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"Gigi." Maddie said, shaking the girl as she tossed and turned in her slumber. Gigi ignored the persistent tapping and poking she was receiving from her roommate. "Gigiiii." Maddie Hatter said, trying to shake the girl awake after she had her fifth nightmare in the span of a week. It was only Tuesday.

"I got this." Crystal White said, pulling the covers off of Gigi, who paid no mind to it, still keeping her eyes shut tightly. Maddie stopped her pocking, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You have to try harder." Pandora Pan said, pulling Gigi off the bed and causing her tumble onto the floor. Gigi's eyes snapped open, groaning as she pulled herself into a sitting position. Her four friends grinned at her.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty." Ally Kingsley said, with a grin. "What were you dreaming about dare I ask?"

"It's not like she'll tell you." Crystal said, tapping her foot impatiently on the floor.

"We've been asking all week." Pandora agreed. "She doesn't want to budge."

"Well I for one believe if we keep pestering her she'll give in, and sob out her story." Maddie said, uncrossing her arms from her chest.

"I agree." Ally said. "The longer she doesn't tell us the more curious I am. Curiouser and Curiouser."

"Curiously killed the cat." Pandora said, following Crystal's example and tapping her foot impatiently. "Can we hurry this up?"

"Now Pandora. When were we ones do things quickly?" Maddie asked, quirking an eyebrow. "We take our time and in the end we are late. Like we are going to be right now."

"We are very good procrastinators." Ally said. "We were never good at keeping track of time. And these guys aren't really helping."

"I was never late to anything before I befriended you guys." Crystal said. "Now look at me."

"But you love us anyway." Ally said. "Otherwise you still wouldn't be here,"

"A friend is what the heart needs." Crystal said. "I've got plenty. And I can't let them go even if I tried."

"Aww she said she loved us." Maddie said, clapping her hands.

"I never said that." Crystal said. "You guys are just tolerable."

"Oh sure Crystal." Pandora said. "You said your heart needed us and that is pretty much saying you love us."

"I'm just going to take you guys for granted." Crystal said. "You're not worth anything."

"For your mother's daughter." Ally said. "You sure are pessimistic."

"But you know whose more pessimistic?" Pandora asked.

"Who?" Maddie asked. "More than Crystal?"

"Oh yes." Crystal said. "I know someone more pessimistic than me."

"Who?" Ally said. "Am I the only one who is clueless?"

"No I am too." Gigi said, coming off the floor.

"Me too." Maddie said.

"Who?" Ally asked. "I want to know."

"She's not from Auradon and we talk to her every Wednesday." Pandora said, cryptically. "Or we used to."

"We talk to a lot of people in Wednesdays." Ally said. "Not from Auradon....? Oh I know."

"Ah Yes." Pandora said. "Sam."

The room stilled at the mention of the daughter of Smee's name. They hadn't called the girl since Coronation day. After that the girl hadn't answered their calls. Gigi and Maddie having introduced them to her, on Family Day. The video chat had ended quickly because Sam's "friends" didn't appreciate her talking to Auradon snobs. Sure Sam had started out a bit rocky talking to Crystal and Pandora, but it had at least ended civilly. They had become quick to sort out their differences. But they hadn't gotten a call answered from her since then, and they'd forgotten to call her anyway.

"Yeah." Maddie said, breaking their moment of silence. "Sam's really pessimistic."

"Do you think she'd still talk to us if we called?" Ally asked. "I do feel bad forgetting about her."

"We didn't forget about her." Pandora said. "We were busy and when we called she wouldn't answer."

"Is she ignoring us?" Ally asked. "I'm sure we can get ahold of her if we try."

"The thing is." Maddie said. "If Sam doesn't want to be talked to, she will do everything she can to not answer. It works really well for her sometimes."

"Like it is now." Crystal said. "Well we've wasted enough time. Come one Gigi up we go."

Gigi held onto the floor, as Crystal had enough, and dragged her by her legs to the bathroom.

"Now get ready young lady." Crystal said. "We have no more time to waste."

"We have no more time to waste." Gigi mocked under her breath. "That's funny."

"What did you say?" Crystal ashe'd, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Nothing." Gigi said, shaking her head slightly. "I said nothing."

"Good." Crystal said, shutting the bathroom door. "You have five minutes. We're already late!"

Gigi sighed, scrubbing her face and splashing water to wake herself up. She didn't know who she saw when she looked in the mirror. She wasn't Gigi Gothel like she believed. And she didn't know who she was right know. Her name probably wasn't even Gigi. Her whole life built on a lie. But there were many on the Isle who knew her true identity, and she wanted to know if someone who would talk to her, would answer her calls without her having to go their in person.

Gigi applied her makeup, brushed her hair and put on the outfit her friends had already chosen for her. Before exiting the bathroom, where her friends waited for her.

"Ah Yes!" Crystal said. "You look beautiful darling, now come on we have no time to waste."

"We literally are already thirty minutes late." Maddie said. "Why are you in such a rush."

"Punctuality is key dear Maddie." Crystal said, ushering them out the door. "Ben and Mal and Tina are waiting."

"I'll be there in a minute." Gigi said, as her friends looked st each other before nodding. "Okay meet us at Ben's office in five."

"Okay." Gigi said, as her friends disappeared out the door. She shut it, locking it, before making her way to the laptop that had been sitting on her shelf for months. She flipped it in, typing in the password, going to the video chat app like Ben had taught her. She scrolled through the contacts, filled with all the people who attended Auradon Prep, until she reached the S. Samantha Smee. She clicked call, and after a few rings, Sam answers.

"If it isn't dear little sunshine." Sam said, in a mocking tone. "Look who decided to call me."

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