Chapter 19

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Days were going  by fast for Harry and the boys. But not for the Malik family or Niall Horan. The curly-haired boy had started to spend most of his time at Liam's house to avoid his own home where he knew who was suffering in his basement. Trisha spent her time listening to Zayn's voicemail on repeat while Doniya hadn't gone back to University since her little brothers disappearance. The whole family was torn over this, their parents constantly arguing.

"It's been 2 weeks, Trisha, he's not coming home!" Yaser shouted, grabbing his wife's shoulders and shaking her.

"Shut up! SHUT UP! You might not care about your son but I do! I'm not giving up!" She shouted right back through broken sobs. All she seemed to be doing recently is crying her eyes out, and was surprised she hadn't run out of tears.

"You're mad." He let out a laugh, grabbing at his hair. "You've lost one of your children, don't lose the others! Don't leave it to Doniya to look after them!" At the sound of her name, Doniya tensed up. The door to Waliyha and Safaa's room was closed but they could still hear their parents screaming at the top of their voices and she was sure the neighbours could hear the commotion too. The younger girls had cuddled up to their older sister as they tried to block out the noise.

"I haven't lost him! He's coming back, my Zayn is coming back, just you watch! And don't you dare! you have no right to talk to me about looking after my children." Yaser shook his head slowly, looking at her right in the eyes.

"You're so delusional. You know what? Zayn's better off dead." Trisha froze. The tears, the shaking, everything in her stopped at his words.

"Get out." She said in an eerily calm voice.


"I SAID GET OUT, YOU BASTARD! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" And she began to hit his chest, pushing him backwards and towards the front door. She didn't stop screaming at him as the tears streamed down her face again while she continued to kick her husband out of the house.

Then Trisha's body would give out from all the fighting and she would cry herself to sleep on the sofa. Doniya would come downstairs and put a blanket over her before going back upstairs to her sisters. Yaser would come back home the next day and everything would be repeated. That was what a normal day looked like at their house.

However, time was ticking by extremely slow for the kidnapped boy. Most of the time, he was in his head because there was nothing else for him to do. No one spoke to him and he stopped asking questions.

Until today that is. The boy's conscience was trying to stop him from what he was about to do but he didn't want to be down here anymore.

"Who knew babysitting was part of our job." Tom groaned, his voice coming out muffled due to the balaclava, as Harry unlocked the door to the basement with Louis next to him. Desmond had given them strict orders to make sure Zayn eats his food.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he lead the way down. Zayn wasn't on the bed like he normally was and this worried him.

"Wher-" Harry fell on his back as someone attacked him. Zayn let out a scream, almost animal like, as he used this to his advantage and got on top of the masked figure. His hands clenched into fists as he swung and connected with the persons face, pain shooting through his own body from his knuckles. The man beneath him winced in pain, grabbing his face as Zayn took a good look at him.

Forest green.

Tom and Louis were caught off guard and so was Zayn because he hadn't expected three of them to come down here. The older man grabbed Zayn and pulled him off Harry while Louis, seeing Harry lying on the floor holding on to where he had been punched, was blinded by rage. Tom held the boys arms behind his back as Louis threw a punch to his stomach. Zayn screamed out in pain, doubling over.

"Don't you ever do that again." Tom growled. Zayn tried to break his arms free of the hold.

"Do you understand?" And suddenly a sharp cold metal was pressing against the tender flesh of his neck and Zayn froze.

"I SAID DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?" Tom twisted the boys skinny arm and Zayn cried out in pain again.

"Y-yes." He whimpered out, drops of sweat gathering on his forehead as he found it hard to breath with the knife against his skin.

"You're going to do as I say or I won't hesitate to slit your throat." Louis and Harry both knew he was bluffing. Desmond would destroy Tom if he killed his source of income. The blue eyed boy was helping the other boy to his feet as Harry felt the blood from his nose soaking through the mask he had on.

"You see the food over there?" Tom pointed at tray of food scattered on the floor. Zayn nodded, gasping for breath.

"You're going to eat every last piece. Go." He pushed him and Zayn fell right infront of the food, his body giving out. He could feel the man with the knife watching so he did as he was told. But he could feel the forest green eyes watching him too and he suddenly felt sick to his stomach as he picked up the last piece of bread from the floor.

He ran straight to the toilet attached to the little room he was confined in, heaving into the toilet bowl to throw everything he had eaten back up. His stomach hurt at the action from being punched earlier and he collapsed on the cold tiles, his body in pain and trembling uncontrollably.

Forest green eyes. That's exactly what he had seen when he looked at the man beneath him and he could picture the face beneath the mask but refused to believe what his head was telling him. Hushed whispers could be heard from the room before the boy heard footsteps and the door slamming shut.

Zayn picked himself up and dragged his body into the room. He froze at the sight of one of the men sitting on the floor, back leaning against the wall. But he didn't say anything so he continued to walk to the bed and laid down, facing the man, who was staring down at the floor.

Silence filled the boys ears as they stayed like that for five minutes before the green eyes had built up enough courage to look up and meet honey-brown eyes. Zayn felt his breath being knocked out of him as the other boy allowed himself to be seen.

The green eyed boy was the first to break eye contact as he got up and began to walk towards the stairs, brown eyes following him.

"Show me your face, you coward." The brown eyed boy said, calmly as tears escaped, running down the side of his face. The green eyed boy froze, his stomach sinking.

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