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"Oh no Puppy Boy

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"Oh no Puppy Boy." Uma said,her hands set on her hips. "It isn't. I told you Mal. This wasn't over. You may have won the battle but I will win the war."

Gino was trying to understand why this girl hated Mal so much. It seemed uncalled for. What had been done to make them hate one another so much? What had caused such hatred?

Gino watched the two face off, each with their "gangs" to back them up if he could call it that. Mal only had Carlos, Jay, Evie, Crystal and Gino. And this Uma girl had a dozen pirates waiting at her command. They were outnumbered.

"I think we have something you might want." Uma said with a smirk as the pirates parted, letting three figures be dragged in front of them. Gino recognized them as CJ, Freddie and Zevon. But there was no sight of Gigi. Oh what had happened to her? Gino hoped she was okay. But judging from this place, she was far from it.

"Give them to me." Mal said, as if asking Uma would be the answer to all of her problems. To her surprise, Uma obliged.

"Cut em loose Harry, Harriet." Uma said to the boy in red. He rolled his eyes, raising his sword and releasing them. The trio scurried behind Mal, with CJ flipping the bird at the boy and girl clad in red leather.

"How rude of you dear sister." Harriet sneered. "I went easy on you. Now you can go back to Auradon and leave me be for couple more months like you always do."

The words seemed simple enough but CJ winced at them, backing away from them slightly.

"What?" Uma asked with a grin when Mal still remained glaring at her. "Are you missing something or rather someone?"

Uma and her crew cackled, as Mal held no sense of amusement her face set in a scowl.

"Oh no." Harry said. "We gave you them back because we caught prisoner of much more worth." He looked at Gino with a insane grin. "Your parents I believe."

Gino was in shock on how they knew who he was when he didn't know half of them or most of them.

"Don't look so surprised." Gil said. "We watch the news."

"And anyone with half a brain would know each of your parents here." Harriet said. "It helps us keep track of things and plot your downfall."

Gino frowned as Mal stepped forward.

"Where are they Shrimpy?" Mal asked. "I haven't got all day."

"Oh yes because you got your pretty little life in Auradon." Uma said with an eye roll. "Sorry Mal this time it isn't going to be a one day thing."

"Just answer her question so we can go on with our lives." Crystal huffed. Uma shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't take orders from prissy little princesses." Uma said as Crystal reached out at her, being pulled back by Jay.

"Aww little princess got some spark in her?" Harriet asked. "I remember a certain redhead, I'm not naming names. But when she came here I drained the spark right out of her and I'm willing to do it to any other princess who dares trespass on my home when you're so adamant on not inviting us to yours."

"So this is about me getting invited to Auradon and you not?" Mal asked with a smirk. "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

"She's not obsessed." Quinn said. "Most of us don't want you to be here."

"Didn't want to be dealing with all this either." Mal said. "But you're all obsessed with me which is weird. Just give them back to me and we'll go our separate ways."

"Well we can't really give any of them to you." Uma said. "You'll have to see a little witch for that."

"Just to be clear she's talking about Mother Gothel." Chelsea said.

"That was clear." Mal said, biting her thumb. This rescue mission seemed to already be a bust.

"Go on." Uma said. "Go to Mother Gothel and fight her for the release of the precious leaders of Corona and their daughter."

"Their daughter?!" Carlos, Evie, Mal and Jay said at the same time before looking at each other questionably.

"Did we forget to mention that?" Pandora asked.

"Yes!" The Vks chorused once more, sharing questionable looks.

"Well now that we're all caught up." Quinn said. "What's it going to be Mal?"


GIGI didn't want to believe what Ginny had showed her but the more she thought about it, the more she realized it wasn't possible for Ginny to have staged it. Or could it have? Gigi didn't know. She didn't like that her wanting to know who her parents were would cause such problems. .

She wanted to believe this was all some terrible dream but it was far too specific. It wouldn't be a dream anyway, it would be a nightmare. She was in Mother Gothel's clutches and she wasn't getting out anytime soon.

She wanted to believe all her problems would be solved. That when she went back to Auradon, her parents would want to embrace her and whisper how much they missed her. How much they loved her. She wanted that but it seemed too farfetched to be reality. She wanted it to be reality. She wanted this to be real. She wanted everything to be okay.

"I just want to know who she is." Gigi muttered to herself as there was no one else in the room. "I don't have to meet her or anything. Is that too much to ask?"

Gigi hadn't expected an answer, she just needed to get it off her chest. Nobody had to hear her pleas anymore, she was more than glad to keep it to herself now. Nobody wanted to hear them. She knew her friends were tired of it. She knew that they were only saying things to make her happy. She so desperately wanted to be happy. To feel complete again.

The door to her cell opened as two people were thrust inside. The King and Queen of Corona.

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