Chapter 8

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Zayn rolled his eyes as Louis barged past his shoulder. Second time today. He shot Harry a smile but Harry completely avoided eye contact even though he saw Zayn. They hadn't spoken all week since the party and yeah sure they weren't friends or anything but Zayn was used to saying 'Hi' to him in the hallways. Now Harry just avoided him.

"Hey, Nialler." Zayn took his usual seat opposite Niall at their lunch table.

"If you're going to bring that topic up again, leave already." Niall groaned and rubbed his face, making Zayn let out a throaty laugh.

"You two just looked pretty comfortable dancing on each other! I think, as your new bestfriend, I have the right to know!" Zayn somehow remembered walking back into the house after that little row with Harry and finding Niall dancing against a drunk guy.

"I don't plan on making friends, especially not with you." Niall mocked what Zayn had said to him on the first day which made him go a deep red colour.

"Anyway, I don't even remember his name! So can you drop it?"


"We've got more clients. You guys need to prepare everything and put a plan into action much quicker this time." Harry was sat at his regular seat in his Father's office with 7 other men including Louis and Liam. He knew what his Dad meant by 'clients'.

He knew he had to ruin more lives. He knew he had to kidnap more innocent people and he had no choice.

"For now, we can focus on 5 individuals. I have pictures for you guys to look at." His dad rummaged through his drawers until he found what he was looking for. He handed them to one of the men nearest to him.

"The description of each person is at the bottom of the picture. Their name, home address, school address and all of that should help you in planning." Harry, Louis and Liam had heard this same speech for a year now so they knew what they were doing however his dad had hired more men this time.

"I want Harry, Liam and Louis to be in charge of this task as they're more experienced. One of you lads can keep the pictures safe."

The pictures were passed around until they got to Louis. Harry watched as he flicked through the photos with a poker face until he stopped on the last one, his eyes widening. He exchanged a look with Liam as he passed it to him. Harry was eager to see the pictures as Liam's reaction was the same as Louis'. Liam passed the pictures to Harry.

He went through them, reading the descriptions at the bottom. It was the usual. Harry tried not to look at the pictures as much because he knew he would be seeing these innocent faces in his nightmares. He fumbled through them finally getting to the last one and he felt his heart drop.

"No." Harry said out loud as he stared at the picture of the raven-haired boy. He was wearing a 'guns n roses' t-shirt as he looked away from the camera. His pink links were parted and his soft hair was styled in to a quiff. He noticed a black stud in his ear. Harry couldn't take his eyes off of the young boy, his blood beginning to boil.

Name: Zayn Malik

Age: 17

School: Dunver Academy

Home: 1146 Ravensbury road

"Excuse me, Harry?" His father questioned. Harry placed the pictures on his desk and stood up.

"I'm not doing this." His father cleared his throat, feeling anger building up as his own son was trying to stand up to him infront of all his men.

"You can all go now." Desmond dismissed them. Harry, Louis and Liam stayed seated.

"What do you mean you're not going to do this, Harry?" He questioned.

"He goes to my school. I can't." Harry couldn't explain why he refused to kidnap him because it's not as if they were close friends. He was actually still irritated at the boy for being so arrogant at the party. But he couldn't do that to him.

"Perrie Edwards also went to your school."

"But if you want to refuse then that's fine. I'll hand him over to the other guys. You three can work on someone else." Harry knew those other men would be harsher on Zayn. They don't care who gets hurt, they just want money.

"We'll do it." Harry said, clenching his jaw into a tight line.

A/N: my update game is strong I just hope my chapters are good lmao


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