Chapter 6

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Harry was right. Louis was mad at him and it was getting on his nerves.

"You're acting like I'm delusional!" Louis yelled. They were standing in the boys bathroom at school because Harry had dragged him in there after Louis ignored him all day.

"I'm not saying that, Lou. Can you please calm down?"

"No! I'm fed up! Y-you're always flirting with me, Harry. Everytime I try to push what I'm feeling away, you do something that brings me right back to square one."

"And what is it that you're feeling?" Harry asked but he didn't want to hear the answer.

"I...I don't know but all I do know is that I want you." Louis walked closer to him and grabbed Harry by the collar of his shirt. "I've wanted you for years...tell me what you want?" Harry wrapped his hands around Louis'.

"I don't know what I want." He removed Louis' hand from his shirt and slowly moved backwards. Louis followed. As Harry would take a step back, Louis would take two towards him.

"So kiss me and find out."Louis barely whispered, not knowing where he gained all of this confidence from but knowing he sounded desperate. He just didn't care.Harry's back hit the sinks and Louis took one step forward and stood up on his tip-toes so that he was closer to Harry's height. He cupped Harry's face in his palms and leaned in. Harry could feel Louis' hot breath and it was clouding his senses.


"Shh..." Louis moved closer and bumped his nose with his before brushing his lips against Harry's. He felt fireworks exploding in his stomach at that simple touch while Harry felt... nothing. Louis' hands left Harry's face and he traced it down his chest to knot his fists in his shirt. He tilted his head to the side and caught Harry's soft lips in a hungry kiss.

"Oh, shit! Um-" Harry broke the kiss when someone walked into the bathroom. They didn't even hear anyone opening the door.


Both boys felt their hearts sink. They all stood there awkwardly until Louis cleared his throat and walked out, barging past Zayn's shoulder which Zayn knew was on purpose.

"I didn't mean pen broke." He lifted his hand up to show that it was covered in ink. Harry didn't move. He just gripped on to the sink tighter. He was confused with everything that had happened with Louis and now he was just feeling awkward that Zayn had walked in on that. Why did they keep bumping into each other like this?

"Its fine." Zayn walked over to sink and began scrubbing his hand with the soap. He didn't like how quiet Harry was or how awkward the atmosphere was.

" and Louis?" Harry turned to look at Zayn who didn't dare make eye contact so instead he focused on his hand.

" and Niall?" Harry mocked to which Zayn raised an eyebrow and looked at the curly haired boy.

"No, we're just friends." Zayn said, getting irritated at the fact that the ink wasn't going.


"But I just saw you two-"

"Its a long story." Harry sighed and moved away from the sink to look at himself in the mirror. His eyes, however, landed on Zayn who was scrubbing his hand, with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I've got time."

"No you don't." Harry chuckled, "You need to get back to lesson."

"Oh, who cares?" Harry continued to watch the raven-haired boy in the mirror. His hair looked incredibly soft today, and his lashes, oh God, those lashes...

"It's rude to stare." Zayn said and looked up to lock eyes with him through the mirror. But Harry didn't hear him. He was still too busy assessing every aspect of his face.

"You're cute." Harry blinked and then covered his mouth. Did he just say that out loud? Zayn faced him and scrunched up his nose. So very cute.

"Don't call me cute." Zayn said trying to look mad. He liked to think of himself as a bad boy so being called cute made him feel like a...kitten rather than the "gangster" he thought he was.

"Sorry...I need to go...It was nice talking to you, Zayn." Harry said and left.


A/N: CAN LOUIS FUCK OFF? THANKS. I had a shit day and wasn't going to post a new chapter but I've decided to update since its Harry's birthday!!!! I love him so much you guys like I'd do anything for both of the boys and thats terrifying, honestlyyy.


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