Chapter 45

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As he relaxed into the uncomfortable seats, Zayn pulled the blanket closer around his body. When he entered the station, drenched by the rain, one of the officers hurried over with a blanket for him. They knew who he was; his face was plastered all over the city.

"Are you ready to tell us any names you remember? Or maybe you could give us a description?"

Zayn stared ahead of him and remembered what Harry had told him to do.

"I want you to tell them all of our names, okay? Desmond Styles, Tom Paddocks, Lester, Yaser Harry Styles-"

"Desmond Styles, Tom Paddocks, Lester, my dad Yaser Malik and...that's it."

"Those are the names of the people involved in your kidnapping?"


"Anyone else?" He thought for a bit before answering.

"Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne."

"Thank you, Zayn." She gave him a warm smile before getting up and whispering something to another officer.

Zayn found it hard to relax even though it was all over. But that was the thing. Was all of this really over? Was he meant to simply come back to his old life like nothing had ever happened? Stuck in that basement, he had lost hope so many times until Harry gave him reason to not lose it. So, maybe he needed to be more like Harry and have hope that he could return to his old life.

"They're being brought in now, sweetheart, and if you don't want to see them, I can take you in to another room. It's up to you," Officer Sara warned him. Zayn wanted to see them being brought into the station and finally get what they deserved for doing this to him and probably, lots of other kids.

"I want to stay." She nodded, walking away. Just then, with an unrecognisable Desmond in handcuffs, an officer walked in. His face was a bloody mess and he looked defeated, so different from how confident he looked the last time Zayn had seen him. Followed behind him were Louis, Liam, Lester, a couple other men that he didn't recognise and Harry. Harry? Zayn sprung up to his feet and threw the blanket off of himself.

"Harry? N-no- he had no part in this!" Officer Sara put up a hand, stopping the other officers from intervening. This was the most emotion Zayn had expressed since he had come into the station and she wanted to gain more insight on the case.

"Zayn , it's okay-" Harry said.

"No, it's not all right!" he walked up to Harry, facing the officer who was holding him, "Why is he in his handcuffs? Let him go!"

"Hey, look at me-" He stared at the green eyes and longingly felt his heart ache for him, "I handed myself in. I had a feeling you might not do it so I stayed back and did it myself."

"Why would you do that? I was going to protect you like you protected me!"

"You don't have to protect me. I don't deserve to have you protect me. I'll be fine, Zayn, just look after yourself, okay?" Harry wanted so badly to wipe away the tears falling from Zayn's eyes and to hold him one last time, "Stop crying, dummy, this is a happy moment. You're going to finally reunite with your family. I promised I would get you back to them, didn't I?" He smiled hoping it would calm Zayn.

"No, Harry, I don't want you to leave me alone- I can't-" He wasn't making sense; all he wanted was to walk away from all of this with Harry by his side.

"I'm not leaving you. Do you remember what I said earlier?" Zayn nodded, "So, why would I leave you after that confession? I meant it." Desperately, he wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled Harry into a hug.

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