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Meet Mary, known to you guys as thecodyfern --- Horror/Paranormal winner in the 2018 Winter Rose Awards

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Meet Mary, known to you guys as thecodyfern --- Horror/Paranormal winner in the 2018 Winter Rose Awards. Even though we've never had a conversation, on observation she seems pretty cool with an obsession for the very sexy Bucky Barnes.

With a 5/10 profile rating, Mary took the time out for an interview with MM and it went down like this.



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What does a day in your life look like?

I'd say being on my phone. It's really bad. Yikes 😂

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Biggest pet peeve... when people start acting out of attention. I literally notice when a person acts out of character in order to get attention...

How were you introduced to wattpad?

My friends have it and so I downloaded it but I've had it when I was younger but I deleted it.

Who's your favorite fictional character, and why?

Oh gosh, that is hard. I'd probably have to say either Michael Langdon or Bucky Barnes. They both are just... adorable?

▪ Do you prefer Coffee or Tea?

I was thinking hard on this question and for some reason, I was thinking of whether you meant iced coffee and iced tea but- ok tea.

What's the funniest thing you did as a child?

At this moment I can't think of anything surprisingly.

If you could go back and give your ten-year-old self two advice, what would they be?

Stop stressing out about middle school. It's not worth it... at all.   

You're on a deserted island with food, drinking water, and shelter. What five other things would you wish for on the island?

Phone, a friend, a tv, Percy Jackson books, Sebastian Stan

What motivated you to start your own story/ies?

I don't even know. I just remembered writing back in third grade and suddenly I have WP that actually helps me write and share. I took the opportunity and here I am now.

What's the best memory you can recall in your entire life?

Last summer, I went to universal studios with my family which was one of the best things I could ever experience. Along with that, I went to my first FOB concert, gosh I was freaking out.

What are you doing when you're not on Wattpad?

Probably on social media

What's your guilty pleasure?

Gummy bears oh gosh. I'm eating some right now. Oh, and Bucky Barnes because that man is beautiful. [Yea he truly is lol and so is gummy bears]

Three words that best describe you?

Kind, smart, and loving.

The name thecodyfern wasn't the name you were previously using, why change it and does it have any specific meaning?

 Ha, interesting question. It comes from one of my favorite actors, Cody Fern. His Instagram used to be @thecodyfern and I decided to use it for my WP since nobody else did. At first, I regretted it because my original, @mapreza1 is my username for almost all my accounts whether it's Spotify, Snapchat, YouTube... but I love it now.

Would you recommend Wattpad to anyone and why?

Yeah, I guess so. I love Wattpad because of the people. They are the kindest people on any social media in my opinion.

Besides Wattpad, are you available on any other site?

Yes! Snapchat.

You recently won first place in the Winter Rose Awards within the Horror/Paranormal genre, congrats again. The judge praised your ability with capturing the paranormal element, do you consider it your strong area?

At first, I didn't think so. But considering that my story comes from American Horror Story, I had to adapt to writing horror scenes which I kept revising so that it actually sounded scary. Apparently, it worked.

How would you best describe your writing style?

Depending on what story. It can be formal or informal. My first book was a fanfic and it's informal and goofy but Begone, Satan has become formal. I've focused on it and dedicated all my time on it.

How does it feel to be a winner?

Freaking amazing!

And finally, tell us, who is thecodyfern?

Just a random girl who loves to write Fanfiction and connect with people on the world of WP.


Thank you thecodyfern for spending a moment of your time with MM. Wishing you all the best this year.

 Wishing you all the best this year

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Keep writing!

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