Chapitre Un

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It was another cold day in Paris, but the cold whether wasn't what was bothering all the men and women in the dark room of a building that overlooked the vast Mediterranean Sea. What was bothering them was the fact that everyone in the room has attempted to assassinate the country's richest man for the bounty they would receive if they prevailed, but no one has come even close to doing so. As so they arranged a meeting for all the assassins after this man, Erwin Smith. Assassins ranged from novices to the elites, and the meeting soon started when the head of the organization appeared on the stage before them.

" As you all know, our priority is the assassination of Erwin Smith. The reasoning behind this is the amount one will receive when the job is complete. 879,845,000 euros worth from a single man."

The crowd broke into hushed whispers after the head spoke of the bounty from this assassination. As they quieted down the head continued.

" Seeing as approximately 49,900 out of 50,000 haven't succeeded in putting him to his grave we have no choice but to send in the elites."

This time instead of the hushed whispers there were loud shouts and yells from those who had attempted in killing Erwin, one spoke up from the crowd with a question.

" And who do you intend in sending in?! Most of the elite assassins have already tried and they failed too! So who are you sending??!!"

" The most superior of the elites, he moves swiftly in the shadows and ends his missions with one blow."

Everyone went silent at once, the same person spoke up once more.

" You can't be serious... What if he fails too? What will we do then?!"

" Who do you think you're talking about, rookie? Me? Fail? Since when have I ever done that?"

In the shadow of the head of the organization was the most respected assassin among them. The man in black spoke with a harsh and cold voice as emerged from the shadow of his superior. Everyone stared wide eyed as he continued to speak.

" If anyone has failed, it's all of you pieces of shits in this very room. The man whom you're speaking about is a man whose never failed, not once, not ever."

The man stood with his hands in his pockets of his black drench coat, hiding his face in the shadows from the poor lighting and his hair. The head walked up next to him and laid his hand atop his shoulder and spoke again.

" We have been left with him as our only option. If he succeeds he may use the bounty however he pleases, however if some how he does fail, he will be stripped of his rank and will be dismissed from the organization." His grip tightened on his shoulder but he continued, " So I must ask for all of you to remain on stand by while he is working, he may need more than one shot this time and he doesn't need any distractions."

The meeting ended and the Head took the elite off to the side, in the darkest of shadows away from the crowd.

" You understand the reason on why we need Erwin dead correct?"

" If he's still breathing then eventually he'll take control of the whole damn country, is that about right?"

" This is serious!" The Head spoke in hushed scold, of course the man knew this was serious. He just hated being reminded of something he already knew.

" Yeah I get it, if he's still alive before the release of the new tracking device he's invested in manufacturing then assassins everywhere are done for. We'll all be arrested and in worst cases many of us will die based on where they live."

The Head was quiet for a minute but he cleared his throat and spoke again, " That is what used to be the case, Eagle. Things have changed, we need his money for this organization to help support our own and those close to us. Lately there haven't been any missions available for us because Erwin himself has created a highly elite force of ex-assassins."

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