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About three years went by, and Levi and Erwin have been living in a small but comfortable house in the country side of France. Levi had ended his occupation as an assassin and settled to being an at home gardener and mother figure. During the time frame of when they met again to when they bought the house, they had gone to an orphanage and adopted a little boy they named Tiberius.

Erwin kept his job but was given lenient work hours and could work at home, so he could stay with his child and Levi. The two men enjoyed their time together and with their son, and so they lived as a family should.

One day, Levi and Erwin had their son Tiberius stay over with Eren and Annie and their child for the night, so the two decided to go for a walk in the wheat fields that surrounded their home.

" You know, I don't believe we've danced before."

" Where did that come from all of a sudden?" Levi questioned.

" I was thinking about what we did almost four years ago now, and I thought about Eren dancing with that fake SL leader."

" I do not want to think about that night ever again, mainly because of what Eren did with her."

" Yet you have no problem with the act when we do it on our own time."

" ! Shut up already. Now, take my hand."

Erwin did so and Levi took a hold of the man's hollow sleeve. They started swaying from side to side slowly, and held each other close. The warm breeze of the summer evening softly caressed both their skin, the sun touched them with gentle rays of warmth. Levi hummed a song for them to sway to.

" Levi, I love you. Pour la lune et retour." (To the moon and back.)

" Mais tu es mon étoile brillante, mon amour." (But you're my shining star, my love.)

AN: Here's the epilogue. I made it short and sweet, and cuz I had run out of ideas XD  So I hope you guys enjoyed reading Sharp Shooter. I had some fun writing a few chapters. So thank you for reading this Eruri fanfic and I'll see you guys in another fanfic!!!


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