Chapter 1

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He put the black balaclava over his head and pulled it down to mask his face. The boy blended into the darkness as he leaned against the wall and proceeded to wait 4 minutes and 52 seconds and right on time the blonde haired girl turned into the alley.

She had music blasting in her ears, blocking out the world and the boy who was following her. He silently walked behind her, his pace getting faster with every step. As soon as he was inches away from the blonde haired girl, the boy wraps his arm around her waist and places a chloroform soaked rag over her nose and mouth.

The girl jumped in to defence mode as she had tears streaming down her face, trying to scream for help but only muffles were heard. She tried to fight against him but she was no match for a boy double her size.Kicking violently, but aimlessly, it was getting harder for him to hold her in place until her limbs gave out and her eyes rolled back before closing.

The boy carried the girls lifeless body to his car.


"Zayn! I'm not going to tell you again! Get up you're going to be late for school!" His mum shouted from downstairs. He thought that maybe if he just laid there and didn't get up, his mum would've thought he left for school already and she'd be on her way to work.
But of course, his plan didn't work as he heard her walking up the stairs. Before she could make it to his room, he threw the blanket off of himself and ran past her and into the bathroom and began getting ready for the first day of hell.

"Sorry, no time for breakfast, I'm late! Bye, love you!" Zayn said as he quickly walked out the door so that his mother couldn't protest. Once he was out in the cold September weather, he fixed his denim jacket and ran his hand through his hair before beginning his walk to school.


"Listen up, class! This is Zayn Malik and he's new so I want you all to make him feel welcomed. Go take a seat, Zayn." His English teacher announced. He nodded and walked to the only empty seat which was besides a blond-haired boy.

"Hi! I'm Niall, is this the part in the movie where you choose to sit next to me and we end up being bestfriend?" Niall said in a thick Irish accent with a big smile in his face. Zayn noticed he had braces which somehow made his baby face look even younger.

"Are you not going to say 'nice to meet you, Niall'?"

"I don't think it works like that." Zayn said as he looked at Niall whose smile disappeared and was replaced with hurt expression. Zayn looked away before he started to feel bad. He didn't mean to make him upset but  Zayn has a condition where he speaks before thinking. He knows this is going to get him in trouble but until then he will continue.


"So what lesson do you have next?" Niall said once he caught up to Zayn.

"You don't stop, do you?" Zayn sighed and faced the shorter boy.

"Nope!" He said popping the p, with a grin on his face.

"OK, well this will make you stop: I don't plan on making friends, especially not with you. I'm only here because my mums forcing me . So off you go, Nialler." His whole face seemed to drop. His grin was gone and he furrowed his eyebrows together before turning away and beginning to walk away. Zayn knew he shouldn't have done that. He doesn't know why he said that exactly, because the poor boy was only trying to make him feel welcomed.

"Niall, wait!" Zayn was the one running after him now. Niall stopped and turned around, interested in what Zayn had to say. He was hoping it was an apology.

"I..I-" Zayn began his apology but he couldn't bring himself to say it. He needed to work on that, he noted. "I..don't know where my next class is. Can you show me?" He knew exactly where his next class was but he hoped Niall would take this as a sort of apology..without actually saying the word 'sorry'. But that didn't work. The blue-eyed boy turned around and started walking away.

"I hope you get lost, Zaynie." Niall called over his shoulder, in a mocking tone. Zayn couldn't help but chuckle.

Zayn hated Math with a burning passion. He didn't understand why they had to do trigonometry or learn Pythagoras theorem, it was completely useless. He, sure as hell, doesn't see his mum at a grocery store trying to work out what 'x' is. He finished up his drawing of the superhero he was working on when the bell rang. He closed his sketchbook and put it in his bag before slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Once Zayn got his lunch, a slice of pizza with chips, he looked around the lunch hall to find somewhere to sit. It seemed as if everyone had friends to sit with. He didn't mind sitting on his own but then he noticed Niall at a table by himself. He walked over to him.

"I could knock someone out with this pizza slice." Zayn said as he sat opposite him, picking up his pizza before dropping it to his plate. He was surprised the plate didn't break. Niall looked up at him, not knowing whether to still be mad at him or not. He settled for a small smile.

"So...are you going to do that mean girl scene where you point out all the little cliques?" Zayn said, putting a chip in his mouth.

"You've watched mean girls?" Niall let out a laugh but stopped when Zayn glared at him. "Right...sorry...Ok well since this school is small, everyone knows everyone. That table over there, they're the theater kids. The table next to us are the artists." Zayn raised his eyebrow as he looked over at the supposed 'artist'. He could never imagine himself hanging out with them. "The boys walking over to us now, are the football players." He pointed his chin towards the boys that stopped behind Zayn. He turned around.

"You're Zayn Malik, right?" A blue-eyed boy said, holding out his hand. Zayn looked at his hand and back at his face. "I'm Louis." He awkwardly put his hand down before crossing his arms and giving Zayn a death glare.

"We were wondering if you would want to join our football team." Another boy spoke up. "Oh, I'm Liam, by the way! And this-" Liam pointed to his right where a tall boy was standing. His green eyes caught Zayn's attention. His curly hair had been pushed back away from his forehead. He was wearing a white shirt which was buttoned half-way to expose his chest with tight black jeans and black combat boots. He looked good. "-is Harry." Harry didn't say anything but the two boys kept eye contact, not knowing why they did so. Harry gave Zayn a small smile to which Zayn quickly looked away and focused back on Liam.

"So what do you you want to try out?" Liam said again. Zayn looked down at himself. Just skin and bones and definitely not the football type. He turned around to face Niall.

"I'd rather die." Niall covered his mouth with his hand to control his laughter as he saw the boys were taken aback.


A/N: HI! My name is Sam and I randomly got this idea on the way home from school so I just started writing. I hope you guys enjoy it! ALSO I wasn't going to publish it until I had a couple more chapters but I have VERY IMPATIENT FRIENDS  *coughYouKnowWhoYouArecough* so here it is!

Tell me what you think!

Instagram: TaintedZarry

Twitter: ZarrysTattoo

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