Chapter 11

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A whole week had gone by and Harry followed Zayn home everyday. He made sure to avoid the younger boy at all  times. He didn't want to talk to him, he'd rather just get it over with.

"Boys, what do you want me to order?" Harry's mother, Anne, asked as she popped her head into Harry's room.

"Anything's fine, Anne!" Liam replied with a sweet smile.

"Alright, loves. Don't overwork yourselves!" She called, walking away.

"Ok so on average it takes Zayn 23 minutes to get home. We now need to figure out how we're going to go about this." Liam said, with the notebook laying on his lap. They were all sitting on the floor, cross legged, on a saturday night.

"There's a party next friday. How about we spike his drink?" Louis voiced his idea.

"No, we're not gonna kidnap him infront of everyone. That's too risky." Harry said, shaking his head.

"We can just do what we've been doing. Our trusty chloroform will do the trick." Liam said, noting the ideas down.

"It's going to be hard to restrain him for long enough so that he breaths it in. He's bigger than the other's we've caught."

"Not that much bigger, and anyways it's going to be 3 against 1. He has no chance." Louis said and Liam nodded agreeing with him.

"We need to ask your father for a van. Louis, can you check if we have any chloroform left?" Liam asked. Louis got up and exited the room. Liam continued writing when Louis came back in holding a black bottle.

"Barely any left." He answered and sat back down.

"That's fine, I'll get some next week. We're gonna need duct tape, ropes and-" Liam thought for a bit, biting down on his pen, "Harry find a black pillow case we could use to put over his head. Oh, a blind fold too just in case." Harry nodded, picking at a thread that was poking out of his ripped jeans. Liam uncrossed his legs and sat on his knees, putting the notebook down in the middle of the three of them. He drew 2 lines that were parallel and spaced out circles across the lines.

"Lets say this is the street you're on about, Harry. And these" Liam pointed to the circles, "are the streetlights. This Maberly Road turns to Weber street, which is where one of you can be in the van. If we manage to catch Zayn in between these streetlights, it'll be dark enough so that no one sees."

"Actually, yesterday I noticed that one of the streetlights were broken which means around there it will be dark enough for us to do it there." Harry added.

"We can go check the place out sometime next week." Louis told Liam who nodded.

"Who wants to be in the van?" He asked and Louis volunteered.

"Ok so I can block one end of the road and Harry, you can stand on the other end. Zayn will pass by you first and I need you to follow him. Louis can be driving next to me as I walk up to you and Zayn where I'll meet you exactly where the broken streetlight is. That is where I can throw the pillow case over his head while you restrain him. I'll open up the back door to the van while you hold him. That's it. We get in the back and tape him up, use ropes if we have to and come back here." Liam explained, drawing all over the book to try and help us visualise everything.

"I can't imagine it until I see the area first." Louis groaned, sitting back.

"I'll take you guys there, tomorrow." Harry said and got up. "I'm going to go ask my dad for the keys to one of his spare vans."

Harry walked to his fathers office and knocked.

"Come in." He heard Desmond say.

"Sir, we need keys to your van." Harry said. He always addressed his father as 'sir' whenever they were talking about work. He doesn't remember the last time he called his father 'dad'. Desmond opened his drawer and looked around till he found them. He threw the keys and Harry managed to catch them mid air.

"How's it going with the boy?" Desmond asked.

"We should have him here by next weekend." Harry said to which his father nodded.

He left his office and walked to the kitchen to grab some plates for the pizza that had arrived.

"What's your dad making you do this time?" Anne asked she she walked over to her son.

"The usual." Harry shrugged.

"Oh, my babyboy.." She ran her hands through Harry's curls. "I'll never forgive him for ruining your life, Harry. Never."  Harry wrapped his arms around her.

"Mum...It's okay...I'm fine." She looked up at him, her heart breaking as she noticed how pale he looked and the dark circles that were forming around his eyes.

"Who's the next victim?" She asked. She hated talking about her husbands work but she could see Harry needed someone to talk to. He lifted himself up and sat on the kitchen island.

"This boy from school..." He started, fiddling with his fingernails.

" do you feel about it?" She asked and put her hand on his knee. Harry shrugged.

"How I've been feeling for the past 3 years now." He said and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Have you ever spoken to this boy?" She questioned. Harry nodded.

"Yeah..he's a good guy, mum. He has 2 sisters and lives with his mum and dad. They all look like a really close family." Harry said, as he thought about how happy his sisters would get whenever they opened the door for him after school. He had seen his dad  once and that was more of an awkward encounter.

"I'm sorry you have to do this." She said. Harry took a deep breath.

"Don't be. In order to live this life, I need to not feel. I need to be numb, mum. Feelings get in the way. I'm not guilty for anything I've done or will be doing in the future. I don't care about the lives I'm ruining." He was trying to convince himself rather than his mother.

He needed to not feel. He needed to be numb. To not care.

I don't care.

I don't care.

I shouldn't care.

Harry knew exactly what he had to do, now. He needed to turn his emotions off. He walked to his room with pizza boxes and plates feeling much better than when he had left the room. He had a different feeling in the pit of his stomach.  Not sadness. Not guilt.

"Lets do this, lads." He said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.



Also woah so Harry's decided to turn his emotions but, Harry boy, it's not as easy it seems.


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