Chapter 22

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Harry took in a deep breath before letting it out again, to calm his nerves. The doorknob felt cold in his clammy palms. He twisted it and pushed the basement door open, making his way down the stairs. Like always, Zayn was sat on the bed, back against the brick wall and eyes shut.

Zayn's eyes fluttered open as the light from upstairs crept in. He knew it was one of the men coming downstairs to hand him his food then leave without another word. But when the man came downstairs empty handed, Zayn jumped into self-defense mode. Green clouded his eyesight when his brown ones looked up.

Harry didn't know what he wanted to say but he knew there was something. Zayn was the first to speak.

"Go away." He closed his eyes again, refusing to look at him any longer.

"Open your eyes, Zayn." He needed Zayn to look at him. He needed Zayn to see him for who he really was.He needed Zayn to shout and scream at him and call him a monster. The brown-eyed boy's heart sank to his stomach as the deep voice of Harry Styles surrounded him.


"Zayn. I want you to look at me."


"LOOK AT ME, DAMN IT!" Zayn's eyes shot open, out of fear, as Harry screamed at him. He tried to swallow away the small whimper that was fighting to escape his quivering lips.

"I want you to watch me. Focus on me, Zayn." Harry spoke, in a softer tone. He reached up to the bottom of the balaclava that was resting against his neck and held on to it, in a shaky grip. He knew there was no going back after this and this could get him into a lot a trouble. What if his father finds out he revealed his identity to someone that he had kidnapped? What if Zayn manages to escape and goes to the police? He'd know exactly who kidnapped him. That's a life sentence for him to rot in prison. But maybe he deserves it.

So he sucked in a trembling breath and slowly began to pull up the mask. Zayn, at first, thought this was what he wanted; to see who his kidnappers were. But he didn't want to know anymore.

"Don't-" It was too late. Harry pulled the balaclava even higher, revealing his pink parted lips, Even higher, his button nose visible. Then over his head so Zayn could get a good look at his green eyes and the messy curly locks that were flattened on his forehead from the balaclava.

Zayn sucked in a breath and it all came tumbling down around him. This was the man that did this to him. This was the man that ruined his life, that ruined his whole family. And he was standing right in front of him, running his hand through his hair to push it away from his forehead.

"Say something." Harry said, getting uncomfortable at Zayn's gaze on him. He didn't like how quiet the boy was being.

Zayn let out a piercing cry and jumped up from the bed, pushing Harry. Harry stumbled backwards but managed to catch himself.


"SHUT UP!" He pushed him again.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?!" he sobbed out, hitting Harry's chest with his flat right palm over and over again.

"You've ruined me, Harry!"

"You've ruined my family!" And the thought of his family blinded Zayn with rage. He pushed him again then threw his fist up to connect it with Harry's face.

Harry was letting Zayn hit him. If he wanted to, he could have stopped the smaller boy but he knew he deserved this so he let the brown-eyed boy release his anger. He held his jaw in his hand as the pain shot through his veins.

"I told you, Harry! I told you about my family! I told you I'm the one looking after them and you do the one thing that could hurt me. You ripped me away from my family! My dad's a useless drunk! My mum probably thinks I'm dead. My sisters are all alone. All because of you, Harry! They're alone, harry, ALL ALONE!" He slapped his chest again causing Harry to stagger backwards. Zayn couldn't control the tears that continued to roll down his cheeks and he wiped them away angrily.

"Why did you do this me?! What have I done to you, Harry?!" Zayn grabbed the taller boy by his collar and shook him to get his attention. Harry's eyes were focused on the floor but now he looked up to meet the broken eyes of Zayn Malik.

"ANSWER ME!" Zayn shook him again.

"Nothing! You did nothing!"

"So tell me why..." And suddenly, Zayn felt defeated. He couldn't fight anymore. The lack of food and the adrenaline, that ran through his blood stream just a few minutes ago, passed and left him tired. The hold on his collar loosened and Zayn's hand slid down Harry's chest. He was angry at Harry but right now he needed to be held. He felt so useless and fragile; he couldn't help himself and he couldn't help his family.

Harry was frozen in place as the boy that was just hitting and shouting at him, now had his forehead resting on his chest while his hands had slid down to his waist where he had fisted his shirt. He could feel Zayn trembling as he heaved sobs that racked his whole body.

The taller boy bit down on his bottom lip as his shirt was getting soaked by Zayn's tears, not that he cared. He didn't know what he was meant to say or do. There was a very thin line and Harry didn't want to cross it so he stood there, arms by his side, allowing Zayn to touch him for as long as he needed but he kept his own hands to himself.

What was he doing? Was he seriously crying to his kidnapper? He didn't want Harry to see how much he had broken him. Because that's what he wants, right? He wants to see Zayn broken. He stepped away from Harry and took in a deep breath.

"Leave me alone. Please." He said, voice barely above a whisper. Harry did as he was told and started to walk away when Zayn called out his name.

"I will never forgive you for this. I hate you." It felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing his heart. The hate dripping from Zayn's voice was clear and it haunted Harry.


So ummm here you go...Harry has finally revealed his face even though Zayn lowkey knew who it was.

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