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     Nowadays, it didn't even seem like I lived in my own room with Emma. I was mostly at Ryan and Michael's. Michael didn't really mind I guess and we had tons of fun. I got ready for my date with Nathan. He and I figured we'd stay close to what we both love; the water. We were gonna head to the beach instead of the pool though. The both of us thought it'd be cool to get there a little before sunset so we could swim or whatever then have a nice dinner. After I got ready, I had a little time to kill so I headed over to Ry's room. "MICHAEL FRED PHELPS! RYAN STEVEN LOCHTE! ALL HAIL, THE PRINCESS IS HERE!" I yelled. Michael was the first to come out of wherever he was. He was like a brother too but Ry and I were closer. He came over to me holding a bottle of water and gave me one of those one arm side hugs.

     "How's the 'princess'?" He asked with a laugh.

     "Pretty good brotha, where ya been? I haven't seen you in a while and if I do see you it's either at the pool or you're knocked out. Haha"

     "Been hanging around :P I'll see you more often how's that sound?"

     "Sounds good :)" Ryan walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, still wet.

     "Catching up, I see."

     "Yeah I've missed this brother. I've been getting all of you and no Michael. Ha"

     "Don't pretend like you don't like seeing me all the time." He snapped back. "Well, I'm gonna get dressed, I'll be out soon."

     I joined Michael on the couch. Without taking his eyes off the TV, he started conversing with me.

     "Why you all dressed up, anyways?"

     "Uhh I'm going on a date with Nathan.. You know about us, right?"

     "Duh. Do you think I live under a rock? Ryan talks about you guys from time to time. I'm assuming Ryan already gave him the warnings and stuff; that goes for me too.. We'll be greeting him when he picks you up :)" 

     Michael had this evil look on his face. I find it really weird that I'm adopted as a little sister to both Michael AND Ryan, like how crazy fun is that? Michael is just about as protective as Ryan but he's chill. He's not really around a lot like Ry but we're all close and I love our little "family". Ryan walked out of the room.

     "What'd I miss?" He asked.

     "Oh, not much." Michael answered the question but was still watching TV

     "By the way, I'm going out tonight." I gave him one of those so called smiles that aren't sarcastic or forced but it was just like a neutral smile. 

     "Says who?"

     "Michael's fine with it.. He didn't mind..... And says me. You said yourself I'm not a kid."

     "never said I was ok with this."

     Michael piped in. "Dude wether if you're kidding right now or not you can't really stop her. Ha."

   Soon after there was a knock on the door Michael got up and headed to the door because he assumed it was Nathan. Ryan made the motion and whispered "I'm watching you!" with squinted eyes. He pushed me behind him in a protective manner and I was stuck behind 2 tall people. I don't get why they're doing this, they've known Nathan for like ever now. It's not like I could've moved either of them out of the way so I just listened. Michael was calm and Ryan had more of a force in his tone.

     "Where are you taking her? O_o" Ryan can be such a dork..

     I heard Nathan's unforgetable voice. "Uh.. We're going to the beach."

     "What're you gonna feed her? Are you gonna poison her??"

     "Dude, what?? No!" Nathan was chuckling and so was Michael.

     Michael finally stepped in. "We're just making sure that she's in good hands, man. We've obviously known you for a while but it's kinda different when you're dating someone almost 10 years younger and she happens to be under our care." He sounded so professional like he was doing an interview. "Take care of her; here she is." Ryan was pushed aside by Michael and I smiled at Nathan. Ryan just had that suspicious look on his face. I stepped into the hall and faced them both.

     "Ok," I started "I will be back by 9 or something." I turned to Michael and gave him a kiss on the cheek then a hug. "I know Michael won't be waiting for me but.." I then turned to Ry and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek while he stood there glumly with a serious face on "I know you will be, but you don't have to.. Hang out with Michael or something." I grabbed his face and squished it. "Don't worry. Ok??" I gave him one more kiss. Nathan and I started walking down the hall. I looked back and Michael and Ryan were looking out the door.

     "Have her back at a decent time!" Ryan hollered.

     "No problem!" Nathan hollered back

     Michael added in a "please" and I could hear them mumbling. I looked back again and Michael was struggling to get Ryan back in the room. I giggled to myself. We got to Nathan's car and I started our convo.

     "I'm sorry about them.. Well mostly Ryan. I know they've known you forever and taking their crap must be awkward.. It'll stop eventually though.."

     "You know what, it's ok. I don't mind. I get it." He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss.

     "Whoah, buddy, I don't wanna kiss you." I said sarcastically.

     He had that fake 'Omg I can't believe you just said that' face and he proceeded to talk. "Well I want one so put em here." He tapped his puckered lips. I didn't budge, I just giggled. "I'm not moving this car until I get one." I gave in.. Who could resist him anyways.


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