~♥~ Chapter 11: Rude ~♥~

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"Why you gotta be so rude,
Don't you know I'm human too?"

Amelia's POV

Madison opens the door to find clothes streamlined across the dorm.

"What the actual fuck, Mia. I'm gone for four hours to work my ass off on my stupid part time job and I come back to this mess! Clean it up right now",she orders sternly.

Did I mention this? Madison recently started working as a waitress at the French cafe. And though,the food is really good and she gets a discount (which I end up using most of the time) ,there are so many drawbacks of working there. Like really rude customers and so many tables to wait.

"This really rude lady - Amelia, you need to give me your full undivided attention when I talking to you". Woah, she's really moody today.

" But I don't have anything to wear!", I moan.

" For what?", she looks really irritated.

" Madison! I'm meeting Phil's mother today. Hello, the queen? I need to look beauteous ", I say with poise.

" Uh okay but what's up with your vocab?", She raises an eyebrow.

" It's nothing. I just spent last night improving it and I'm so sleep deprived right now. But I'm sure it will be worth it . I need to sound posh too", I say yawning.

" Don't you think you're overdoing it ? You're not being yourself. Tone it down a bit ".

" Bitch, I'm meeting the frigging queen!", I exclaim.

" Jeez, babe. ", Madis starts laughing.

" I'm glad that you find my misery amusing ", I say while rolling my eyes.

" If you're trying to find a brain in there , don't hold your breath", Mads says.

We both look at each other and burst out laughing. I can never be mad at her . I roll my eyes again and she says "See, didn't find one yet,did you?", She smirked.

" But seriously, what the fuck should I wear. I have nothing that screams queen worthy!". Madison goes through my clothes and gasps suddenly." This. Is. It! Wear this!",she squeals.

She selected a knee length blue and orange printed dress with a collar. I looked at it skeptically. Pretty.

"Okay", I say. "I'm so scared . What will happen today? Will she even like me? Phil told me that she's really nice one you get to know her. But will she be nice to me? After all, I'm the girl who had sex with her son and wounded up pregnant".

Madison rolled her eyes at my panicked state.

"Now who's searching for their brain?", I say. I know we're lame but come on , it's funny.

"So, any tips? ", I ask.

"Oh, with the mother, just... just constantly tell her how amazing her son is. Take it from me, moms love me. My ex's mom one time actually said I'm like the daughter that she never had", she says with pride.

" Okay, got it. Wish me luck".

Let's do this.


The palace is pristine and immaculate. I can't get over it's beauty.

I get out of the taxi and pay the driver. I see Phil, waiting for me, looking hot as hell. As soon as he looks at me, he starts walking towards the palace. Wow, at least he could wait.

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