Chapter 41

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"Are we here?" Zayn asked when Harry parked the car at the side of the road. The car ride was mostly silent, it consisted of Zayn watching the rain and wind thrash against the window and Harry deep in his thoughts.

"No, they might recognise my car so it's best if we walk the rest of the way." He unbuckled his seatbelt and exited the car. Zayn followed behind him, shivering when the cold air surrounded him.

"It's freezing." He complained. Harry walked over to Zayn and zipped up his jacket for him.

"I know, I'm sorry we have to walk. Do you want my jacket, aswell?" Zayn felt his cheeks turning red at how sweet Harry was being.

"No, I don't want you to be cold." He pulled up his hood and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Harry took the bags out from the back of the car and they began to walk to the hotel.

15 minutes later, they finally arrived. It was definitely not a five star hotel but good enough for them to stay at for a couple of days. They walked in, instantly welcomed by the heat and Zayn felt his body relax.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" The receptionist, who was a middle aged lady, spoke up when she noticed them.

"Hi, are there any rooms available for 2 nights?" Harry asked, still slightly shivering.

"Yes, would you like two separate rooms or is one fine?" Harry turned to Zayn, looking for an answer but instead he just shrugged.

"One room, please." Harry decided.

"Right, well we have an en-suite room available with one double bed. Can I get your name?"

"Harry Styles." After paying for the room, the receptionist handed them the key and directed them to the room. Third floor, room number 23.

They arrived at the room and Harry placed the bags down next to the door. Zayn walked around, assessing the hotel room. It was nice, not that he's been in a hotel before. He sat down on the bed and let out a sigh.

"When is this all going to stop?" He asked Harry who was taking off his jacket.

"When is what going to stop?"

"Running away. I just want to see my mum and sisters." Harry sat down next to him.

"I know I'm sorry, you will but it's just not safe right now."

"When will it be safe, Harry?"


"Can I atleast call my mum and tell her I'm okay?"

"No, Zayn, I can't let you do that. I have to call Gemma and let her know we're here." He pulled his phone out and began to dial his sisters name.

It's was 8pm when loud banging on the front door alarmed Gemma and Chris. She broke off the kiss and groaned.

"I guess pizzas here." She gave him one last peck before getting out of bed and putting her slippers on. She walked down the stairs of the empty house and to the door.

As soon as she opened the front door, her heart drop into her stomach.

"Gemma, darling, it's so lovely to see you after you ran away!" There stood the man she was scared of her whole life. The man she was supposed to call 'dad'.

"What are you doing here? I don't want to see your face." She spat, trying to slam the door shut but his foot stopped it.

"That's no way to talk to your father, Gems, I taught you better than that."

"You taught me nothing." She laughed, bitterly, "Now leave before I call the police."

Chris heard the muffled voices coming from downstairs, he put his phone down and hopped out of bed.

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