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     I figured I should probably get on facebook to contact my friends since I hadn't seen them in so long. I had a secret twitter no one knew about since I never got on it and created it when I was like 15 to follow a bunch of people I liked. When I got on, I saw a bunch of my tweets to Nathan in hopes that he would reply to me. The trending topics on the side were pretty normal until I read #Morgan&HerBoys. Half the people on the internet didn't really mind me being around the guys and made a rivalry couple thing between Ryan and Nathan and the other half thought I was a hoe for kissing Ryan and being with Nathan if they suspected it.

     A few hours ago, the 4 of us got to hang out for a little while so we took a picture. From left to right, it was Michael, Nathan, me, then Ryan. All our heads were close together so it would fit in the picture. I got on my official twitter and poster it. I kept the caption simple. "Chilling." When I posted it on facebook for my friends to see, the caption was more detailed since I actually knew the people I was friends with. It read; "Relaxing with these guys before another race tonight, aren't they handsome?". A few seconds later, the notifications started coming in.

     Of course, we've already been bombarded with rumors. Nathan and I planned on "going public" after Rio. The tabloids were saying that Ryan and I were dating. We couldn't really blame them since we gave each other that peck on the lips for like a hundredth of a second. One hundredth of a second is all the paparazzi need to get a good picture. One thing that interested me was someone's comment on how Ryan looked in love in the picture. I got off the computer and got closer to Nathan. 

     He put his arm around me not taking his eyes off the TV. "I love you." I said resting my head on his chest. 

     "I love you too." He said blankly.

    "Something wrong..?" I could tell he didn't just say it the way he did because what he was watching was that interesting.


     "Nathan, I know something's wrong.. Just tell me."

     "Okay.. I don't necessarily like seeing pictures of my girlfriend all over the place kissing her "brother" and the reporters calling her bad names and them saying you two looked in love." 

     "Well, technically, according to them.. It was only Ryan that looked like he was in love.." I tried to lighten the mood but it raised hell in Nathan.

     "That's even worse, Morgan." He said in anger but staying calm. "You may not be in love with him but he may be in love with you and you're just giving him a bunch of opportunities to kiss you and hug you and whatnot just cuz you guys have a great "brother sister" relationship."

     This shocked me a little. Nathan had told me he was fine with it before but I guess not. I can't just tell Ryan to stay away from me and stop talking to him because I didn't have the heart to do so. "You don't need to worry about him." I tried to assure Nathan. He just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Hey! Look at me.. I love you. I love Ryan too but not the way that I love you.. Stop your thoughts okay.. You're my boyfriend I'm not gonna ever treat you wrong and if I ever do, I'll hurt myself."

     He didn't do much and just looked at me. I leaned in to give a kiss and he just puckered his lips. I kissed him once, pulled away and his lips were still puckered. I gave him another one and he pulled me on top of him. He sat up against the headboard and pulled me up with him. I was sitting on his stomach/hips. We started making out, my hands cupped his face and his were on my waist. They slipped under my shirt and he rubbed my skin. Mine moved down to his chest and he used his to support my neck and back so he and I could switch spots for him to be on top. He'd squish me if he just layed on top of me so he needed one hand to suppoort him to hover over me leaving space between our torsos but making sure our bottom halves were touching. My arms went aound his neck trying to pull him closer to me and soon he got tired and just gently laid down on top of me. Something was touching my thighs through his shorts and it's pretty obvious what it was.

     "God, I'm sorry about that." He apologized looking down. I giggled.

     "It's fine. Let's keep going." I suggested. He had no problem with it then he asked me a question. He and I were pretty open with each other with all the TMI or whatever stuff; we were comfortable with each other.

     "Do you wanna like.. Touch it?" 

     "What kind of a question is that?" I laughed.

     "Don't laugh!" He smiled. "My hands are bound to end up on certain places of your body evenually, and although we're not gonna do "it" until later, we might as well just explore each other." He explained.

     "Like while we're making out?" I questioned. He nodded. "Sure? Just tell me what to do.."

     "Babe, just slip your hand down there and I don't know.. Touch it.. I wouldn't mind. It'll come to you." 

     "Ok then." After that semi awkward conversation, we were back to making out. His hand slipped up my shirt more and mine started making it's way down there. At first, I only touched his abs and he evntually took his shirt off. I had a hoodie and short shorts on and he took off my hoodie and I was left with a tanktop and my bra of course. Once our lips got back in its rhythm my hand pulled on the elastic of his shorts. I touched just the tip and automatically got nervous. Soon enough it gropped the whole thing and my tiny hand was nothing compared to it. I heard him moan so I started rubbing it. There's a first. Damn it was intense. I didn't know what else to do but we were enjoying ourselves for the first time on this trip.

IntoxicatedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon