Chapitre Six

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The two men were sitting at the dinner table picking up their discussion they had started in the limo. Erwin was quick to get right back into it.

" So, as we were discussing about your organization we had left off with me stating that the Head of it wasn't him at all. Curious as to how I know for certainty?"

" Who do you take me for you old geezer, of course I want to know."

" Based on what you've told me and what information I have on him I can say for certain this is not the same man. If you look here and recall how the other acted and looked, you can obviously see that we are dealing with someone else." Erwin passed a pale yellow file that contained papers of information on the organization Levi work for and he continued, " I want you to tell me if you've been in contact with them recently, in person."

" I was with him during our meeting before I was sent to your location, but he seemed shorter and thinner than usual."

" Is there anything else you can recall?"

" The way he spoke, he wasn't as strict sounding as he usually is and he can't tolerate the shit I say to him. That's all I can remember that seemed off."

Erwin rested his hand against his chin in thought as he was looking over the information and absorbing what the raven had told him. Levi, too, thought about this observation and could only come to one conclusion. It seemed like the two men were thinking the same thing as they stared at each other with strict glares before they heard something from the back of the house. Both men stood in a hurry but Levi was the first to run towards his mother's room when he heard a shriek. He kicked the door down and his eyes widened.

She was gone.

The room was a mess but so little time had passed for struggle, the window open with the wind blowing the curtains. Levi fell to his knees and stared at the broken glass on the floor ahead of him. Erwin had come after a minute and was looking around the room. He paused in his tracks and looked outside the window. He turned his head to see the raven on the floor trying his best not to break down, though it wasn't going to prove successful. He walked over to the smaller male and kneeled down in front of him.

" Don't worry Levi, my men will go after her. For now you'll have to stay with me and we can figu-!"

" Don't give me that shit!!!"

Without hesitation Levi had punched Erwin as hard as he could and pounced on him like a cat would it's prey. He continued punching the man below him and eventually grabbed Erwin by his hair and brought him close to his face.

" You think I'm going to stay here and drink tea with you while my mother is out there, being dragged into this mess?! Did you really think I would stay here after she got kidnapped?!" The raven's grip tightened, " No way in hell!!! At this point I'm suspecting you did this!!!"

" Do you really think I'd do this? To what benefit would I have in doing this? Ask yourself that."

Levi paused and thought about it, and slowly he loosened his grip on the man. He hated having to work with his target, and now that his mother had been kidnapped he was forced to work with him in order to get her back. He sighed roughly and stood up with shaking legs. He turned but paused and lend a hand for Erwin to help him up without looking back at him. After the man was standing, Levi swept his hand away and walked off towards his bedroom. He moved his bed and moved a few boxes until a trapdoor came into view, and what lay underneath he hoped to save for more dire emergencies but he figured this was as dire as one could get. Below the trapdoor was a small room filled with weaponry of all kinds and armor. From .22LR to .357 Magnum, manual to automatic guns, chemical to combat weaponry. A collection for a one man army, and if you named a single weapon, this man had it. He could hear Erwin above him but he didn't care anymore, he had hidden this from the world for as long as he could remember.

" Levi, with all of these..."

" You didn't have any problems or complaints about me earlier and now you do? Typical."

" No, I'm trying to say that we should transport these weapons and armor to my vault in the Scouts' Protective Safety Operations."

" And why would I entrust all of these to the SPSO? My uncle handed these down to me without my mother knowing these were even here, so why would I?"

" For that very reason. When we get your mother back you wouldn't want her to know these are here correct? They'll be safe in the vault, and you have my word on that."

Levi was reluctant but he agreed. He invited Erwin to come down and so he offered him a few weapons for protection purposes and helped him put on some of the armor such as a bulletproof vest and leggings with bulletproof materials. Since Levi was going to be protecting his target he'd need to make sure he had the first class protection from the raven.

" I see you're taking your job seriously."

" Shut up you old geezer, I'm only doing this because I don't have much choice right now."

" I bet you're aching to kill me, aren't you?"

" What do you know? But yes, I'd love to see your face when I kill you."

" Say, though I know your real name I'd like to know your code name."

"... Eagle."

" That's a great choice, you do have sharp eyes through that scope of yours."

AN: Here's Chapter Six, and now that I've finished these drafts I've got to do one last request and then I'll go back in a round and do the ones I haven't updated in a while and yeah. I hope you liked this this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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