Chapitre Trois

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Levi stood up and kicked the table away from the window and opened it all the way, he stepped into his position when he made shots like this. He legs apart and resting the gun onto his shoulder, he looked through the scope again and was shaken by what he saw. The target was still looking his way, but this time he was wearing a giant smirk on his face. He couldn't take it, he couldn't make his shot under all this pressure, but if he fled now the organization would see that and his life would be over. He took his aim again and pressed a bit harder on the trigger.

He couldn't do it.

He lowered his gun and walked over to the bed in a frenzy. His breathing was chaotic and his heart was pounding so fast it hurt, he raised his hand to the ear piece and started to speak.

" Sir, I don't know how but he saw me! He saw me through the scope!"

" Eagle, we can't have you panicking now! Just go back over there and take the shot, before he's out of sight!"

Levi gulped, " Yessir..."

He stood back up, his breathing only worsening, and went back to the window. He lifted his gun and looked through the scope one last time, but he was paralyzed. Cold sweat fell from the man's face and his breath was stifled. He blinked several times but to no prevail did that work, the target was gone. Levi slowly turned around and fall to the floor, his back touching the wall. He could feel the chilled breeze atop his head from the open window above him, but he remained still and shaken. He had to find Erwin, he needed to kill him, he needed to. For his mother. He reached for the earpiece once more and spoke with his voice quivering faintly.

" Head, the target is gone... So from now on I'm going to hunt him down, and when I know for certain that I have a clear shot... I'll kill him!"

" Eagle, did you shoot?"

" What?"

The question was so out of the blue and he was a bit surprised. Then all of a sudden he heard something pounding on the door to the suite.

" Did take a single shot, Eagle?!"

" Sir, someone is pounding on the door here." The man stood up and walked over to the door and looked through the hole, " ! Sir! It's the target! He's at the door, I can still do this!"

" Eagle stand down."

Levi had stopped in tracks, his legs were shaking and his eyes were wide. He had another chance to take down his target but he's ordered to stand down. Something didn't seem right, from the very start it hasn't felt right.

" With all due respect sir, the target somehow saw me through my scope and now he's knocking on the door to the room you made arrangements for for me to use. I'd like to know what the hell is going on here!"

He could hear the whispers of a crowd in the background and the yelling of someone else to quiet them. The Head then spoke in an irritated voice.

" What are you implying Eagle? That I had set things up so that if you had failed, you'd be eliminated by the very man you were to kill?"

" That is exactly what I'm implying, is it true sir? Is it true that you were the one killing off the organization?! Tell me, why?!"

There was silence and then the sound of the Head disconnecting from the network. He was on his own. If he was to die in the hands of his target, he'd rather watch them die first before he did. He looked through the hole of the door again and saw that Erwin was still there. The pounding continued as Levi had jogged over to his bag and took out a pistol and knife. He was best at far range shooting but he had some expertise in close combat as well, seeing that's one reason he was one of the elites. He went back to the door and took one last look through the hole, but he jumped back from he saw. The target was looking through the hole, but when he backed away he revealed one of the assassins that was deployed a few days ago to kill the one holding him. The pounding had stopped but to replace it was the chilling voice of the man behind the door.

" I see you were the one sent to kill me this time, well I do feel bad for all of you who are trying so hard to do so. Must be humiliating to be the ones killed by the very target you're after."

" Why did you bring him here?! What do you want from us?!"

" I want nothing from the others, but you seem to show some potential. I'd like for you to be my bodyguard, in exchange I'll release him and the others."

Levi gasped when he heard him say that, was he implying that he wasn't killing the organization's members? This thought came to mind but he wasn't going to fall for this, they had plenty more and if he could kill this man then their sacrifices weren't in vain.

" Piss off old man! You're lying! What you're giving back isn't any of my concern, I have something else I'm aiming for. That's why I joined this Assassination Organization, because they had something they could offer that nobody else could!"

" I see. So you're referring to your mother, am I right?"

" ... How did you?..."

" I have what you need most, no. What your mother needs most, all you have to do is accept my offer."

AN: Here's the third chapter, I'm going to finish the next chapter of Artist's hands and go from there. I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you later!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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