Chapitre Treize

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" You sure they're going to be here?" Eren asks impatiently.

" I'm positive we'll find them here." Levi replied monotonously.

" Are they always out for a drink at places like this or what?"

" Shut up already and act like you own the place."

Levi was stuck with Eren while Erwin was getting cigarettes and drinks, and while the man was out, the raven and the brunette were on the look out for a brown haired woman with glasses. Her name was none other than Hanji Zoe.


Erwin and Levi were discussing what they would need to do in order to be a step closer with the SL if they were to get into the party that was going to be held in two days. Eren was in the other room talking with the Head of the WOF while the other two men were talking about their plans.

" Look, Erwin, I'm telling you. If we have her with us it'll make things a lot easier."

" How's one to say that she won't turn her back on us and report us?"

" She won't. She's never turned down a friend in need and she'd never betray someone even if her life depended on it. If we have her, we gain the upper hand."

Erwin sighed and thought about it before giving in, " Alright, I'll trust you on this. So, where can we find her?"

" Here." Levi pulled up a map and showed the location to Erwin, " She's always here when she has her days off, so that's where we'll find her."

" A bar huh? Sounds like fun." Levi turned to see who had chirped into their conversation and saw that it was Eren coming back into the room, " So the Head said that the WOF would stop their goose chases for both of you and agreed to help us in anyway possible whenever we need it. So that being said, if you think you can get someone from the SL then we'll be in tiptop shape."

۩۞۩Present Timeline۩۞۩

The blonde man had come back from his hunt for cigarettes and drinks, and then linked his arms in both Levi's and Eren's arms, escorting them to a table. Once they found a place to sit, the three men took their seats. Erwin made Levi sit next to him while Eren sat across from the two of them. Levi grabbed the pack of cigarettes and grabbed one for him and Erwin before pulling out his lighter and lighting his cigarette. Erwin looked at him, asking for his to be lit, the raven gave in and lit the man's cigarette.

" Now then, where exactly do we have to look in order to find this person?"

" She works here so she'll come to us when she sees that there are new customers here to greet us. So we just have to wait for her to come to us."

" Sounds simple enough, and also, why don't I get a cigarette? I'm of age you know."

" Kids like you don't need to be inhaling an early death."

" Riiight. Well can I at least have a drink?"

" Yes, since you're twenty-three."

" Sweet. Don't mind if I do."

" Pour us some too now."

" Alright mom."

Levi watched as Eren poured three glasses of red wine for the three of them, and while he watched, the raven noticed a familiar figure behind the brunette. Once the figure turned around, Levi flagged them down. When the figure, Hanji, came to their table, she smiled brightly once she saw two familiar faces.

" Oh my god, Levi and Eren are here at my bar! What are you guys doing here?"

" Listen shitty glasses, I don't have much time to talk here seeing as you're working and all, but to sum it up we need your help shutting down the SL."

" Wait wait wait, are you saying you want to put an end to the Scouting Legion?"

" Yes, look, I'll tell you rest at this building." Levi handed Hanji a piece of paper with an address written on it, " If you'll help then we need the Special Operations Squad in two days."

" Two days, that's when the SL holds it's annual masquerade party. Alright, I'll meet up with you when I finish for today. Sorry Eren, I'll catch up with you later today."

" Sure thing Hanji, see ya."

Hanji smiled again and left after waving down a waiter with a new bottle of red wine to their table. Once their table was left alone, Levi sighed out smoke from the toxin he was inhaling and slumped in his seat. Eren continued drinking to his heart's content while Erwin started a conversation with the raven.

" You know, I sometimes wonder why your code name is Eagle. You should be the Raven instead."

" Why's that?"

" Because you move in the shadows in the night and you have astounding black hair."

Levi could feel his face burn up in embarrassment and turned his face away from the man next to him, " Yeah, well, maybe you should have the code name the Sly Fox since you seem to be so clever in things like embarrassing me."

" No need to pout, I was giving you a simple compliment."

" Whatever, old geezer."

" Ooooh! Levi's getting embarrassed!" A drunk Eren chirped in.

" Shut up you damn brat."

The three of them continued like this before Erwin and Levi had to help Eren walk out to the car in order to get to the meeting place. While they were in the car, the brunette had blacked out, Erwin sat next to Levi. The raven started to wonder why the man had such an interest in him, but then again, he kind of expected it. The SL would sometimes ask for the raven during the late hours to have some kind of entertainment, so he knew that people would want him for his body. And he knew that Erwin would be no different.

" Levi, are you prepared for what you might face once we commence our mission?"

" You nuts? Of course I am, and I'll make those bastards pay for what they did."

" Mr Smith, we've arrived at the location." The limo driver spoke up.

" Very well, thank you. Well then, shall we go?"

AN: Srry for all the dialogue in this chapter but I didn't really know how to write this chapter so I went with this, but trust me, next chapter will be better and probably longer for details on their plan. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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