Chapter 21

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"As you all are very well aware, two of our students have gone missing in the past month." Harry, Louis and Liam were sat in the back of the assembly hall, messing around, when the head teachers voice interrupted them. That one sentence made everyone in the hall stop what they were doing.

"We currently have no updates for Zayn Malik however we have news on Perrie Edwards." Niall shuffled uncomfortably in his seat while the three boys at the back sank into theirs, feeling exposed. Headteacher Stanley cleared his throat before continuing.

"Unfortunately," The thoughts were accelerating inside Niall's head and he needed them to stop just so he could catch his breath. "She is no longer with us. Perrie was an incredibly strong, smart and caring woman that left a positive touch in the lives of many. So to pay respect to her and her family, we'll be planting a tree outside in the field as a living memorial to show that our love for her has not ended with death. We wish to see you all there tomorrow at 9am. Remember, our school counsellor is always here if any of you need to tal-"

Niall sprung out of his seat and ran out the door, the students watching him. Instinctively, Harry flew out of his own chair, with the two boys on his trail, as he followed the blonde haired boy.

His head was spinning, his heart hammering against his chest and he couldn't focus on his breathing. His white-knuckle grip on the bathroom sink tightened as he looked up at himself in the mirror. His cheeks were red, resembling his blood-shot eyes as tears streamed down his face and every now and then he would gasp involuntary breaths.

"Niall..." Through blurry tears, he saw Harry, Louis and Liam standing behind him.

"I...I'm sorry for your loss." Harry said inching closer to the younger boy. From his mouth came a cry so raw that the three boys were bought to tears.

"N-no! S-she's not dead! She can't be. We were m-meant to go to t-the Christmas dance together!" He hiccuped as he tried to form a sentence that made sense. Harry walked over and pulled the boy to his chest, the other two observing.

"S-she can't just leave me l-like this! I wish I told her how much she meant to me more often. I-I wish she knew how much I l-loved her." Harry was willing to hold on to him for as long as he needed it.

"I've lost her but I can't l-lose Zayn, aswell. That will break me." Niall broke off the hug and wiped at his face. "I-I need to go help Trisha and the family! I should do research. That'll help, right? M-maybe I can find out where Zayn has been taken. Oh God, there's so much to do! I can't lose him, Harry, I can't!" He was rambling away so Harry grabbed his shoulders and shook him gently.

"Listen to me, Niall. Pull yourself together! Wherever Zayn is, he's okay. Trust me." He's going to make sure nothing hurts Zayn Malik, if it's the last thing he does. "Right now, you need to focus on being there for Perrie's family. Go to the memorial tomorrow, go to the funeral. Take your time but eventually you will come into terms with what's happened and you'll be ready to let go. But remember, she'll forever live on in here." He placed his hand over where Niall's heart was. "Go home and take care of yourself."

Niall walked through the school hallway and it's as if everything was in slow motion. He walked by teachers and students huddled together, crying but also trying to comfort each other. People were throwing him sympathetic looks and he hated it.

Perrie Edwards body was found by Moonside Lake at 11:24pm by a couple who had been camping there. The couple and anyone else that was seen at the site of crime are being questioned to try and crack the case. An autopsy confirmed that Perrie Edwards was raped on multiple occasions and had suffered a fractured skull, broken bones and cigarette burns on her body. Her perpetrators had thrown her in to the lake after murdering her as an attempt to get rid of the dead body.

"What do we do?" Louis asked once Niall left, running his hand through his hair.

"Nothing." Liam replied.

"But what if they connect it to us?"

"We do nothing, Louis. We haven't been involved with Perrie's case since nearly a month ago. Anything that's happened after we passed her on to the man that bought her is not our fault. We did nothing wrong." They all knew this was complete bullshit. They were all involved in the murder of Perrie Edwards. This could all have been avoided right from the beginning.

Harry put the black balaclava over his head and pulled it down to mask his face. He blended into the darkness as he leaned against the wall and proceeded to wait 4 minutes and 52 seconds and right on time the blonde haired girl turned into the alley.

Perrie had music blasting in her ears, blocking out the world and the boy who was following her. He silently walked behind her, his pace getting faster with every step. As soon as he was inches away from the blonde haired girl, Harry wraps his arm around her waist and places a chloroform soaked rag over her nose and mouth.

Perrie had tears streaming down her face as she tried to scream for help but only muffles were heard. She tried to fight against him but she was no match for a boy double her size. She was kicking violently, but aimlessly, and it was getting harder for him to hold her in place until her limbs gave out and her eyes rolled back before closing.

Harry carried the girls lifeless body to his car where his two accomplices, Louis and Liam, were sat at the back.

Right from when the boys accepted Desmond's orders, not that they could go against him; they were apart of the murder of Perrie Edwards. No matter how much they tried to make themselves believe that they were just three innocent 18 year old boys that were forced into this lifestyle, deep down they loathed themselves for what they did.


Here's the first half of this chapter! I say first half because I wrote like wayyyy too much for this chapter so I split it in half cos I didn't want you guys to get bored!

So...RIP Perrie Edwards?

I remember when I was in year 9, something similar happened to me. We only had assemblies on a monday so when we were all called to the assembly hall on a wednesday, I was really confused. Anyway, we walked in and my friend's parents were at the front on the stage with the head teacher. It was really weird because my friend wasn't even at school on the day so I was wondering why her parents were here. Long story short...the headteacher announced to us that she had taken her own life. She was being bullied outside of school which I didn't know about. I should've been there for her to help her through it all.

I remember crying so hard and even thinking about it now, it still hurts. Anyywayyy, we had memorial at school for her just like the one theyre having for Perrie. We planted a tree and it was so beautiful. Her funeral was amazing too and just how she would want it to be.

-RIP ANGEL 7.11.2014-

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