E! Special

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     We pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes. Ryan seemed to snap out of a dream. He shook his head trying to wake himself up.

     "Morgan if that was your way of telling me that you felt bad, don't. Please don't. It was all my fault!"

     "No, Ryan.. I wanna see if we're good... If we work out.. I told Nathan I needed a break from him.. I know I love you, I just don't know how much in a certain way. I would do anything for you since I've been saying you're my brother for the longest time but how do I just date you?.. How weird would that be.." There was a silence, never awkward though.. "But I'm willing to know. I want to try. I want us to happen even if it's for a short time.."

     A huge smiled appeared on his face and he leaned in to kiss me. I wasn't unsure of this decision at all. I did however, feel guilty about Nathan.. But he left me. So that's not my problem. If he would've just listened.. 

     The Olympics ended. So bittersweet but it was fantastic. At first people weren't sure if I should compete but I was fine. I got gold again. I am now a 7 time Olympic Gold medalist. I left Rio hand in hand with Ryan. The Media went crazy. I couldn't help but think that they were supposed to be going crazy over me and Nathan but what can you do about it.. 

     E! News wanted to do a quick special on the stars of the Olympics. I was going to be featured for the most part. They were including my health scare and I would have to explain why that  happened. It had been two weeks after the Olympics and we were all touring the country for interviews and whatever. It was me, Ryan, Michael, Nathan, Missy, and Rebecca. Surprisingly, we haven't had any awkward moments but we still have a lot of touring to do.. We all had the weekend off and that's when we'd watch the speacial on us. 

     Ryan and I were sitting on the couch with Michael and Nathan was probably on his own or with Missy and Rebecca. Ricky would probably be there too because of Rebecca. The TV spoke. 

    "Up next, we have the special on the Olympic stars. Stay tuned." I was preparing myself because I know I talked about some really personal stuff. Ryan and Michael were down for it. The Olympics were done; this was what we were supposed to be doing, going public and clearing any crap about us. It started.

     "The Olympics; filled with stars, records, pressure, and love? You get the scoop on the unknown Olympic love triangle; probably the hardest race to win for Nathan Adrian and Ryan Lochte. How did Missy pull through and how did Rebecca Soni pull yet another world record?" This was pretty good so far.. I enjoyed Missy and Rebecca's segments. Michael's segment came on and his was the best one yet. Then came time for the love triangle one.

     "On August 19th 2016, Olympic swimmer, Morgan DeLeon, pulled another win and landed her 6th Gold." I was showed talking with my interview.

     "I felt so great because I came there to have fun, but more importantly, I came there to win. I was a little out of my usual zone but I thought I was fine." The TV spoke again.

     "When she was out of the water, she was on top but she crashed down to the ground." Michael was now on.

     "My initial reaction was, get to her, now. During that time, a lot was happening that probably messed with her head a little and I was pretty much the only one that she was with for the past few days before she passed out." 

     "The world watched as Michael Phelps, Nathan Adrian, and Ryan Lochte rushed to Morgan.. But why all of them?" The TV now showed Ryan.

     "Everyone at the time thought we were dating, so I guess people were really confused as to why it was Michael who was there first and why he wouldn't let anyone but officials near her. We had a race coming up too so we couldn't really just leave as much as we wanted to go with her right away."

     "So what really happened? What was the cause of the biggest controversy in the 2016 Olympic games? Find out after the break."

     The three of us were kinda silent. I decided to break it.. "Well.. So far so good, right guys?"

    "I guess." Michael said with a little chuckle.

     "I can't wait to hear Nathan's excuse." You could hear the annoyance in Ryan's voice but we all just let it go.. I got a drink of water and when I was back in Ryan's arms the show came back on.

     "So what really happened to Morgan DeLeon?" The moment we've all been waiting for came on. Nathan.

     "Well, we were dating ever since training camp and we were planning on going public after the games but uh, a few days before that happened, we got into a fight.." -Nathan

     "I kissed her because I didn't like seeing the girl I was in love with just be with someone else, ya know? It was wrong but I couldn't help it." -Ryan

     "I tried explaining to Nathan that I had no feelings for Ry but he wasn't believing a word that came out of my mouth. Having such a close relationship with Ryan also didn't help because apparently we looked like a couple and acted like one so he left me." -Me

     "Not listening was probably the worst decision I've made.. I lost a girl that really loved me and I wouldn't even listen to her." -Nathan

     "I was walking to Morgan's room and I saw Nathan pissed off just walking to wherever & I'm like where the hell is he gonna go 'cause he and Morgan shared a room. I walked in and she was crying. I kinda stayed with her and just made sure she wasn't that sad at the end of everyday because it's tough.. She's 19 and on her own without family or anything." -Michael

     "Doctors told her it was because of stress and lack of rest. The three guys rushed to her side at the hospital and there it was where she decided she didn't need the stress." -TV

     "I told him I needed time to myself. I did also like tell him I might try it out with Ryan. People might think I'm a hoe for that but it's up to me, it's my life." -Me

     "I was mid apology and she kissed me.. I was so happy and confused at the same time. I didn't know how to take my emotions like I just didnt'." -Ryan

     The special ended and we kinda didn't know what to do after it..

**Nathan's POV**

     Watching that special broke my heart even more. I don't know what to do. Am I suppose to kiss her like Ryan did to win her over?! She seems so happy though.. I wonder if she thinks of me as much as I think of her. Everyday, I'm reminded of how much of an idiot I am because I see her and Ryan all lovey dovey and no matter how nice Michael is to me still, I feel so bad. Matt also reminds me that it's my fault. I can't get mad at him since he's right but I don't know how long I'm suppose to wait for her to come back to me.. I dialed her number.. No answer. Straight to voicemail. Probably ignored. So I texted her.. 

     "Hey" Now I'll just sit here and let time eat me away. One second felt like a day..

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