Chapitre Sept

526 16 9

The ride was silent but Levi didn't mind it at all, rather he much preferred it that way. The weapons stored under his room were all put into a truck and right now that truck was in front of the vehicle the two men were in. The raven sat quietly in his seat polishing and cleaning his weapons as he looked outside the tinted window of the limo. He could tell that Erwin wanted to say something but didn't know how to start the conversation, so he started it for him.

" I know you want to say something, so just say it. Though it may not look it but I'm not angry with you at all. I'm angry with myself is all, and the fact that I actually have to work with you now."

" Well that's a weight off my chest, because I'd rather not have you hate me. And yes, I do want to discuss about how we will be conducting this rescue mission."

" First things first old man, if we are doing what I think we'll have to do then we go by my rules. I only have a few of them so you won't have too much to worry about."

" Alright then, what are these rules of yours?"

" One: I use whatever tactic I see fit unless I'm put in a sticky situation, if you catch my drift. Two: I'm the one who gets my mother out of there, not you or any of the others. And three: If I deem the culprit my target, and you can bet all your earnings I will, I'll see to it that they won't see the light of day again."

Levi could see that Erwin was trying to digest his terms regarding the mission, but he didn't receive any form of refusal.

" Very well, however all I ask is that you tell me the situation before you take your shot."

" Fine. You have yourself an agreement." The raven extended his hand to shake on the deal and the man across from him didn't hesitate to take his hand.

" Right then. Regarding your mother, could I know more about her? It would help make things easier for my agency to locate her from their undercover work."

" Well as you saw she has long black hair, she's about my height, and she's awfully frail due to her sickness."

" Do you think you could draw a sketch of her?"

" I'm not very artistic but sure."

Levi took a hold of the sketch pad Erwin handed to him and took out a pen from his bag. As he started sketching her he started remembering the times when he was a child, as when summer arrived he, his mother, and his uncle would come together and go to their favorite sights and afterward they would spend time at the lake and swim. He couldn't help but smile when he remembered those days, and he missed them oh so much. When he looked at the sketch he just drew he could feel his tears fall from his eyes, and as so his tears fell onto the paper. He shut his eyes tightly and took in a sharp breath, but he could feel a rough yet warm sensation on his hands. Levi looked up and noticed that Erwin was holding both his hands in his. He looked up to the man but quickly retracted his gaze and hands away. However the man in front of him wasn't one to take no for an answer, and so Erwin came close to the raven and was almost pinning Levi to the seat.

" Why won't you accept anyone's help or support?"

" What are you talking about old geezer."

" You're always pushing people away when you need it the most, so is that?"

" Damn you're persistent."

" Just answer the question, or else."

" Or else what big guy?"

" Just answer my question."

Levi was getting furious by the man's threats and he slipped from the pressure.

" It's because I'm scared! I'm scared of trusting someone again! Alright?!"

The silence from before swept over them once again and both men were at a loss for words. The sound of the engine quietly humming while feeling the bumps of the road every now and then carried on with the silence. Erwin brought the raven into his arms, and though Levi fought back withe everything he had, he didn't let go of the man before him. As much as he hated to admit it, Erwin was right. But Levi wanted to put his trust and faith in someone ever since his father left him and his mother. Both men remained unmoving as they wanted to keep the moment for a while longer, but the raven was over it. Levi sat up slowly and as he did so Erwin retracted himself and sat back down on his side of the limo, still wearing a desolate expression yet wearing a gentle smile.

" Sorry about that Levi, I'd be grateful if you forgive me."

" Sure thing, so we going to discuss the plan or what? My mom is fragile already as it stands, and I don't want to see her broken to pieces if you know what I mean."

" Of course, right then." Erwin cleared his throat and took out a map and a file containing suspects, " This is a map of where the culprit will most definitely run off to, while these are lists of people we already have in question."

Erwin handed the file to the raven and continued to tell him his theory on who the culprit might be. Though he sounded like he was absolutely sure about where he was going with his plan and theory, the two men would have to be prepared for the worst case scenario.

AN: Here's chapter seven, I finished this cuz it was practically done and I wanted to update one last story before I called in for the night, well morning now. So I hope this made sense and that you enjoyed this chapter cuz I will see you in the next one!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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