Chapitre Vingt et Un

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Erwin sat in the dark kitchen of the raven's house, his elbows on the cold surface of the island counter, his face covered and buried in his hands. He wondered what was different this time. He had killed other people before, but what made this murder different? Was it the fact that it was the mother of a man of whom he had grown to like and cherish?

He didn't know, and even if he did, he couldn't comprehend anything. However, he had to admit one thing.

He had fallen in love with Levi without even realizing it.

Erwin slumped down even further in his position and steadily grew to hate himself for the action he took. He wondered, if he were to try and confront Levi, what would happen? Would the raven kill him on the spot? Erwin thought that the raven would do such a thing, and he didn't mind the thought.

As he was dreading himself with those thoughts, he heard a knock on the front door. Has he come back to kill me? Erwin thought. He stood from the seat he seat in and went over to the door. When he opened it, he was immediately taken aback.

Levi had been walking with Eren and Annie, back to his house, and was thinking on how he could start a conversation without speaking. Then he remembered what he would do with his mother when he was a little child. He'd knock on the door and wait until his mother came to open it, and once she did, he would jump onto her with open arms and embrace her.

The raven thought that would be okay, seeing as him and Erwin had cuddled once on the couch at the base they used before the masquerade. And with the information he got from Eren, he too noticed that Erwin had grown to like him. As a way to break the silence upon coming up to his house, Levi spoke up.

" I want to thank you guys, you know, for not giving up on me and snapping me back into reality."

" You can thank us later, right now, you need to go on up there and see him. I've been watching him for a while now and I know that he'll still be inside sulking. So get in there!" Eren playfully slapped Levi's back to make him go forward.

The raven chuckled a bit before heading up to the door and knocking. When the door opened, Levi immediately jumped into Erwin's unexpecting arms.

The man before him was startled and reluctantly returned the embrace. All was silent until Levi looked up and spoke.

" ... Erwin, I... I'm sorry.... I made a big deal out of this, when really I..."

" Don't say that. I should be the only one apologizing here. You had every right to act the way you did; I murdered your mother."

Levi shook his head. " She was already dead. There was no cure for the virus the SL injected into her. She would've died on her own and I would still act the way I did, only I'd go into the SL and kill as many people in there as I could before they could kill me."

" Well aren't you scary?"

" Yeah, yeah. You want to know what I'd do if I lost you?"

" ! What?"

" You want to know?"

Erwin nodded.

" I'd kill the bastards responsible for your death and kill them."

" What would you do afterwards?"

" I don't know. I suppose death isn't all that bad; that way I'll get to see you and my mother."

" Levi..."

The raven didn't like talking about such morbid things, but he felt safe and content about it if he was with Erwin. Since he was a bit anxious, Levi gripped onto Erwin's shirt tightly and pulled himself up, and without hesitation, Levi did the unthinkable.

He closed the gap between both of them and did so with a kiss.

The raven remembered that Eren and Annie were still nearby, so he backed away from the kiss only to be given a kiss back.

" ! Er-Erwin? Eren and Annie are nearby..."

" They're not out there. We're fine."

Before Levi could retort or say anything back, Erwin had sealed his lips with another kiss.

Eventually, the two men ended up going into the raven's room and continued their activities there for the rest of the night. When morning broke out, Levi woke up laying atop of Erwin's chest. At first he felt his face grow hot with embarrassment, but he soon forgot about that and wore a small smile.

He didn't know what it was about Erwin that made him feel safe enough to smile and show the emotions he wouldn't show anyone else except his mother, but he loved it. He loved Erwin, even. That morning, Levi made up his mind to lay his life on the line for him.

While he was sorting through his thoughts, he forgot about the false Head of the SL. With this in his mind, Levi started to shake Erwin awake. Eventually the man had woken up and asked what was wrong.

" We forgot about the Head of SL. That fake is still tied up in that room at the base we're using."

Upon hearing this, Erwin's eyes went wide and he cursed to himself before Levi got off him and out of the bed.

It took about half an hour to get to the base, thanks to Erwin's limo driver taking the quickest route and using the highest speeds without getting pulled over. When the two entered the building, they felt something was off. The building was too quiet, as they expected that at least Eren and Annie would've come back here.

They decided to search around and to make sure that the false Head of the SL was still tied and locked up. Unfortunately, when Levi went to check, she was gone. Levi clicked his tongue in irritation and thought about how she could've escaped. Then all of a sudden, he remembered what his mother had told him before she passed.

" ... Kenny..." Levi clicked his tongue and ran off to find Erwin.

AN: Here's chapter twenty-one. I wanted Levi to realize that what Erwin did was a sign of mercy. That's what I think at least, cuz I mean, Kuchel was already dead when the SL gave her that incurable virus, so I find what Erwin did an act of kindness and mercy. What do you guys think? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll get busy writing the next one!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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