Letting Go

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     Nathan and I got to the beach around 4. Once we picked a good spot, we laid the blanket out and sat down. I had a bag of extra clothes and a bathing suit and Nathan had the same but he left it in the car. He already had swim shorts on when he asked me if I wanted to go in the water.

     "Yeah, sure I'll just go change."

     "Noo, no. Go in! Just go in your bra or something." He had that smirk on his face but it wasn't in the pervy way.

     "Well ok then." After he and I took our shirts off, we raced each other to the water. We built a buncha stuff out of the sand then I buried him in a merman tail. He somehow was just able to get out from under all that sand and ran after me. It seemed like the teenage dream video when we were just messing around in the water. It was a little hard for me to drag my jeans through the water and the waves so he easily caught me. He picked me up with one arm and swung me around. 

     "I got you! I got youu!!" He teased.

     "Nathan! Put me down!" I couldn't stop laughing. He finally set me down at the top of the waves. I laid down under him and we just smiled at each other for a while. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for one long kiss. We headed to dinner at a restaurant by the beach. He's so cute, I can't believe he's mine. After dinner, he took my hand and we walked back to the car. We sat in the backseat for a while and just cuddled. Both of us were wiped out and were about to fall asleep. My forehead received a kiss and Nathan suggested that we head home. We held hands the whole drive home. He walked me up to Ryan's room and Ry was waiting for us. The door was perfectly shut but I guess he heard us.

     "I had a really fun time tonight. It was nice."

      "Same here." I had the biggest smile on my face and we were about to kiss when the door opened and Ryan cleared his throat. I turned around and glared at him but he still had that serious look on his face. I looked at Nathan again and proceeded with our kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said. He just smiled. Once he was down the hall a little I walked into the room with a little anger. Michael was laying down on the couch looking for something to watch. 

     "What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

     "Would it kill you to just lighten up a little?? Why are you so protective?!" I yelled.

     "Yes it would. I'm not the only protective one! You have Michael to yell at too!" 

     We were both yelling now. "Michael; isn't sitting by the door waiting for me. He isn't weird like you." I glanced over at Michael and he was just sitting there wathing us.

    "I'm protective; we're protective because we care! You're 19, Morgan! In case you've forgotten, Nathan is 29! You have no one else looking after you but us! Calm yourself it's out of love."

     "Act like my brother, not my father." I walked over to Michael and gave him a hug. I turned to Ryan and announced. "I'm going home, goodnight." Michael then gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked me to the door. Ryan had a disappointed look on his face.

     "Morgan.." He started. I ignored him and walked out the door and down the hall. Next thing I know I was being grabbed and held in place. "Don't be like this."

     "Let. Go of me." He and I had a stare down until Michael walked into the hall and grabbed Ryan's arm.

     "Let go of her, man." When Ryan didn't budge, he repeated himself. "Let it go Ry.."

   Ryan finally let go and stormed back into the room. I start to think about how it was a little overboard just going off on him but I knew he had to back off a little too. I also knew that that wouldn't happen. I decided to text him and apologize because I know he'll never change his ways with me. I didn't wanna be ignoring him all the time anyways.

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