Big Brother

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     Two weeks had passed. Training got harder and harder. Some days we were separated by gender and other days we were all told to just swim laps relay style non stop. We've all gotten closer and I've been adopted as a little sister. A lot of the guys have that whole protective thing over me which is awesome because I've alwasy wanted an older brother or someone who would protect me no matter what. Ryan and I get made fun of for our music sometimes but he and I brush it off & listen to it anyways. He's been the most brotherly to me lately. He and I like to just sit and play video games after practice. We have really gotten to know each other the past week and he now knows about my crush on Nathan too. Michael helps me out with my technique and stuff, Missy and I like to make weird videos together, and I've really been enjoying training with these amazing people.

     "So how's the whole Nathan thing lil sis?" Ry always checks in with me. He & I are the perfect sibling duo. I didn't have an older bro and he's never had a lil sis. "Has he made a move on you or anything? You are gonna tell me when this stuff happens right? You know I'm not gonna blab it to people.. I'm just gonna tease you about it all the time, Shorty." Not only was I the youngest but I was also the shortest and that's how I earned the nickname 'Shorty'.

     "Chill Reez. Yes I'll tell you. I don't think he's into me like that. You yourself would know. You're not into kids right.."

     "Oh please, he's probably nuts about you and quite frankly, age doesn't really matter and you're 19, you're no kid. Everyone knows you're not a kid. The person who would know the most is probably Matt so go ask him or something."

     "It's not that important.. Besides.. I should be focussing on my training. The way I've been swimming isn't Olympics quality and you're aware of that yet instead of helping me, you're playing video games with me.. Hmm. Thanks."

     "Shut up, loser. Just my thoughts but from a guys point of view, I think he's into you. You can kinda see it from how he looks at you."

     Maybe Ry was right.. I'd rather not get my hopes up though.. He has been awesome I love him. He and I already have plans for after the Olympics and whatnot. To be honest, I haven't really been thinking of Nathan. Sure, he and I catch glimpses and smile but nothing major. We went for a couple more walks but then training got more intense so we kinda drifted. Well right now, I guess I'll just stick with Ry..

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