Chapter 20

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"He knows, Liam, he knows. Come over, now, its important." He hung up the phone, throwing it on his bed and continued to pace which he had been doing for the past 20 minutes.

30 minutes passed and Harry finally heard the knock on his door. He ran over, opening it to see both Louis and Liam standing there.

"What's happening?"

"He recognised me. He knows it's me!" Harry babbled out, his heart beating out of his chest. He knew he shouldn't of looked at those golden eyes. Those beautiful, captivating brown eyes.

"Relax, Haz, you're not making any sense." Louis said, grabbing the taller boy's shoulders.

"Zayn. He told me to show my face." Liam and Louis exchanged a confused look. 

"'re paranoid." Liam chuckled, shaking his head slowly.

"You guys don't understand! It was the way he said it. He knows, I'm sure of it!" The broken voice of Zayn Malik played in his head on repeat like a broken record as he spat out that sentence; 'Show me your face, you coward.'  Harry had walked out the basement without another look at the boy behind him. 

"You can't go back down there, then. Simple." Louis sat down on the bed and Harry followed. 

"No, not simple. I can't just leave it all to you guys." The boys continued to debate it but Harry already knew what he had to do. And Harry knew the boys weren't taking him seriously so he had to sort it out himself. Soon the topic of conversation changed.

"Do you guys really think I'm blind?" Liam started with a wide grin on his face. Louis looked over at Harry to try and make eye contact with him but the curly-headed boy was staring intently at his carpet.

"What are you on about?"

"You and Harry."

"Um...there's nothing going o-"

"Really so do you want to explain the marks I saw on Harry's neck? Because last I checked vampires don't exist." Liam cut Louis' lousy excuse off. 

"Plus you guys are always together! You're lucky I'm not the jealous type or I would've gotten mad at you guys for always leaving me out." He continued to say and Harry was getting annoyed at his accusations.

"Can you cut it out? There's nothing going on so put a sock in it." He said before walking out leaving Louis with an aching heart.  Liam noticed and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to his best friend.

"He's a prick, anyway." He said in an attempt to make the other boy feel better. Louis looked up at him with glossy eyes.

"We had sex." 

"No way, you're lying!" Liam said sarcastically which earned him a slap to the back of his head.

"Shut up. We did it once and after that he's...I don't know...he's just been acting different and it hurts, Liam. It really hurts. You know I've liked him for so long now and that was amazing." Liam wrapped his arm around the smaller boy and pulled him to his chest.

"But after that he's been so distant. I swear he's spent more time in the basement than with me in the past two weeks. I feel so used and disgusting." Tears spilled down his cheek as he hid his face into Liam's chest. 

"I really like that idiot and I don't even know what he wants. Did he just want a quick fuck? Was that all I was to him?" 

"No, Lou, you're so much more than that. Harry's... confused. We all are but we'll get through it. And I know he likes you. Just give him time." The two boys stayed in that position, Liam comforting his bestfriend as his shirt was getting soaked from Louis' tears.

Niall opened his eyes, being blinded by the sunlight attacking him through the windows. He saw his mother opening up the curtains and windows.

"Mum, what are you doing?" He asked, still groggy from his sleep, as Maura faced her son.

"No, what are you doing? I got a call from you school, Niall, you haven't been in since Monday. It's Wednesday, today!"

"I just didn't feel well. Can you close the windows? It's freezing" He replied, covering his eyes. 

"I'm being serious, Ni. What is happening with you? All you do is either sleep or go over to the Malik house. I haven't seen you do your school work in so long!" She was right. That is all Niall had been doing. When his mum would go off to work, he would get up and go over to Zayn's house to spend the day there then come home to sleep in his bed. 

"Mum, just let me sleep." He groaned and turned around so he could face away from his mother. 

"Niall James Horan, I expect you to be at school tomorrow then come back straight home to do your homework. I've had enough." 

"I don't care about school, right now! Zayn's still out there somewhere, Mum, that's all I seem to think about! Has he eaten anything? Is he warm enough? Is he even alive?" His voice broke on the last question as he sat up, the cold November air wrapping itself around Niall's shirtless body. 

"Not only Zayn but Perrie too! Its been two months, mum and there's no sign of her!"

"I understand, baby." She said in a much softer tone and sat on the edge of his bed. "But you can't risk ruining your future for this. You used to get straight A's and never missed a day of school and've changed a lot, Nialler." 

"M-mum." His voice broke and he allowed himself to cry. "I really liked him and she was my best friend. I miss them so, so much. I'm not strong enough to be going through this. It hurts so bad, mum." Maura's heart broke for her son and she rushed to get into bed right next to him.

"Shh, baby. You are so very strong, Nialler. Two of your closest friends have gone's okay for you to cry and to feel this way." She wrapped her son in her arms and rocked him as he cried onto her shoulder. She didn't know how else to help him other than be there for him so that's exactly what she did.


Again...Im so sorry but my phone has been broken for a week now which has been stressful and theres been so much going on with me that I just don't have time to sit and write anymore no matter how bad I want to. I keep getting so many ideas for this fic which is exciting af but I also have my ACTUAL A-level exams in like 2 months (SO SCARED OMDS)


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