Chapter 41: Keeping it Together

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Today was your due date. Everyone had been hyping you up for the moment with excited smiles and thoughts. But, you had panic washing over you every second since the begging of the week. Everyone says that the birth of your child is the best thing of the world and that life will be so much brighter. But, no one really talks about the actual birthing process. You understand why, its a long process and there are a lot of disgusting things that happens. You read even read that some people poop while giving birth. You pray that doesn't happen to you. You also pray that it doesn't last more than twenty four hours. Though you read that most do. Which also scared you.
You'd grown more irritated during the week, as you grown more and more uncomfortable. You were barely able to walk right, and laying down didn't help your aches. You feet hurt most of the time and you had started having mild contractions. Dr Karev said not to worry because it was normal. So, you stayed home. Sweet Pea tried to calm you, but he made you more irate most of the time. Cheryl and Toni tried soothing you as well, but it wasn't working.
"I have tea," Betty gave you a scared smile as she placed the glass next to you. "How are you feeling?" You shrug. "I also brought a heating pad, for your back. Do you want to try it?" You nod. "Alright. I'll plug it in... Here." She helps you place it at your lower back. She sits on your bed next to you and runs her hand down through your hair.
"Thanks Betty," you sigh leaning into her hair like a cat. "It's working." She nods with a smile as you let your eyes drift closed. You can hear the faint sounds of the cold December winds outside and cars driving by. "Ugh. I thought that I would be in at least the late stages of early labor by now." You grabbed your tea taking a long sip of it.
"I know," she says lightly. "Some babies take long than others. They come on their own time."
"Well this one better understand that this is ridiculous," you groan. "Why doesn't he wanna come out?"
"Because you're too nice of a home," she laughs and you roll your eyes. "He does. He just wants to do it right. He's a perfectionist, like you."
"I regret all of my past decisions."
"No you don't," she laughed. "Just keep your eye on the beautiful prize at the end of this."
"My baby is not a prize," Sweet Pea said. "He's not an object."
"It's a metaphor," Betty said. You take another sip of your tea, waiting for the argument to end.
"Still," He said leaning against the frame of the door. "He's the light at the end of the tunnel. The one person she will love unconditionally."
"Why are we arguing over this?" You sigh placing your glass next to you again. "It's all the same. Talk about something else. Please."
"Alright... Jughead finally finished his finals and he's not cranky anymore," Betty suggests. "He actually made a movie reference last night."
"Great," You say. "I haven't heard any of his stupid jokes in a while." She laughs lowly. "What else is new?"
"I finished my own finals," Sweet Pea says. "One step closer to getting that degree."
"Oh! You didn't tell me that!" You say, kinda offended. "How did you do?"
"I actually did really well," he nods. "Thanks to your tips."
"That's great Pea," you smile. "I'm so proud of you." He offers you a smile back, though it was hesitant. "I'm not going to lash out. I'm happy and content. I promise. Come sit with us." He sits at the end of the bed.
"I can't believe there's gonna be a little baby here soon," Betty said. "Ugh, I can't wait."
"I can't wait to meet him," you and Pea say in unison. You both laugh a little looking at each other. You grab your glass again taking a small sip as Betty gives you and Pea an odd look.
"Do you have all of your things ready?" Betty asked. "Comfortable clothes to leave in, bed clothes, toothbrush, book, journal, phone charger?"
"Yes," You nod with your glass still held up to your face. "It's right there." You point to the duffel bag. "It has everything I will need and a few things I might need."
"What about for the baby?" She asked. "Clothes, diapers, car seat, bottles, something to keep him warm?" You nod. "And you know that you can't have him in his coat and stuff in the car seat?"
"Yes," Sweet Pea said. "We know that you dress the baby in thin layers so the straps can be tight. We know that you place the coat on backwards over the straps. And it should come off when the car heats up. So the baby doesn't overheat."
"Alright," She raises her hands in surrender. "Do you have a bag?" She looks at Sweet Pea. "You will be there too."
"I have a bag," he nods, but you know it's bs. "Now, are you gonna keep up with the twenty questions or shut up?"
"I'm just making sure you're prepared," Betty said. "There's nothing more cliche than being ill prepared."
"We are," he said. "We've been ready for two weeks now. We have bottles out and cleaned. The nursery is ready for him to come home. We have everything out of the way and cleaned, so he doesn't get sick. The baby monitor is set up already. It connects to our phones." He holds his phone up. "Already set up."
