so tall!

       "Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you! Ha I swear these hallways are tiny, you'd think they'd need more space for all the big guys walking around here." I heard a laugh.. A familiar laugh..

        "Haha it's ok; & I know right?! I can barely even make it in the door!"

        His smile was gorgeous then I realized who he was...

        "Omg.. You're Nathan Adrian, I'm a huge fan. Sorry to be keeping you, I should probably go now. Again, I'm sorry for running into you, I really am. I'll just.. Go now.." I started walking away really fast, embarrased for sounding like a fangirl & running into him. God now I'll never have a chance..

          "Whoah, I didn't even get your name.."

           Is he seriously wanting my name? He wants some girls name?

          "Oh yeah, I'm sorry. My name's Morgan DeLeon.. If you needed the last name too.. Ha.." I caught a glimpse of his face before I burried mine in embarrassment. He was smiling. You can hear the smile in the tone of his voice.

           "Morgan, huh. Stop apologizing, no biggie. I'll see you round."

            What. Just. Happened.. 


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