Middle School

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***Morgan's POV***

     I was so tired the next day, I could barely focus on practice. It was all Nathan's fault. He and I stayed up so late texting and some pretty amazing stuff was said ^_^

-Hey, this is Morgan right?

-No, I gave you a fake number.

-Well hi


-What's up?

-Watching some TV, you?

-Thinking about some stuff.

-Ooo like what?

-I don't know if I should tell you..

-Why not? I won't judge..

-So you know how you like me?

-Well technically it's a crush but go on..

-I like you too.

-You sure? I'm me.. You're you.. You could do better..

-Look, I know you're young, but I really just wanna give us a shot. Age doesn't matter right?

-I guess not..

-Go to the hall.

-Nathan, it is late as hell and I am in bed what do you need?

-You. Just come to the hall please.

-Fine one sec..

     I groaned and got up. Once the door opened, Nathan was there. He greeted me with a "Hey" and smiled awkwardly. "So can you tell me why I'm in the hall?"

     "Yes. So I didn't wanna ask you over text because that's just a little too middle school for me, but will you be my girlfriend?"

     I was shocked. I guess I was too tired to think he'd make it happen tonight but he did I guess. "I'd like that." I said with a smile.

     "I think we should just let people figure it out over time. I mean obviously I'm gonna tell Matt and you're gonna tell Alena and Ryan but you know what I mean."

     "Indeed I do."

     "By the way, if you hear that I'm dating Natalie Coughlin, it's totally not true. I'm looking at the only girl I want to date."

     He was being so sweet; as usual. "You know when Ryan finds out he'll eventually give you a talk right?"

     "I figured but that's ok. If it's for you, I don't mind."

     Another surprise came my way when he kissed me. This time, it lasted a little longer than our spin the bottle kiss. We headed back to our rooms with huge smiles on our face, what a night.

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