"I'm so proud," she chuckled. "So, are you going got stay locked up in your room all day? It's already two."
"I planned on it," you shrug. "My feet hurt."
"Dr Karev did say that walking and moving sometimes speeds up the process," Pea said. "And, it might help you feel better. Blood flow."
"I don't want to," you whine. "I want to stay here and sleep. But, I can't sleep because I'm not that tired and my back hurts. I want to eat, but I get nauseous when I eat."
"I'm sorry," he said. "You know there are people who want to see you. Fangs is down there. Reggie and Archie too."
"You know that you only started calling them by their first names when I came back?" You realize. "You usually just called them Andrews and Mantle."
"I didn't notice," he shrugged. "Now, come on. I'll get you a popsicle and you can sit on the couch. Surround yourself with people."
"I'll bring the heating pad," Betty said. "And your tea." You give her a thankful smile as you waddle down the stairs to your friends. They greet you with a cheer of hellos.
"Here," Fangs gets up and gestures to the chair. "How are you feeling? Anything I can get you?"
"Well you can start by not treating me like a patient," you laugh. "I'm fine. There's some discomfort. In my back and stomach. I'm getting some cramps, but nothing awful. I've just been moody."
"What's new," Reggie chuckled. "You've always been moody." You glare at him and he continues to laugh. "You think the baby is coming today?"
"God I hope so," you sigh. "He's been kicking me so much."
"Sounds like Sweet Pea," Toni laughed as he handed you your popsicle.
"I think it's gonna be at least another day," Cheryl says. "She hasn't been in severe pain. Which means no contractions. Her doctor said that she was barely dilated."
"Thanks, Cheryl," You sigh sitting down. "I love the hopefulness."
"I am just saying," she flips her hair over her shoulder. "Look at the facts."
   "Well, hopefully before Christmas," Veronica said. "I have the best gift for him."
    "Gift?" You hadn't really thought about getting him a gift. He can't really interpret the idea of Christmas. "I hadn't even thought about getting him any gifts."
   "Well Christmas is in a few days," Veronica said. "His gift would be life."
    "If he comes," you sigh. "As much as I hate to admit it, I think Cheryl is right. He isn't ready yet, as much as I am so excited for this next part. He's comfortable." They all nod as Sweet Pea plays with your hair from behind the chair.
   "That's one way to look at it," Reggie nods. The next few days were the same. Full of slight pain and a lot of discomfort. Sweets was trying his best to keep you content, but he didn't know how. Finally, Christmas comes around and you've grown entirely fed up with almost everything. But, you fight through it. There's no logical reason for you to be angry and that's what you keep in mind throughout the day.  You fight through the periodic bursts of cramps.
   "I brought you something," Archie smiles and pulls something from his pocket. He hands you your favorite candy from Smiths. You offer a smile back and take the candy. You wanted it so bad, but you knew that it would only upset your stomach. "I know you're having trouble eating. Well, I didn't before I got here. Would've brought something better."
   "This is great, Arch," you smile. "Really. I love this stuff so much. I can't wait to eat it."
   "How's your pain?" Reggie asked. "Cheryl said that it was a little unbearable for you earlier today."
   "Well, I'm a baby," you laugh. "I like people to feel bad for me. So, I over exaggerate things sometimes."
   "Surprised you didn't know that," Sweet Pea mumbled. Though, he and Reggie were on talking terms. You knew there was rough waters between them. Especially on Sweet Pea's side. "You know everything else."
    "Surprised you pay attention enough to know anything," Reggie shot back. "Most of the time it seems like you're wrapped up in your superficial, narcissistic head."
   "Knock it off," you snap. "Honestly, the two of you need to fucking get over yourselves. It's getting annoying. You're graduated. That means high school drama is gone. There are more important things to worry about in your lives. So, I suggest the two of you find a way to like each other. Because it's stressing me the hell out and I can't deal with this and you two. I really can't. I just want everyone to be happy and friendly for Lexington." You have tears of anger and confusion welling in your eyes. "Why can't you all just stop fighting for once." You push yourself off the couch and grab a coat. "I can't deal with all of this right now. I'm going for a walk."
   "Great," Cheryl whisper yells at the boys. "You made her more stressed out. You couldn't keep it to yourselves? Honestly." She gets up and follows after you, Fangs and Kevin begins her.
   "I think you should sort out your stuff," Kevin suggests. "We will calm her down." He shouts the door to catch up with you.
