Chapter 29

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"I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep. I had to bring you down here before my parents woke up and the boys came over."

"It's okay." Zayn said, still half asleep. Harry helped him sit on the mattress and Zayn groaned. The bed he was just asleep in felt like a cloud compared to this. "What's the time?"

"It's 6:35am." Harry replied after checking his phone. He placed Zayns washed clothes next to him on the mattress.

"And the date?"

"Erm..Friday 8th november. Why?"

"Not knowing what time or day it is was driving me insane. So I've been here for a month?" Harry nodded not wanting to continue the conversation.

"You can change back into your clothes and just leave mine to the side. I'll see you after school." He turned on his heel to leave when Zayn called his name.

"Thank you for last night. For you know...allowing me to take a shower and sleep in your bed." Harry felt sick at the fact that someone had to thank him for something like that. Something so basic.

After getting ready for school and eating breakfast which was just an apple, Harry walked out to his driveway where Liam and Louis were waiting for him in Liam's car.

"You look like a mess." Louis said when Harry got in.

"Thanks, Lou. Couldn't sleep."

"Well fix up because we have a plan!" Liam said.


"Yh, we're throwing a party at your house. Tonight."

"WHAT?" Harry looked at them like they were crazy.

"Don't worry we ran the plan by your dad first and he liked the idea."

"How is throwing a party at my place a good idea? Have you guys lost your minds?" Harry just didn't understand their thought process behind it at all. Had they forgotten they had someone locked up in the basement?

"It'll get Niall off our backs. When he comes and see's there's nothing going on-"

"But there is something going on!" Harry shouted cutting liam off.

"Yeah but he won't know that! The basement door will be locked and Desmond's office is always locked too. If he goes snooping in your room, he won't find anything. And as for Zayn, we can just keep him quiet." Louis took over to explain. Harry still thought it was a bad idea and he was surprised that his dad was behind it but then again his dad always supported Liam and Louis' ideas.

Niall had his eyes on the boys the whole day. Every little move they made, he was watching. Not that Harry noticed though. All he could think about was last night. All he could think about was how badly he wanted a certain raven-haired boy last night. How he had to force himself not to close the gap between their lips and instead push Zayn away further. How Zayn's hand had felt so right on his cheek but so wrong at the same time because of why it was happening. He just couldn't get the image of Zayn out of his mind. How his honey-brown orbs were looking at him through his lashes, seductively. The way Zayn made him feel in that moment no one has ever made him feel like that.

He couldn't go sleep last night because all night he was up thinking about how Zayn was right there in HIS bed. He had to fight everything in him to not get into bed with him. To not wake him up so that they could continue what they were doing before he went to sleep. To not wrap him up in his arms and kiss him all over his face before finding his way to his lips. He wondered what his lips would taste like and he was aching to find out.

But Harry knew that would be crossing boundaries. He didn't want Zayn for what he could offer, for some reason he wanted to learn more about him. He wanted to know his favourite colour, favourite move, favourite cuisine. He wanted to know what kept him up at night, his worst fear- and then Harry realised; shit. He's in too deep.

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