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- Ry I'm sorry for going off on you..

- I guess I'm sorry too. I know I can be too protective..

- You don't have to change anything about how you are, I know why you're like that and I'm really sorry for just getting mad.

- Come over? Spend the night over here?

- Yeah sure.

     Sleepovers weren't unusual for us. I locked the door for Emma and saw Ryan down the hall waiting for me. He jogged over and hugged me so tight I might have just died. My feet weren't on the ground either. Ryan whispered "I'm so sorry!" and I said I was sorry too. He took my hand and we walked to his room. We watched a movie and cuddled until we fell asleep.

**Nathan's POV**

    I know Ryan and Morgan are really close but what Tyler told me didn't sound like brother/sister love. I just forgot about it though because I know Morgan, and I know she'd never cheat on me. Ughh, Natalie was trying to get close to me again. She and I were really close in London but I didn't have feelings for her and she would try to get with me all the time. She put her hand on my shoulder and leaned closer to me.

     "Hey Nathan ;)"

     "Heeey Natalie.." I was trying to be polite so I smiled

     "How bout we go out and have lunch or something?"

     I laughed.. "I kinda have plans with my girlfriend.."

     "Oh yeah." She had a disappointed look on her face and a glare. "You're with that new chick."

     "Yeahh.. Well I gotta go now." She was so annoying. I want nothing to do with her.

**Morgan's POV**

    Ariana walked up to me with an unusual question. "Hey, you're still dating Nathan right?"

     "Yeah why do you ask?" I had a really confused look on my face.

     "I just saw him with Natalie and it looked like they were flirting." 

     "Oh." I didn't really get bothered because Nathan already told me about her. I let it go and I went on. A week or so went by and we were fine. One day, our streak was broken. I don't even know how our fight started but we were just in my room firing things back and forth at each other.

     "You honestly don't think I know?" 

     We were both trying to keep calm and not yell but we had that anger in our voices. "Know about what?!"

     "You and Ryan!" He blurted out.

     "What about us? That we're really close? Babe, you know everything about us!"

     "Well what Tyler told me sounded like you guys were a little too close."

     "And what is it that Tyler told you, huh?"

     "He said you and Ryan were in the hall hugging for the longest time then you held hands and walked to his room. And I know you spent the night there so lord knows what the hell you guys did in there."

     "WHAT? Are you freaking crazy Nathan?? NOTHING happened between us. We had a movie night. I can't believe you think I would do that to you! Since we're just gonna accuse each other, how bout you. Ariana said she saw you with Natalie and she said it looked like you guys were flirting.  I didn't for a second think you would flirt with another girl because I trusted you. I guess now I know that you don't trust me."

     "Morgan, she's just trying to get with me! I don't want anything to do with her!"

     "And I wouldn't want anything to do with another guy but you took someone elses word for it instead of talking to me first. I'll see you later. I'm done with this. Help yourself out later after you get with Natalie or whoever it is you wanna see other than me." I walked out of the room and headed to Ryan's.

     "Babe wait!" Nathan yelled. I ignored him and went on. I heard another yell. He yelled "Damn it!" When I got to Ryan's I crashed on the couch.

    "You look like you had a rough day." It was Michael.

     "Yeah just fought with Nathan.. No biggie."

     "I'm sorry Morgs. I gotta get to the pool Bob's waiting for me but I will talk to you about it later ok?"

     "Yeah have fun, I'll see you later." He gave me the usual hug and kiss on the cheek and walked out. Ryan sat down with me.

     "Heard you got in a fight with Nathan.. What about?"

     "He and I were accusing each other for flirting with other people and he said Tyler saw us when we made up that one night and thought I was cheating on him with you but was told that Natalie was flirting with him. He believed Tyler, I didn't believe Ariana so I was a little offended but it's no biggie ya know.. I'm just gonna sit here with you." I wrapped my arms around Ryan and cuddled with him. He grabbed my head, played with my hair and kissed me on the forehead.

     "I'm sorry sis.."

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