   "They're just being guys," Cheryl wraps an arm around you as you walk. "Inconsiderate, angry guys. They have too much testosterone to deal with."
   "I'm slightly offended," Kevin said. "Not all guys act like that. They are alpha males. They need to show who is boss."
   "That's true," Fangs nods. "Sweet Pea has always been the bigger guy. The one who scared people into doing things he wants. He likes to run things."
   "And, you know Reggie does too. He always goes against the ruler. He went up against Archie for football captain and for the lead in the red circle. He took over the bar at the speakeasy," Kevin reminds you.
    "They're going to kill each other," you sigh. "They can't get over themselves. It's so stupid. And, while they are at each other's necks, something is going to happen."
    "Then they better get their heads out of their asses," Cheryl said. "We don't have time for petty boy bs." You nod looking up at the silver and white December sky. Small little flakes fall from the sky, not a lot, but enough to dust the sidewalk.
   "It's so nice," you sigh. "Today I mean. The nicest Christmas we've had in a few years. Not muddy. Not frozen. It's a nice cold, snow day."
   "It is," they all nod.
  You walk in silence for a while. Watching wind blow the branches of bare trees and snow fall slowly from the sky. There are no cars out, which didn't surprise you. You could smell a dinner from one of the homes you pass. It gives you a feeling of warmth. You smile to yourself. You grab fangs arm feeling a very sharp cramp starting. He gives you a look of horror and pain. You close your eyes and breathe deeply. Cheryl rubs your back. You open your eyes after a few minutes and let out your breath.
   "Sis," Fangs says slowly. "Did you pee yourself?"
   "No?" You look down at the ground.
    "Oh my god!" Cheryl says quickly. "That's your water! It broke! We are too far from your house. Betty's... Okay. Breathe and we are gonna get to Alice. It's only two houses down."
   "Okay," you nod. "Let's hurry though." They all nod and you see the spectrum of panic to sheer excitement. It's the first time you've ever seen it so perfect. You could almost laugh, but you were also in a state of panic.
   Cheryl bangs on the door of the Cooper residence, "Answer the door! Mrs Cooper! Now is not the time to dally."
    "Cheryl," Alice opens the door annoyed. "What are you doing?"
    "Y/N's water broke and we need to get to the hospital," Kevin says. "We were walking it's a whole story. Can you please drive us?"
    "Oh!" Go get in the car!" Alice said. "I am right behind you." They walk you to car. Fangs and Cheryl sitting next to you in the backseat and Kevin in the front as Alice flies through the streets of Riverdale to Riverdale General. "Go!" She gives Fangs and Cheryl a look through the mirror as she skids to a stop.
   "Hello, labor, water broke," Fangs pants running to the lady. "Please, help." People rush around you from there. They put you in a chair and rush you to a room. Nurses and Doctors are checking your stats and helping you change into a gown. Through all of this you realize that you hadn't called Sweet Pea and you mentally yell at yourself.
   "Call Pea," you say looking at Fangs. "We forgot."
    "Fuck!" He pulls out his phone and walks down the hall.
    "They called Dr Karev already. He's on his way in," Cheryl explained. "They said everything seems alright right now. If pain gets too much they can give you something. They don't want you having anything but ice chips right now, until Karev comes."
   "Okay," you nod, watching for Fangs. "Please tell him to hurry." She nods and walks out the door. "I can't have this baby without him." You start crying again.
   "You won't," Alice reassures you. "You're only four centimeters. You have a lot of time ahead." A nurse knocks on the door.
   "I'm here to hook you up to your IV," she explained. "This is so you can retain fluids, and any medications if necessary. How do you feel?"
   "Sick," you mumble.
   "It's normal," she says. "I can get you something for your nausea if necessary."
    "I'm okay right now," you sigh.
    "Alright. Well, I'm gonna try my best to do this as quickly as possible," she says and grabs everything she needs. She wipes your arm down with an alcohol pad then takes the needle. You look away and try to ease your mind as she pushes it into your arm. You feel it pinch and her move it. She puts a clear mask over it leaving the line free. Quickly, you feel the cold liquid run through your veins. Leaving your hand freezing. You were hooked up to multiple machines. You weren't listen to half of them, you just knew that you had started to feel another contraction coming. These were way worse then the ones from before. Kevin holds your hand and tries his best to talk you through it. You let out a groan and squeeze your eyes shut for a second then it was gone.
