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"Oh nonsense

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"Oh nonsense." Sam said, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm not a turncoat like you."

Mal rolled her eyes at Sam, her hands in fists as her side.

"You sound so helpful." Mal said. "Weren't you the one who helped set Pandora free?"

"That's different." Sam said. "They were going to kill her if I didn't do something."

"Yes but CJ is the only one that they made face consequences for it." Mal said. "Just admit that you have a heart and we can go on with our day."

"Never said that I didn't have one." Sam said.

"Can you two please stop?" Evie asked, trying to keep her voice as level as possible. "It's really late and I don't want to deal with your bickering."

"Sorry Evie." Mal and Sam said at the same time, glaring at each other.

"Evie's right." Carlos said. "It's late and we aren't getting anywhere with you two bickering."

"Why would you want to help us?" Jay asked. "Not that we don't want it."

"That desperate huh?" HJ asked. "We're helping you because Gigi is our friend just as much as she is yours."

"Oh right." Mal said. "You two were friends with her before we were. When we bullied her just as much as everyone here did."

"They never stopped." Sam said, with a frown. "It's not her fault she's so..."

"Nice?" Carlos offered.

"Sure that." Sam said. "Terrible word."

"It is not." Jay said. "You're being nice for helping us. You're being nice for keeping it a secret from your friends. You're a nice person."

"Please stop." Sam said, covering her hands over ears.

"So being called nice here isn't a good thing?" Gino asked, finally being able to form a sentence.

"Yes. what's your name again?" Sam asked.

"Gino." Gino supplied.

"Yes Gino." Sam said. "It's an insulting thing."

"But it shouldn't be." Evie said, as Sam's eyes snapped toward her. "You're a nice person Sam and you should accept that. That's why Gigi liked you. Because she saw the good in you."

"Gigi would think so now wouldn't she?" Sam said. "I mean I left her after she went with you. So that would be different."

"We left her because Uma and Mal made us have to choose our friendships with them over our friendship." HJ said. "So it's not our fault."

"I felt the shade thrown at me." Mal said. "But I was a different person then. I've changed."

"I can see that." Sam said as Mal shrugged her shoulders.

"See we can talk and not be rude." Evie said.

"Can we?" Sam asked.

"Stop it." Evie said as Sam raised her hands in surrender.

"Sorry E."

"Gino looked around the place, taking it all in. He tried to imagine how Gigi had lived here once on the nights she wanted to get away from Mother Gothel and try to connect with the place she had once called home. But there was nothing homey about this place. It felt all dark and cold. No wonder Gigi had been so happy at coming to Auradon Prep. this place didn't fit her sunny personality. But this is the place where Gigi had known has home and it would always be a part of her even if Gino didn't want it to be. He hated that his sister had to go through all this. She hadn't deserved it.


MOTHER GOTHEL SMILED at them once she seemed to realize that there were in fact no witnesses. Her moment of glee was cut short when her daughter called her from another room.

"Mom?" Ginny asked. "Are you still awake? You know how you get when you don't get enough sleep. You can kill them in the morning."

"I suppose." Mother Gothel said in resignment. "I'll see you in the morning. Stabbingrons!"

"Yes?" Stabbington #1 asked.

"Watch them while I sleep." Mother Gothel said. "Make sure they don't escape."

"Yes ma'am." Stabbington #2 said as she disappeared somewhere in the castle.

"Hey guys." Eugene said when he realized the two men were looking at him. "Long time no see?"

"We wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for you." Stabbington #1 said.

"Sorry about that guys." Eugene said. "I swear it wasn't supposed to end that way."

"But you got so caught up in your own thing." Stabbington #2 said. "Fell in love. Lots of stupid things."

"Hey don't insults Raps." Eugene said. "She made me realize I wasn't who I thought I was. That I could have a second chance, mend all my ways."

"That's pathetic." Stabbington #2 said as the two of them turned to look forward.

Gigi stared at the wall for a minute, not knowing what to say to the two people that were next to her. She didn't know how they had ended up here, all she knew is she had to get them out even if it meant she couldn't.

"Why are you here?" Gigi asked.

"I'm sorry?" Eugene said. "What did you say Gigi?"

"Why did you guys come here?" Gigi asked. "You shouldn't be here."

"You shouldn't be here." Rapunzel said. "We heard you were in trouble and we wanted to help."

"I was barely gone for a day." Gigi said with a frown.

"News spreads like wildfire in Auradon." Eugene said.

"I don't know what you were thinking young lady." Rapunzel said. "That was reckless and dangerous and you deliberately disobeyed what Ben told you to do. Oh my gosh I sound like Mother Gothel."

"No you don't." Gigi said. "Mother Gothel she insults you, triesa to make it seem like she's right when you know she's sure as hell wrong. She's just manipulative."

"Very." Stabbington #1 said.

"We would've left if she we could." Stabbington #2 said.

"We'll get you out here." Gigi said.

"We'll what?" Rapunzel and Eugene said at the same time.

"They're the only reason Mother Gothel hasn't done anything drastic to me. It's only fair if we pay them back."

"Gigi they're villains." Eugene said." They can't change."

"You changed." Gigi said. "So can they."

Rapunzel pulled Gigi into an abrupt hug, which she found rather confusing.

"Oh Gigi I've missed you so much." Rapunzel said.

"What are you talking about?" Gigi asked.

"I've missed you so much my daughter." Rapunzel seemed to realize her mistake.

"Raps the curse!" Eugene said as smoke surrounded Gigi and she was lulled into a deep sleep.

[✔︎] 𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS ONE ³Where stories live. Discover now