Implied Words

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     I swam and got gold which almost got me crying. Nathan did great in his races and was second in the 100 free qualifying round. Ryan and Michael were the ones swimming now and we were all watching. I know how much Ryan hates losing especially to Michael because he's always short of just beating him. It's hard for me to cheer for either of them because they're both close to me and I want them to equally do well. The race was looking pretty close but Michael closes really well and beat him. They hugged anyways. Nothing could tear their friendship apart.

     Nathan went off to talk to Matt and I went on without him to go congratulate Michael and Ryan. Michael was first to come out and I gave him a hug.

     "You did fan-freaking-tastic broski!" He squeezed me and gave me kiss on the forehead. I rubbed his back before pulling away a little and looking up at him.

     "Well thank you little sis." He had the biggest smile on his face. 

     "I'm gonna let you go do whatever, talk to that one girl you've been with a lot." I teased.

     "Shut up." He laughed. With that, he walked away and I was there waitng for Ryan. I could see him from a distance talking to some reporter. I hid behind some people and got closer. Reporters piss me off.

     "So, Ryan, second again?"

     "You know, it comes down to who swam better and it was Michael. It's all good, we're really great friends and I'm just thankful to be here." I was proud of him for taking this stuff fairly well.

     "Well that's good. The other day, pictures of you and this girl were published. She's on team USA too correct? Morgan, right?" Here we go...

     "Yeah! She's an amazing swimmer and we've spent a lot of time to get to know each other and just hang out to relax and that was kind of a good luck thing."

     "It looked like you guys are really close though, is she more than just a friend? Maybe a special girl in your life?"

     "Uh, well she is a special girl in my life but not like that, she's like a little sister. I mean we'll see what happens but we're just really close in a sibling sense right now." I was wondering what he meant by "Right now" like what the hell Ryan, you're not supposed to feed these people anything. This kind of angered me and I didn't know weather to get mad or just let it go. Either way, I know Nathan wouldn't appreciate it and Michael would probably back us up.

     "Well thank you for talking to us and congrats on silver."

     "No problem." He smiled. 

     He saw me and headed my direction. Of course, I couldn't address what I just witnessed in public but I could congratulate him. I'm pretty sure Michael said "little sis" loud enough for everyone to hear so no one would think we were dating. Ryan might have just opened a little can of worms though.


     "Great job, Reezy!" He picked me up and squeezed me. "I'm proud of you." I whispered in his ear. I also gave him a kiss and I'm sure this will end up on the news somewhere.

     "Thanks love." He said as he put me down. Great. I'm sure someone heard that too. Jesus Christ.

     I waited for Ryan to get dressed and we headed home. Nathan and Michael were already in our room waiting for us to come home with some food. We picked up pizza and Nathan welcomed me at the door with a long kiss.

     **Nathan's POV**

     I kissed Morgan for a long time to show Ryan she was obviously mine. He had this bothered look on his face and I really didn't care. We were here to discuss the press stuff and we're all usually home to see the NBC coverage and I knew Ryan had an interview about Morgan 'cause she texted me about it. Michael and I talked about it and that's the main reason we were here. Soon enough it came on and we all watched what he said to that reporter then they showed Morgan congratulating him and whatnot.

     "So what was that interview about, Ryan?" Michael asked.

     "I was just talking about Morgan, what's wrong with that?"

     "But you talked about me too much." Morgan added.

     "And what the hell does 'we're just close in a sibling sense right now mean?" I said.

     "Babe..." Morgan knew I was mad. She told me to go sit down and she sat on my lap to kind of keep me there I guess. Ryan just looked at the three of us like we were crazy.

     "You guys aren't serious right now are you?"

     "We actually kinda are." Michael said. Ryan sighed and relaxed his shoulders.

     "I just talked to the reporter. If they take it the wrong way then that's not our problem."

     "Yeah, man but you were kinda implying that you're interested in having more than a sibling relationship with Morgan.." I let Michael and Ryan do all the talking because I knew I'd lose my cool. Morgan and I just watched and Michael could only listen to so much bull.

     "You know that's not true Michael....."

     "Bro, you said it not me, and I can't read your mind to make sure that that's your actual thought."

     "Well if there's a problem with me 'implying' some things, then why isn't Nathan the one talking to me about it? Huh? Morgan's his girl not yours."

     "That's not the point Ryan." He stormed out of the room and the three of us weren't speechless. 

     "I think we should all give him time to relax, pretend this conversation never happened and I'll talk to him in the morning. You're welcome to stay here if you want, Michael." Morgan was too nice sometimes. And she's so blind. He obviously has feelings for her.

     "Thanks Morgs." 

     "Morgan, I can't believe how oblivious you're being." I finally let it out.

     "What're you talking about?"

     "He has a point Morgs.. You can't tell?" Thank god Michael was with me..

     "Obviously not, guys. What's going on?"

     "Nathan and I think Ryan's had feelings for you for the longest time."

     "Well I'm not in the mood for this crap. Can we just eat and I'll sort it out in the morning..?"

     We all let the subject go. That night, Michael and I both knew she had been texting Ryan. She doesn't text much people and 2/3 she usually texted were in the room with her. I knew she wasn't having a serious conversation with him though. She never had serious conversations with people over text unless needed. I just didn't care. I cuddled and fell asleep with my girl.

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