Chapter 7

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"I don't wanna gooo!" Zayn whined, pulling the blanket over his head.

"Zayn, this is going to be the BIGGEST party!" Niall said and jumped up on his bed.

"Exactly." Zayn mumbled.

"Its either we go to the party or I stay in your room all night and annoy you." Niall sat down on top of Zayn, straddling him over the blanket.

"I'll get my mum to kick you out."

"She would never! She loves me!" He said and pulled the blanket down so he could see Zayn's face.

"It's true, I do love him!" Trisha said as she walked in to Zayn's room with a laundry bag. Niall got off of Zayn and sat next to him realising it was probably inappropriate to be sitting on Zayn while his mum was in the room.

"Z, you lazy bum! Get dressed and go to the party!" Safaa demanded also walking in to his room. Zayn sat up and groaned.

"Can you take me with you?" Waliyha followed in behind her. They all wanted him to go out because all Zayn did was draw and stay in bed all day. Even on a friday night.

"Why are you all in my room? And no, Waliyha, you're 12!" He said, not liking how his sister acted way older than her age.

"Ok fine, Will you all get out if I go to the party?" His sisters jumped up on his bed, cheering, and Niall joined them. Trisha just chuckled and collected the dirty clothes from his bedroom floor.

She was happy Zayn had found such a good friend and that all her children were happy living here even if she wasn't. This wasn't her decision to begin with. It was all Yaser and now he's never home. She cleared her throat trying to fight the tears. She was done crying over him. Zayn noticed how his mothers smile had dropped and walked over to her, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her on her forehead.

"I love you, mum. I can stay home with you if you want?" He whispered in to her ear.

"I love you too, sonshine. Don't you worry about me! Go out and have fun!"

Zayn had walked in on her crying, quite a few times which is how he knew about the problem between his parents.


Lights and music blared throughout the house as Niall looked for parking with Zayn in the passenger seat. They could practically feel the vibration from the music. There were cars everywhere and drunk teenagers sprawled out on the lawn, not caring that it was below 3°c. Zayn sighed as he stepped out the car, regretting his decision to come.

"Is it too late to go back?" He asked but Niall was already across the road from him. He stared at the huge house infront of him and began to compare it to his own small one. He could fit his house into this one atleast 3 times, maybe more.

"Hey! Welcome to my party! Remember to have fun but respect my house otherwise you're getting kicked out!" Liam said as Zayn walked up the front steps. He didn't realise this was Liam's party. He nodded and tried to walk past him but was stopped.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asked, still holding on to Zayn's upper arm.

"No, I don't wanna drink."

" about we get high?" Zayn thought about it for a bit then nodded and let Liam drag him through the dancing bodies. He took him to a quiet room where a group of people were sitting around, either smoking a joint or rolling one. Liam took the blunt from one the guys and passed it to Zayn. Zayn held it to his lips and inhaled as if it was a cigarette. Bad idea. He started to have a coughing fit and Liam chuckled taking the joint back so he could have a hit.

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