Out To See

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**Nathan's POV**

     Today was the first day of my third Olympics. I wasn't nervous myself but I was nervous for Morgan. I think all 3 of us were. Here I was, standing on the block for my 100m free and I was thinking about her. How would she do, was she fine, was she nervous, or something? I heard the beep and off I went. My original plan was to just lay off and get second but I went for it. I raced my hardest just to get out of that pool and see Morgan before her race. 

     When I got out, I talked to a reporter and headed to the ready room. She surprisingly didn't ask about me and Morgan but I guess no one really knows about us since we've been secluded from the world training our butts off for the past couple of months. At first, I couldn't find Morgan but then I saw her. I made my way to her as fast as I can and I pulled her aside.

     "Good job!" She beamed.

    "Thank you." I replied. She just smiled at me and I proceeded. "Are you ok? Nervous at all or anything?"

      "Are you kidding me?" She asked. "I'm perfect! I'm excited!"

     Was she serious.. She's on a world platform and she's excited to race.. I didn't get it but I'm glad she was feeling better about her first Olympics than I was. They were calling her down so I figured I should let her go. I lowered my voice so no one would hear. "Listen babe, you got this.. I'm extremely proud of you and I know you're gonna kill it even if it's just the qualifying rounds. I love you Morgs." I snuck a kiss and she professionally responded.

     "Well you're welcome Mr. Adrian. I'll see you later and I love you too." 

     I gave her a hug and made my way to the stands. I kept my eye on the entry way where I knew she was gonna come out. Ryan was on the inside of it waiting for her to come out. I couldn't read his lips, not like I could anyways but he was saying something to Morgan. He gave her a long hug and they kissed. You'd think it bothered me but I knew they did that all the time being "siblings" ya know. At least it was fast. My eyes were glued to her lane, listening to the announcers. She was swimming the 200IM and she was 1st! My girl was 1st! I was so proud of her. Her energy seemed to be fading but after 100m she was pulling a fast one on everybody. She was a little behind and underestimated but she was catching up quick. It wasn't a surprise to me that she won. My girfriend was a beast in the pool. I was one proud man.

**Ryan's POV**

    Before Morgan headed out for her first race, I told her that she had this and that she would do great and to make me proud. She gave me a hug and we kissed. No biggie, we do it all the time. Nathan is used to it I guess but we should probably watch it since I wouldn't want anyone else kissing my girl. I'm guessing that we showed affection at the wrong place and time because there were probably cameras everywhere. God I'm dumb.. I can see the headlines now. I couldn't find Nathan and Michael was relaxing somewhere so I watched by myself. She got first and it was only the qualifying rounds! Damn. She was quite something and I can't believe she wasn't mine..

**Morgan's POV**

     Nathan came into the room to wish me goodluck; I'm guessing so that no one would really see us. However, that didn't matter because as stupid as Ryan and I were, we hugged and kissed where people could've possibly snuck a picture. I was racing and I was zoned out. I didn't care about anyone else and I guess I got 1st in the qualyfyers.. I was so happy.. Nothing could stop my Rio experience from being the best. I had everything I could ever hope for.

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