Extra Special Feature

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As we wrap up this July Extra Special Feature, let's see what last year's featured writers has been up since the last time we spoke with them.




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▪ What was the last gift you can recall giving someone?

22 letters for 22nd bday of my ex.

▪ If you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, which would you choose?


▪You happen to stumble upon a lottery ticket that ends up winning $15 million. What would you do?

Try to find who it belongs to. If I don't find I'll keep it.

▪ Who's your least favorite fictional character and why?

Bellatrix Lestrange (harry potter) because she's just annoying. [Agreed!]

▪ What do you consider your writing pet peeve?


▪ The end of the world is in 12 hours. How would you spend those 12 hours?


▪ If you're to be reincarnated, which animal would you prefer to live as and why:

° A Lion

° An Eagle

° A Bear

° A Wolf

A wolf (just because there's no option to be a dog😂)

▪ Are you the type that silently watches the movie or scream at the characters?


▪ What have you been up to since sitting down with us last season?

Moved to New Zealand for Studies.

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