Chapter 7

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"Your body is beginning to reject the flame" Abby explained as she collected her papers together. She had been hunched over her desk for hours trying figure out what was so wrong with Lexa. Clarke had been sat with the commander the entire time, watching as her mother took blood and checked her heart rate over and over.

"Why though? Lexa is a night blood. Her body should accept the flame. As long as she isn't red blooded then she's safe. Right?"

Abby sighed and slipped her white doctor's coat from her arms. She hung it over the arm of her chair and sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Lexa I don't know what to say to you sweetheart." Abby admitted honestly. Clarke shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She knew the tone in her mother's voice was something she should be concerned about, and she shuffled closer to Lexa, her hand grabbing Lexa's arm.

"Tell me what you know, Abby. Nothing seems to surprise me anymore." Lexa said honestly. It was true though. At first, Lexa surprised herself by falling in love again, which was something she promised herself she would never do. She then pursued that love further, resulting in her death. Then... then she was brought back. Whatever Abby had now, it was most likely unsurprising.

"Lexa, you're losing your nightblood"

Clarke forgot her thoughts from the past few minutes. Lexa was definitely surprised. Shocked. Hurt even. The look in her eyes, the way they grew wide at her mother's words. Clarke's mouth felt dry, and her grip tightened on Lexa's arm.

"How? What's happening to her, mom? Can we fix it?" Her voice cracked and wavered. After all, she was thinking of the worst possible scenario. Was she going to lose Lexa again?

"When she came back I took blood tests on her. Remember that?" She received a nod from the two girls "I compared the tests I just took. nightblood normally has a small amount of red blood cells amongst nightblood cells. Your recent tests show me that the number of red blood cells in your blood is growing."

Lexa stared blankly

"It means your blood is turning red, Lexa"

"What do I do?" Lexa said. Her voice was thick with tension. Clarke could tell her anger was growing with the volume of her voice "what do you want me to do?"

"There's nothing we can do. I can look into maybe finding some in mount weather. I'm sure they must have harvested some nigh-"

"No. I will not steal the blood from my people and use it to my advantage." Lexa stood and clenched her fists "I am not the mountain men. And I am not skaikru"

With that, she pulled from Clarke's grasp and stormed out, door slamming.

"Well that went well" Abby said sadly

"Maybe she'll come around." Clarke slipped from her seat and went to follow her.

She wasn't exactly sure what she was going to say. She had a feeling though that 'Hey Lexa, just use someone else's blood' would not be very convincing.

She searched for Lexa, wondering different sized corridors and checked every room she believed Lexa to be in. The war room, Raven's workshop, even the weapons room, they were all devoid of a certain commander. It was beginning to grow later and later into the evening, and darkness was beginning to cast leaning shadows across the training yard as Clarke trailed to the dining hall. Her eyes began to droop as she found it empty. Wherever Lexa was at that moment and time, she did not want to be found and Clarke had to accept that.

She heavily pushed her bedroom door open, a sigh catching in her throat as she finds the room warm and lit with candles. A figure lay on her bed, tattooed arm rested comfortably above the covers. A small smile lined Clarke's lips and she slipped off her boots. Found you she thought.

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