   "Hey," Sweet Pea rushes in. He seemed out of breath and kinda wet. "How are you feeling? Is everything alright?"
   "Yeah," you nod. "Everything is fine. I am having contractions every eighteen minutes. They last a minute and thirty seconds. Dr Karev should be here soon." He sighed in relief before kissing your forehead. "I'm sorry we didn't call sooner. Everything happened so fast. Don't be angry."
   "What?" He laughed. "I'm not angry. I'm just happy I didn't miss it and you're okay. I could barely hear Fangs after he said get to the hospital. I just grabbed everything and went."
    "I couldn't either," you joke. "But, I was getting hooked up to all of these machines. I'm part robot." He laughs lowly and pushes your hair back.
   "Merry Christmas, love," he smiled and you smile back remembering your last Christmas.
"Merry Christmas," you say. "What a difference our Christmases have been." He laughed and nods. "I'm so happy you decided to be here. I could not do this without you."
"I'm happy I did to," he said grabbing your hand. You hadn't held hands since the gender reveal party which was so long ago. "I'm sorry, that it's not what you planned." You shake your head. "Blame then."
"I do," you laugh as you use your free hand to wipe your face. "They had to go and jinx everything."
"I'm happy that I get to do this with you," he said. "I couldn't imagine this moment with anyone else and I don't want to. I want you, Y/N. I do. I didn't want to throw all of this at you so early. But, I love you, Princess and I want to have a future with you. I want everything."
"Pea," you shake your head unable to find words. "I love you too. So much. I didn't know how to tell you. I thought after everything that happened that maybe you didn't feel the same way. Then, I kissed you. Which, I thought screwed everything up between us." He shakes his head now laughing. "I didn't want to tell you because I thought if I did you would feel obligated, which I didn't want, to say it back and be with me."
"I don't feel obligated," he said. "I want it. I want you. I promise, now stop rambling." You nod and he kissed your forehead again.
   The next few hours were awful. Contractions were the complete worse. Every time one would come, you felt like you were getting stabbed repeatedly all over your body. You cried a lot, while Sweet Pea and Alice tried to calm you. They held your hands and helped you breathe. You felt so tired. You wanted to sleep, but couldn't because the pain. Your came into to give you a pain medication through your IV, which was taking too long to work.
   "I don't wanna do this anymore," you say through tears. "It hurts too much."
   "You're alright," Alice said. "You're doing so well."
   "Yeah," Sweet Pea nods. "You're doing great, babe. You can do this. The pain medicine will kick in soon. Just breathe." He runs his hand down your face to wipe away tears. "Breathe." He says again and kisses your forehead. "It's alright." You close your eyes, feeling his breath hit your forehead.
   "How's mom doing?" Dr Karev comes in. "Has your pain medication kicked in?" You shake your head. "Don't worry, it will soon. I'm here to see how everything is going. I'm sorry I'm a little late, was out for Christmas... Now, your contractions are about ten minutes apart. They are lasting about fourty five seconds. Are they stronger?" You nod. "Alright, I'm gonna check to see how dilated you are Alright?" He puts gloves on after washing his hands. "You are six centimeters now. Are you interested in having an epidural?"
   "God yes," you groan. "Please."
   "Okay," He nods. "I will have the nurses get everything ready. Once we administer it, you will become basically numb from your belly down. Alright, I am also going to have them give you something for nausea. A lot of younger people get sick from it. What they will do is position you so they can get to your lower back where they will insert the catheter. You won't feel it, because you already have the other pain medicine. Once they insert the catheter they will give the epidural through that. It is a step by step process and it gets uncomfortable sometimes. I am just preparing you for it. I don't think you'll want all of your friends in here either. Probably just dad."
    "Dad," Pea chuckled and you could hear panic hidden in his dry voice. "That's me."
   "Yeah," Dr Karev said. "Is there anything else you need?"
    "This to be over," you sigh and he chuckled.
   "In good time," he smiled. "I haven't met you, are you her mother? I'm Doctor Karev."
    "Oh no," Alice laughed. "I her friends mom, basically her adoptive mother."
   "Well it's nice to have you all here," he said before exiting the room. He gave an awkward wave to the room full of people.
"Your doctor is super cute," Kevin said. "I think I might get a girl pregnant."
"What?" Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I don't understand you."
"It was a joke Cheryl," Kevin said. "Take it easy."
