Chapter 47

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Trisha followed the police's advice to take Zayn to the hospital before going home. The doctors did a couple of x-rays and ran tests. Everything was clear – no broken bones, no internal bleeding – just a few scars and bruises. They were all pleased he didn't have any long-lasting injuries and it wasn't too long before they were on their way home.

He should have felt something entering his house for the first time after months, right? So why didn't he? Was something wrong with him? And when his best friend, Niall, ran all the way to his house and tackled him into a hug, he should have felt the happiest he's ever felt, right? But why didn't he?

"-whenever you're ready to talk, I will always be here for you." Niall said.

"Thanks." Zayn gave him a blank, small smile, not knowing how to respond. He felt fine, really, all that was on his mind was Harry and how he didn't deserve any of this.

"You have a lot of people around you that truly care for you-"

"I'm fine, seriously. I just want to get all of this over with so that I can move on." He cut his mum off. He knew the next few weeks would completely drain him of any remaining energy.

His room was exactly like how he had left it and that bought him some comfort. The messy bed, clothes over the floor and water bottles that had piled up on his side table. Maybe life hadn't moved on without him. He went to sleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

His eyes fluttered open and he frowned in confusion, scanning the room. This didn't make any sense. Why am I back here-

"Finally! I thought you wouldn't ever wake up. I've been waiting to have some more fun with you." He went rigid as Lester's voice echoed through the room and then he felt a hand on his thigh.

"No, no, no-"

"Calm down, we're just having fun." He inched closer to Zayn's crotch with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"D-don't, please, stop-" But he didn't listen as he began to unzip his trousers, "DON'T TOUCH ME! HELP!" He screamed out with everything in him as he tightly shut his eyes waiting for the inevitable. But it didn't come. He didn't feel the touch anymore. Instead, there was groans of pain coming from the other side of the room.

"I knew you were going to be useless from the moment you were born." Zayn recognised the voice. He peeked an eye open. Desmond lunged forward and kicked the curly haired boy square in the face. He walked away, leaving a bloody Harry on the ground.

"Harry?" He had blood dripping from his nose and his face was almost unrecognisable. He opened his eyes and looked up at a weeping Zayn.

"I-I'm so sorry, Harry."

"Shh, you have no reason to be sorry, Zayn. This is all my fault, remember?" He spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You don't deserve any of this- I just want all of this to stop. Make it stop, Harry, make it stop!" The only words escaping his mouth was 'make it stop' until he heard his mothers voice in the distance.

"Wake up, baby." Harry said and Zayn furrowed his brows, "Open your eyes."

"H-Harry? What's happening?"

"I'm going to be fine, Zayn, just open your eyes-"

"No, please-"

But he could feel himself getting dragged back to the real world and there was his mum towering over him.

"It's okay, baby, I got you." He sat up and she wrapped him up in her arms, whispering sweet words into his ear as he cried into her neck. The pain Trisha felt in that moment was indescribable as her son cried so hard in her arms that his whole body trembled with every sob.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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