Walking The Plank

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Once Emma got to me after the race, she made faces at me. "What was that about?" She asked with a quirky smile on her face.

"What're you talking about, you freak." I questioned back.

"Don't play it off. I could see your flirtation from a mile away. That goes for the both of you! You guys would be cute together!"

"Well, let's not get my hopes up; I'm sure he has no interest in someone younger and someone who is me.." We heard the coaches announce that there was no practice tomorrow and to rest up. Just as I was about to get up, I felt people behind me so I decided to wait before getting up..

"Don't forget tomorrow, I'll see if I can stop by to ya know; mess with your head."

What was with this kid? I've watched so much of his interviews and he never seemed like this. I was so excited though. The next day, Emma & I were just sitting in our room watching TV when there was a knock on the door. Not wanting to get up, I groaned "Ughh Emmaaaa would you get that?!"

"Well gee, lazy.." After I heard the door open, all I heard was "Well, well, well. Morgaaan; guess who it is!" She teased. I was so focused on the TV I didn't even care. I kinda heard their conversation.. "So why are you here? Isn't your guys' little date later?" After that I got up & jogged to the door.

"Heyy, Nathan." I turned to Emma, "I think I can handle this one by myself, thanks." She walked away with that look on her face going "Okkaaayyy."

"Hey, were you doing anything? Matt kinda left me for Annie & I have nothing to do today so do you wanna go for a walk or something?"

"Uh, let me go ask Emma if she'll be fine being alone for awhile & grab some stuff, one sec." Well, Emma had no problem with sending me off with Nathan. She actually urged me on & warned me not to do anything naughty with him.. Gotta love her. "Okay, let's go?" I asked him. He motioned for me to head out the door, ahead of him and once we got walking there was a good minute or so of silence. I had butterflies and I didn't know what to do.. I was walking with Nathan Adrian, like how do you let that sink in? Sure, he's just a normal person but I've had a crush on him for like ever!

"Tell me about yourself since the media and whatever else has probably given you enough info about me." He blurted out.

"Well, I looked up to a lot of the swimmers here when I watched the Olympics in 2012 and decided to make a change in my life so I started training. Uhm, I'm 19 I stopped school this year because of the Olympics but I already have two years of college done; running start; and if you wanna know anything else just ask I guess? Ha" I didn't know what to do like I really didn't. He was so gorgeous and amazing and I was so lost in his eyes at some point.

"How bout we go to a park and just hang out?" He asked. Of course I agreed but I was just hoping I wouldn't make a fool of myself..

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