"Easy? The birth of my godson is happening," Cheryl gasped. "Which, by the way, where the hell is the other one? He's usually attached at the hip."
"I don't know," Sweet Pea frowned. "I'll go try to find him."
"Good idea," Alice said. "I'll stay with her. Betty and Veronica should be back any second."
"I'll be back," He said before leaving the room.
"He's freaking," Archie said. "You see his face?"
"Yeah," Reggie nods. "He turned real white."
"Shut up," you groan. "Please. I'm already freaking out."
"God you are such goons," Cheryl rolled her eyes as she sat next to you. "He is just looking for Fangs. He is fine."
"Okay," you nod. "He's alright. He doesn't get scared of anything."
"Yeah," Jughead said. "Sweet Pea is fearless. He doesn't run away from anything. The guy runs towards a fire instead of away."
"Thanks Jug," You sigh. "I know this is uncomfortable for you."
"Uncomfortable? Psh, I thrive in uncomfortable situations," he chuckled. "Though, I usually make the situation." You laugh and give him a friendly smile. "Which reminds me... My dad is coming with Fred. I didn't invite them, but we know how this will play out."
"It's fine," you laugh. "I grew up with them. They should get to see my widening vagina too." They give you a strange, disgusted look. "Pain meds are definitely kicking in."
"Which means, they are right on time," Alice says quickly as the nurses come in. "Her other pain medications kicked in."
"Good, I am going to start by sitting you up," a nurse said as the other one shut the curtain that cut off the door. "I want to see your spine in an upright position. Will you all step into the hall, please. Now, ready?" You nod as they help you up. You feel their fingers run down your spine and then something rub on your lower back. "Lay on your side...Okay, here's when you will feel pressure. Are you alright?" You were scared. You heard stories of this and everyone says it's awful. "Here, we can have one of the boys come over and hold your hand. Is that okay?" You nod. She brings Archie around the curtain.
"I guess, I'm emotional support like Ronnie said," he chuckled awkwardly and you laugh nodding. He grabs your hand. "You're gonna be fine. I've seen you go through some pretty tough crap over the years. This is just another thing. Remember when we were all riding our bikes when we were seven? It was icy and we got to that big hill. We all stopped, but you hit that patch and slid. You and your bike went tumbling down that hill," he chuckled. "You got up at the bottom and kept going. You had scrapes and blood literally everywhere. Betty told us to go home. But, you didn't want to."
"I wanted to get down to the river," you laugh. "So we can skate on the bay. We didn't even have skates." You feel something push into your back and you squeeze his hand tighter.
"Well, we learned a few months later not to do that anymore," he nods. "When you and Reggie were playing and both tumbled into the water."
"Thank god for your dad," you say.
"You wanted to go back," He shook his head. "But, we weren't allowed. My dad made sure that we didn't to."
"He had Kevin's dad put a deputy out there," You laugh. "Guess it worked, haven't been back. Well, some of us."
   "All done," the nurse said. "You can try to get comfortable again. And, try not to fall in frozen lakes."
   "Don't worry, I won't," you say. "I am a better now." She nods while pushing the curtain open then leaving.
   "That lady," Cheryl shook her head. "I don't understand why I had to stay out when they let Archie in."
   You shrug, "Find Fangs and Pea?" They shake their heads. "Okay... Well, Veronica did say this would happen."
   "That was a joke," Jughead said. "He probably just can't find Fangs."
   "Will you try to find him? Please," You sigh. Your bottom half of your body was quickly numbing. You could still feel contractions, but they were no where near as bad as they were.
   "I'll go with you," Reggie offered. "It's a big place."
   "Thanks," You say smiling. Veronica and Betty come in as they leave. "Hey."
   "How do you feel?" Betty asked coming to your side. "Where's Pea?"
    "Ask V," You laugh. "He was cool until Dr Karev came."
   "No," Veronica said. "I'm sorry. Is that where the boys went?" You nod. "Well you still have two very capable boys to hold your hand. And, you have the rest of us to stay with you. And, Toni is just down the hall in the bathroom."
   "Thanks," You nod. "I thought you were gonna say that he was just stopped in gift shop or something. He's actually missing..." You turn on your side and bury your face in the blanket. Cheryl rubs your back, giving Veronica a glare.
   "He is," Kevin said. "He isn't the best at making decisions. He's probably stuck choosing between food."
   "He probably took the stairs," Alice said. "We are pretty far up and he's impatient."
   "So true," Veronica said. "He is just restless."

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